Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH
Contact: Keith Aubrey
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors R. de Burle, M. Blasé, A. Freer-Jones and S. Lumley. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held 151117 were approved to be signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 51 KB Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Chandler declared a personal interest for Agenda Item 13 UPDATE ON PUBLIC CONVENIENCE REDEVELOPMENT on the grounds that she is a member of the Planning Committee. |
Recommendations from other Committees Minutes: There were no recommendations from other committees. |
Minutes: The Head of Place and Regeneration submitted a report for Members to note the update on decisions made in previous meetings of this Committee. The report noted that item C51. GRETTON COURT FEASIBILITY STUDY – EXEMPT is ongoing and working with LCC, a Business Case will be brought back to this committee in early 2018. Also, Members were updated that the HOMELESSNESS REVIEW 2017 & HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY CONSULATION (C48) are complete and on this agenda. The Head of Place and Regeneration confirmed that item C56 HOUSING REPAIRS CONTRACT is ongoing at ITT stage. Item C18 APPLICATION FOR ACCESS FROM NEW DEVELOPMENT INTO COUNTRY PARK (EAST BOUNDARY) is also progressing. Members were also updated of the completion of the amendments to the Voluntary Organisations and Community Facilities Grants Applications with regards to item C37. Organisations applying for grants are now signed up to the Melton Lottery as a good cause to promote the Lottery for their organisation. RESOLVED that members noted the Update document. |
Revenue Budget Proposals 2018-19 - Housing Revenue Account (HRA) PDF 99 KB The Director for Corporate Services & The Head of Place and Regeneration to provide a Report to set the rents of Council dwellings, approve the HRA estimates for 2018-19 and set the working balance for 2018-19 Additional documents: Minutes: The Director for Corporate Services and the Head of Place and Regeneration submitted a report to set the rents of Council dwellings, approve the HRA estimates for 2018-19 and set the working balance for 2018-19. The Corporate Services Manager noted that this report is the annual paper for members to approve a rent decrease of 1% for all Council dwellings from 020418. 3.1 (a) of the report notes that the Council is under a legislative duty to publish an annual budget for the HRA which avoids deficit. Due to the Chancellor’s promise in the 2015 budget to reduce social rents by 1%, the rents in 2018-19 will be up to 5% less or £360k, as per 3.1 (b). This equates to around £74.99 per week less. Members were directed to 3.2 (b) which showed the estimated year end position as an approximate £252,000 surplus. The working balance for 18-19 is estimated at £1.4 million. The Corporate Services Manager advised that the deficit estimated for 18-19 is a result of the Capital Programme and otherwise looks to be in a healthy position. The Corporate Services Manager noted that as of 010418, Severn Trent Water have ended our agency agreement for which we collect water rates from tenants on their behalf, as per 3.2 (g). This has resulted in a loss of £76k per year. Currently, we are negotiating with Severn Trent to agree an amount to prevent the Council being left with write-offs. Members were also advised that the estimates include a continuing contribution of £80k in 18-19 to support the Me and My Learning Scheme due to the impact of Universal Credit. (3.4). A Member queried line 34 of Appendix A: Revenue Estimates 18-19. This shows a considerable expenditure increase. The Corporate Services Manager noted that this was due to higher reserves and a greater rate of return; average return on investment is 0.95. A Member noted the appalling rent decreases when rural areas struggle to rent for less than £750 p/month. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that this is part of a four year settlement and going forward is not sustainable at -1%. Four years at -1% is equivalent to £33m rent loss, hopefully we will see rents start to increase. The Chair asked for clarification with regards to 3.4(g)
Severn Trent Water. The Corporate Services Manager clarified negotiations with Severn Trent to avoid unfair debt collection. The Chair noted the importance of engaging since Grenfell. The Chair sought a proposer and seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that (1) The Committee approved a rent decrease of 1% for all Council dwellings for 2018-19 with effect from 2nd April 2018 and that when a property is re-let the rent continues to be brought into line with the Governments formula rent; (2) The estimates for 2018-19 were approved subject to the receipt of the limit rent Determination, with delegated authority given to the Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Head of Place and Regeneration to ... view the full minutes text for item C45 |
Operations, Fees & Charges / Waterfield Leisure Centre/Melton Sports Village PDF 64 KB The Head of Communities & Neighbourhoods to provide a Report to advise Members of the fees and charges proposed for 2018/19 for the Waterfield and King Edward VII Leisure Centres Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Place and Regeneration submitted a report to advise members of the fees and charges proposed for 2018/19 for the Waterfield and King Edward VII Leisure Centres. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that it is within the contract for Waterfield Leisure Centre to set charges and inform the Council with a shared incentive to maximise participation. Members were directed to 3.3 of the report which shows a considerable increase in participation: 16,059 more participants at Waterfield Leisure Centre and 10,743 more participants at Melton Sports Village. The report will go to full council 070218 for a four year contract. A Member noted that 1,000 visitors per day is a reward for the renovation at Waterfield Leisure Centre. The Chair asked what additional financial benefit there is. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that since the refurbishment there has been an average payment of £249,000 from SLM as well as significant participant increase. The Chair sought a proposer and seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that members note the fees and charges relating to the Waterfield Leisure Centre and Melton Sports Village for 2018/19. |
The Housing Asset Management Plan (HAMP) PDF 110 KB The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods to provide a report for Members to comment and approve the Housing Asset Management Plan (HAMP) Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Place and Regeneration submitted a report for members to comment and approve the Housing Asset Management Plan. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that in 2013, members approved the first HAMP as the structure for projects and initiatives up to 2017. This has now been refreshed for the period 2018-22 for the long-term management of land and property assets. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted the achievements of the first HAMP (Appendix A) such as 1) Ten new affordable homes which all have sustainable tenants. 2) Restructuring the Asset Management Team to build capacity and specialism. 3) Meeting the decent homes standard. 4) Works to address negative net present value at Granby House and Beckmill Court. 5) A plan for all archetypes of non-traditional properties . 6) A move to a price per property model and re-procurement of maintenance contract . 7) Aids and adaptations. The Granby House redevelopment that was prioritised by members is complete and Beckmill due to be complete later this year. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that as a result of the staff re-structure and Peer Challenge, this document is subject to a prioritisation process, as was recommended across the Council in order for officers to best utilise capacity and resources. Priorities could include (3.11): · New housing growth · Supporting vulnerable people · Working in priority neighbourhoods · Delivering a balanced housing market · Greater ROI The Head of Place and Regeneration outlined some of the projects within the HAMP 18-22 Beckmill Court – £2.3m internal and external works to re-generate whole estate and Fairmead – total of £4.8m needed for extra care. Some external fund is available: £25m over five years. Every £1m equates to 12 jobs so there is economic benefit to planned refurbishments. It was noted that members will be asked to prioritise projects. A member noted visiting sites and was pleased with works, however concerned over action residents behaviour in the future after all this investment. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that as HAMP is developed, work will be done with tenants and with re-structure of people services tenant behaviour can be monitored more closely. A member asked about plans to improve Chapel St. flats. Most tenants are elderly and the flooring in unsuitable and flats need painting. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that roofing is being looked at and all communal areas will be looked at within the budget as part of a cyclical maintenance structure. A member noted that re-running of the report from 2013 may mean that projects are stagnating such as garage sites. The staffing was highlighted as a priority to address. Also, Objective 6 in Appendix A to build 30 new homes in the next five years is an insufficient rate. The Head of Place and Regeneration advised that since the ten new homes were built, this Committee prioritised Granby and Beckmill projects which are complete or on schedule, respectively. When prioritisation exercise is complete, if new builds are a ... view the full minutes text for item C47 |
Health & Safety Update - Property PDF 65 KB The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods to provide a Report to advise Members of the processes and update on various health & safety aspects of Property Maintenance & Management Minutes: The Head of Place and Regeneration submitted a report advising members of the processes and update on various health and safety aspects of Property Maintenance and Management. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that this report is on the agenda after members’ request for updates of health and safety procedures since Grenfell. It was noted that health and safety aspects are currently at 100% with the exception of gas servicing which is currently at 99.99%. This is a result of two properties prohibiting access meaning that access is being obtained legally (3.2). Members were reassured that resources are in place for testing and inspections. A member stated that properties that have not been accessed need to be addressed. The Head of Place and Regeneration confirmed that this is being addressed and the Council, as a landlord, can obtain access. A member asked if fire extinguishers would be a good idea, however the Business Manager advised that the use of fire extinguishers would not comply with fire safety advice guideline. The Head of Place and Regeneration noted that due to annual test on properties, an annual update report will be bought to this Committee. The Chair sought a proposer and seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that members noted the update provided in section 3.2 on various Health and Safety aspects of Property Maintenance and Management. |
The Homelessness Strategy 2018-2023 PDF 111 KB The Deputy Chief Executive (Director For People And Communities) to present a Report to Members regarding the proposed Homelessness Strategy (2018-2023) for their consideration and approval. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Chief Execute (Director for People and Communities) submitted a report to present members with the proposed Homelessness Strategy 2018-2023 – attached as Appendix B - for their consideration and approval. The Strategic Housing Officer noted that this reports brings the findings of the homelessness review and consultation period. A member praised the report for consulting the right people. The Chair noted approval for confirming links and relationships within the strategy. The Chair sought a proposer and seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that members took note and approved the Homelessness Strategy 2018-23 and Homelessness Action Plan 2018. |
Asset of Community Value - Review- The Red Lion Car Park, Stathern PDF 86 KB The Deputy Chief Executive to provide a Report for: Members to make a
review decision on whether The Red Lion Car Park, Stathern
should be classified as an Asset of Community Value following the decision by
Melton Borough Council to List as an Asset of Community Value. Members
to approve changes to decision making process. To advise Members of potential separate decision process for Public Houses which account for the majority of nominations MBC receive Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Chief
Executive presented a report for members to make a review decision on whether
The Red Lion Car Park, Stathern should be classified as an Asset of Community
Value (ACV) following the decision by Melton Borough Council to list as an
Asset of Community Value. The Community
Policy Officer explained to members that the Community Right to Bid allows
Parish Councils to bid for an Asset of Community Value, as noted in Appendix A.
In light of this nomination, members were advised that a previous nomination
had been made for The Red Lion public house and the car park to be listed as an
ACV, however only the public house was approved as a partial listing as of
230117 (as per 3.5 of the report); the listing of the car park was not approved
on the grounds that its use was ancillary to The Red Lion Inn. The Community
Policy Officer noted that a new nomination for solely the car park of The Red
Lion Inn, Stathern was received in October 2017. Members were
directed to Appendix A, showing the nomination of the car park. The Community
Policy Officer advised members that the justification for approving the
application for the car park to be listed as an ACV were detailed in the
following sections of Appendix A: (d) There is a time in the recent past when an
actual use of the building or other land that was not an ancillary use
furthered the social wellbeing or interests of the local community. And (e) It is
realistic to assume that in the next five years there could be non-ancillary
use of the building or other land that would further (whether or not in the
same way as before) the social wellbeing or social interests of the local
community. The Community
Policy Officer noted that Appendix A detail Melton Borough Council’s
justification in approving the nomination, whereas Appendix B contains the land
owner’s grounds for appeal and reasons for the car park not qualifying as an
ACV. It was noted that this argument used case law as evidence to refute the
nomination. Members were
reminded that this report was not presented as a planning matter, members were
being asked if they agree with the decision made by the Council. The Head of
Place and Regeneration noted that as this was a review of a decision made by
officers, those officers that participated in the decision making process would
have to leave this Committee after presenting the report. A member asked,
in reference to recommendation 2.1 of the report, if officers made an informed
decision, why members would go against that decision. The Community
Policy Officer noted that the owners have a legal right to appeal and under the
current appeal process attached in Appendix A, the matter is presented to this
Committee. A Member asked
if there is evidence that the Parish Council – in this case the nominating
party – can purchase the car park. The Head of ... view the full minutes text for item C50 |
DCLG - Additional DFG Funding PDF 65 KB The Head of Strategic Planning & Regulatory Services to provide a Report to inform Members that DCLG has offered additional funding to this year to supplement the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Budget for 2017-18. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report to inform members that DCLG has offered additional funding to this year to supplement the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Budget for 2017-18. The Business Manager noted that the £25k additional funding outlined in 3.1 of the report has now been increased to £29,457 to supplement the DFG for wider social care and to enhance the Lifeline service that we currently offer. A member enquired that if the money has to go back if it is not spent. The Business Manager confirmed that we have the financial year to use the funding. A member noted that some residents are unaware of the service and the facility needs to be made available. The Business Manager confirmed that the new service is an enhanced one and have gone to lengthy efforts in order to promote and spread the word so that people are aware of services. The Chair sought a proposer and seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that (1) Members approved the business case to spend the additional £29,475 offered to MBC by DCLG for wider social care capital projects and that it be recommended to the Policy, Finance and Administration Committee that the capital programme be updated accordingly (2) Member approved waiving the means test for installation of this additional equipment and offer the services at an introductory rate. |
Update on Public Convenience Re-development PDF 61 KB The Director of Corporate Services to provide a Report to apprise Members of the latest position in relation to the re-development of the public conveniences located on Wilton Road and St Marys Way. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Corporate Services submitted a report to apprise members of the latest position in relation to the re-development of the public conveniences located on Wilton Road and St. Marys Way. Councillor Chandler left the meeting at this time due to a conflict of interest with the Planning Committee. The Head of Place and Regeneration determined that it was necessary to re-locate the new public convenience from the right hand side of the planter to the left hand side as an alternative to installing a new sewage pipe across Wilton Road. The Chair sought a proposer and a seconder. All members were in favour. RESOLVED that members approved the new location for the Wilton Road public conveniences and approved the submission of a revised planning application. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair
considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business. |