Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 20th February, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH

Contact: Development Control 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Posnett sent her apologies for being late to the meeting and missing the beginning of the first application.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meetings on 11.01.18 and 01.02.2018


Additional documents:


Minutes of the meetings held on 11.01.18 and 01.02.18.


In the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11.01.18, Cllr Chandler noted that on page 5 in the first paragraph it reads “The application is outline only with a minimal level of information and though led than ideal”, this should be “less than ideal”.


In the Minutes of the meeting held on the 01.02.18, Cllr Cumbers wished for the wording of the 11th paragraph on page 25 to be stronger and include a condition to involve ward councillors and Friends of the Country Park in the planting.

Cllr Chandler stated that on application 17/01019/FUL the first speaker, Cllr Richard Bates, was not speaking on behalf of the Parish Council as recorded. Officers to write to the Parish Council for clarification.


Approval of the minutes was proposed by Cllr Holmes and seconded by Cllr Cumbers. It was unanimously agreed that the Chair sign them as a true record.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Cllr Orson declared an interest on 17/00671/OUT as he would ordinarily speak as Ward Cllr, therefore Cllr Higgins would speak as a representative for the Ward instead.



Schedule of Applications


17/00671/OUT pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Land North of Main Road, Old Dalby



Applicant: Mr and Mrs William and Jane Grice

Location: Land North of Main Road, Old Dalby

Proposal: Outline application for residential development, car park and open space


(a)       The Applications and Advice Manager (LP) presented the report and stated that:


This is an outline application for a residential development, car park and open space.  Access is to be considered at this stage with all other matters reserved.  The application documents state that the development will consist of 7 new dwellings, 3 number 3 bed bungalows and 4 number 4 bed chalet bungalows, along with a car park area for approximately 20 cars to be used by the playing field and school and would also provide some public open space.

Since the publishing of the Committee report, three further letters of representation have been received, stating

           The proposal would transform Old Dalby into an urban sprawl with land that is present countryside being taken up by more housing.

           The proposal would bring negative consequences for residents and the environment, with an increase in volume of traffic passing through the village resulting in higher air pollution, accidents and traffic jams.

           Planning approvals have been granted for approximately 184 dwellings within Queensway/Dukes Road and Old Dalby with no increase in public facilities.

           The application is profit led with no regard for residents and the environment. 

           It is doubtful that the proposed car park will be used with people picking children up and dropping them off outside the school gates. 

           If the area is not lit then it will be a tempting area for young people away from prying eyes, if lit then there will be light pollution ruining the night sky.

           Old Dalby is a small rural village with very few amenities, and already going to have a lot of new housing

           The main road through the village already has to cope with cars speeding through on their way to the business park.

These points are similar to those already raised and responded to within the committee report.

A further representation has been received from Old Dalby Cricket Club, who have stated that they object to the notes referring to the application in that the car park is for the benefit of the playing field/cricket field.  The cricket club have stated that this is not the case and that they have full use of the car park at the school which is totally sufficient for player/spectator parking, and that they would not like this to be used as part of the decision making as this isn’t something that has been requested or supported as license holders of the playing/cricked field.

They would also like to draw attention to the fact that the field has been, and is currently ankle deep in water since October last year, they are very concerned that this could pose a possible flooding threat to the cricket field, which would cause major problems and expense.

Along with these comments, clarification has  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL81.1


17/00996/OUT pdf icon PDF 238 KB

OS Field Number 0349 Manor Road, Easthorpe



Applicant: Breydon Construction

Location: OS Field Number 0349, Manor Road, Easthorpe

Proposal: Erection of up to 18 dwellings with associated access, drainage infrastructure and amenity open space.


(a)          The Applications and Advice Manager presented the report and stated that:

This application seeks outline planning permission for up to 18 dwellings with associated access, drainage infrastructure and amenity open space. The details of the access have been submitted for approval at this stage, all other details would be subject to a separate reserved matters application.

Since the publishing of the report, there have been several updates received.

The Conservation Officer has submitted his comments to the proposal, members will have seen these in full but to summarise the comments conclude that conservation recognises the viability of development in this location and does not object to the principle of new housing in this location.  Development along the fringes of the application site would represent a logical continuation of the surrounding urban grain, while additional plots, reduced in size, could be located t the immediate rear of the street facing properties in the style of agricultural outbuildings.  However it is clear this would not amount to 18 dwellings and  recommends that a significant reduction in the number of units is agreed, and the harmful density of the scheme addressed, before any approval is granted.

Archaeology have also commented further on the submitted information, the site has since been subject to trial trench evaluation, which identified remains of contemporary date to the scheduled monument to the immediate north.  It is recommended that this information is provided by the applicant to inform bot the current determination and any further detailed layout and landscaping designs for the site.  In principle archaeology do not object to the application, provided an appropriately worded condition is applied to any permission granted.  However, they would advise that the application should seek to preserve main in situ where possible, in combination with the use of landscaping and public open space.  Where it is not possible they would expect a level of mitigation to be undertaken.  In this case, it is likely that archaeological area excavation would be the only mitigation appropriate.

Conditions requiring a programme of archaeological work and the submission of a written scheme of investigation and its publication have been requested, these can be found as suggested conditions 12, 13 and 14 within the committee report.

Going back to the application details, the Borough is considered to have a sufficient supply of deliverable hosing sites in line with current planning guidance.

It is considered that balanced against the positive elements are the specific concerns raised in representations, particularly the development of the site from its greenfield state and the impact on the character of the rural village and the allocated area of separation, however in conclusion it is considered that on balance of the issues, there are significant benefits accruing from the proposal when assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply and  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL81.2


17/01139/FUL pdf icon PDF 291 KB

Land Adj. The Hall, Main Street, Gaddesby


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Jinks

Location:  Land adjacent The Hall, Main Street, Gaddesby

Proposal: Proposed two storey dwelling (with ground floor being subterranean).


a)   The Conservation Officer (TE) presented the report and stated that:

The proposal seeks planning permission for a proposed two storey dwelling with the ground floor being subterranean within the grounds of Gaddesby Hall.  The proposed development site is located within eh immediate setting of Gaddesby Hall a grade II listed building as well as the wider setting of the Grade I listed church of St Luke’s.

Since the publication of the report the applicants have submitted a letter which sets out their justification of the proposal in terms of Access, trees, Conservation Area, The site and the Development Principles, this letter ahs been circulated to members at the request of the agent.  A further letter of objection has been received  which raises concern in terms of archaeology, North Hall Drive and the Melton Local Plan, these points have been discussed and considered as part of the committee report.

Going back to the application details, the primary consideration to arise from neighbour objections relates to the addition of more cars on a private drive that is only single width.  The increased capacity of cars using the drive thorough the provision of one new dwelling is not considered sufficient grounds to warrant a refusal.

It is considered that the issue of new residential development in a sensitive location within the Gaddesby conservation area requires good quality contemporary design, to ensure there is limited impact and harm to the character of the conservation area and the legibility of the listed buildings.  Strict conditions have been suggested on materials as part of any subsequent approval to ensure the innovative design appears in accordance with the plans submitted as such the application is recommended for approval subject to the conditions set out in the report.


b) David Batchelor, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·      Road dangerous at exit to Main Street

·      Cars park on road and traffic comes through at 30mph

·      Wide vehicles have to negotiate a narrow road and steep incline

·      Harmful impact on setting of the church – not heavily screened


c) Helen Broadhurst, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·      Within village envelope

·      Sympathetic to conservation area

·      No objection from Historic England

·      Uncluttered

·      Only view of lower storey is from the driveway

·      Screening retained and additional provided

·      No glare or reflection on church

·      Additional landscaping

·      No protected species

·      Road upgraded to provide passing places

·      No objection from LCC Highways

·      Historic sensitivity addressed


A Cllr asked if the willow tree will be retained.


Ms Broadhurst stated that it would.


A Cllr asked if the yew trees would be protected.


Ms Broadhurst stated that all trees on the boundary will be retained and protected.


A Cllr asked if an archaeological study had been done.


The Conservation Officer stated that LCC Archaeology has been contacted and this has been asked for as a condition.


d)  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL81.3


17/01389/FUL pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Butlers Cottage, 11 Somerby Road, Pickwell


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Kavan Brook Shanahan

Location: Butlers Cottage, 11 Somerby Road, Pickwell

Proposal: Demolition of dwelling and the construction of 5 "Alms Style" 2 storey dwellings and associated gardens and garaging off a new single access from Somerby Road.


The Chair advised that there had been a very late submission by the agent this afternoon which needs to be reviewed.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services added that the new submission introduces a new aspect to the scheme and creates a significant change.


The Chair proposed to defer the application.


Cllr Wyatt seconded the proposal to defer.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that the application be deferred.


DETERMINATION : DEFER to allow the recently submitted amendments to the proposal to be considered.



17/01552/FULHH pdf icon PDF 149 KB

The Poplars, Waltham Road, Thorpe Arnold



Applicant: Mr John Leach

Location: The Poplars, Waltham Road, Thorpe Arnold

Proposal: Convert and alter existing kennels to form double garage and annexe.


(a)  The Applications and Advice Manager presented the report and stated that:

This is a householder application to convert and alter an existing block of kennels to form a double garage to the front and annexe accommodation to the rear.  The application is presented to the committee due to the applicant being related to a member of council staff.

The proposal will form internal works and the walls will be raised by one layer of block work with a pitched roof also being added, the original building is not being extended as part of the proposal.

The proposal is to be conditioned to be ancillary to the main dwelling, and is therefore acceptable, with no impact upon highway safety nor impact upon neighbouring dwellings, as such the proposal is recommend for approval subject to conditions as set out in the report.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to permit the application.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal to permit.


A Cllr had concerns that the house could be split in future and 2 dwellings created. Asked for permitted development rights to be removed.


The proposer and seconder were happy for this to be included.


Cllr Chandler stated that she would not vote as she had not attended the site visit.


A vote was taken. 10 Members voted to permit the application. 1 Member abstained.


DETERMINATION: PERMIT, subject to the conditions as set out in the report and an additional condition removing permitted development rights


REASONS: Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 2015 or any subsequent amendment to that order, no development within Class A, B, C and E shall be carried out unless planning permission has first been granted for that development by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: The proposal would convert an existing building into an annexe which would be ancillary to the main dwelling and could be controlled by a condition; as such, the proposal is acceptable in principle. The proposed development has been designed to have limited impact on adjoining properties and would reflect the character and appearance of the surrounding area. The proposal would not have an adverse impact on highway safety. Accordingly, the proposal complies with the above policies and guidance and permission is warranted.


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent