Agenda and minutes

Town Area Committee - Monday, 19th June, 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bains, Douglas, Hurrell and Posnett.  Councillor Freer-Jones was also not present.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2017.


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2017.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2017 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the Chair at the earliest opportunity.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2017 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the Chair at the earliest opportunity.


Declarations of interest pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Councillor Pearson declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the County Council due to his role as County Councillor.


Recommendations From Other Committees

There are no recommendations from other Committees.


There were no recommendations from other Committees.


Dog Fouling and Litter Update pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The Head of Regulatory Services to submit a report providing an update on steps taken since the meeting of 13 March 2017.


The Head of Regulatory Services


(a)       submitted a report (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) which updated the Committee on steps taken since the meeting of 13 March 2017;


(b)       provided a brief overview of the report, advising that this Council was drawing on a range of ideas and developing a long term Plan to successfully tackle this problem.  He acknowledged there was still much work to be done;


(c)        advised that he hoped to provide a further update to this Committee in August 2017.


A Member queried, “Of the £7,000 committed to ensure a one off clean-up, how much has been spent to date?’  The Head of Regulatory Services advised that he was unsure of the exact sums but understood that not much of that sum had been eroded and would provide a breakdown of the expenditure.


Another Member raised that information on the location of bins had been requested from Biffa and asked for clarification on whether this information would be provided.  The Head of Regulatory Services advised that Biffa would charge this Council a fee to supply the information and confirmed his Service would provide a map, plotting the location of the bins in as much detail as required by Members.


There being no further comments or questions from Members it was




(1)       the steps taken and progress made as described in the report be noted


(2)       the intention to receive a further report, as agreed at the meeting of 13 March, containing a Plan for the educational and environmental work in relation to dog fouling be noted.


Approval of Project Mandate and Business Plan - Play Equipment pdf icon PDF 58 KB

The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods to submit a report seeking Members approval of Project Mandates and Business Cases for the installation of new Play Equipment.

Additional documents:


The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods


(a)       submitted a report (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) which sought Members approval of a Project Mandate and Business Case for the installation of new Play Equipment


(b)       gave a brief overview of the report, advising that the Project Mandate  (Appendix A) highlighted key points relating to the proposed installation of play equipment at Kirby Fields and Honeysuckle Way.  The Business Case (Appendix B) provided additional detail, including financial implications.  A budget of £18,000 had been identified to carry out the installation of equipment.  This sum would be resourced from the Play Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund and would form part of this Committee’s Capital Programme for 2017/18.


(c)        advised that recommendation 2.1(ii) was amended to read ‘Policy, Finance and Administration Committee be requested to approve the Business Case attached as Appendix B and a supplementary estimate of £18,000, funded from the Play Equipment Renewal and Reserve Fund.’


A Member recalled a query raised by a resident who had taken her grandchildren to Honeysuckle Way to find that the play equipment had been removed.  He asked whether a response had been provided to this resident.  The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods confirmed that a response had been provided.


Another Member advised that they had asked people to take their dogs out of parks and suggested that notices stating ‘no dogs allowed’ be placed at parks to advise the public of this.


A further query was raised by a Member, asking if play equipment was assessed every year to determine what equipment needed to be replaced.  The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods confirmed this was the case and further commented that future findings would be submitted to this Committee (instead of to the Rural, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee).


There being no further comments or questions forthcoming from Members, it was


RESOLVED that the Business Case attached as Appendix B together with a supplementary estimate of £18,000, funded from the Play Equipment Renewal and Reserve Fund be referred to Policy, Finance and Administration Committee for approval.


Melton Town Centre Audit Report pdf icon PDF 63 KB

The Head of Central Services and the Head of Regulatory Services to submit a report providing Members with information on a recent access audit of Melton Town Centre with a view of producing an action plan of the issues which were identified.  This report went to REEA on 7 June 2017 and was referred to this Committee for consultation and to provide any feedback to influence any future action plan.

Additional documents:


The Head of Central Services


(a)       submitted a report (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) providing information on a recent access audit of Melton Town Centre, with a view of producing an action plan of the issues identified.  This report went to Rural, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee on 7 June 2017 and was referred to this Committee for consultation and to provide any feedback to influence any future action plan;


(b)       gave a brief overview of the report, advising that comments made by Members of this Committee would be fed into a detailed action plan for the Rural, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee.


A Member commented that there was no information on costings and the Head of Central Services advised that there was a need to prioritise and obtain costings.  She added that for example, car park costings would be obtained when white lining the carpark, so not to incur additional expense.


A further comment was made by a Member asking what this Council’s relationship with the Town Estate was like.  The Head of Central Services advised that this Council had held regular meetings with the Town Estate in the past.  There had also been meetings with the previous Action Group and other responsible bodies.  She stated that this Council had advised them of the recommendations and would continue to lobby those other groups and bodies.




(1)       the findings of the report be noted


(2)       the above comments made by Members of this Committee be included in a future report and action plan to go to the Rural, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee.


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent.



There was no urgent business.