Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH
Contact: democracy Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beaken, Douglas, Hurrell and Posnett. Councillors Bains and Greenow was also not present. [Councillor Lumley here entered the meeting] |
To confirm the minutes of the
meeting held on 18 September 2017. To confirm the minutes of the
Consultation meeting held on 23 October 2017. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting
held on 18 September 2017 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the
Chair subject to the following amendment: Minute T9 – Apologies for
Absence Councillor Blase advised that
he had submitted his apologies for this meeting. The Minutes of the
Consultation meeting held on 23 October 2017 were confirmed and authorised to
be signed by the Chair. |
Declarations of interest PDF 51 KB Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: [Councillor Freer Jones here entered the meeting] Councillor Faulkner declared a personal interest in any matters relating to hackney carriages. Councillors Pearson declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the County Council due to his role as a County Councillor. |
Recommendations From Other Committees There are no recommendations from other Committees. Minutes: There were no recommendations from other Committees. |
Capital Programme Monitoring April to October 2017 and Capital Programme 2017 to 2022 PDF 65 KB The Corporate Director to submit a report to update the Committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to 31 October 2017 and to determine the Committee’s Capital Programme for 2017 – 2022, based on a review of spending in the current year’s programme and schemes included in the programme for later years. Additional documents:
Minutes: On behalf of the Corporate Director, the Corporate Services Manager (a) submitted a report (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) updating the Committee on the progress of the scheme within the Capital Programme to 31 October 2017 and to determine the Committee’s Capital Programme for 2017-22, based on a review of spending in the current year’s programme and schemes included in the programme for later years; (b) gave a brief overview of the report, highlighting •
the recommendations at 2.1 and 2.2 of the report •
capital expenditure against the budget for the
Play Area Equipment Kirby Fields and Honeysuckle Way Scheme (up to 31 October
2017), was detailed within Appendix A of the report •
the summary, at 3.1.2, showing the overall
position for the Scheme •
installation of equipment had started • there were no changes proposed to the Capital Programme for the current and future years and there were no proposed schemes for 2018/19 for special expenses. A Member asked why the Cattle Market project was not noted as a scheme for 2018/19 for special expenses and the Corporate Services Manager confirmed that this project would be detailed in the Melton Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee Capital Scheme monitoring. Another Member highlighted that Appendix B of the report indicated that the Play Area Equipment Kirby Fields and Honeysuckle Way Scheme was grant funded and asked if this was correct. The Corporate Services Manager confirmed that the Scheme was not grant funded. Members queried how often play equipment was assessed to determine when it needed to be replaced. The following points were raised concerning play equipment at Honeysuckle Way:- • the equipment had not been inspected for a considerable period of time before the decision was taken to replace it • removal and replacement of all the equipment was unnecessary. Some of the equipment was safe and in good working order when removed. • local residents had been unable to make use of the play area for approximately one year due to delayed installation of the replacement equipment. • an improved strategy was necessary for future schemes of this nature. Officers thanked Members for their feedback and confirmed options to facilitate improvement would be explored. They confirmed that a programme of regular inspection was in place and this was aligned to ensuring funds were set aside for replacement equipment. RESOLVED that (1) the progress made on the capital scheme as detailed in Appendix A of the report be noted; (2) the revised Capital Programme for 2017-22 as detailed in Appendix B of the report be approved and there being no schemes submitted for funding, as part of the budget setting in 2018/19 be noted. |
Neighbourhood Management PDF 69 KB The Deputy Chief Executive to submit a report updating Members on addressing key Town issues through neighbourhood management. Additional documents:
Minutes: On behalf of the Deputy Chief Executive, the Chief Executive (a) submitted a report (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) updating the Committee on addressing key Town issues through neighbourhood management; (b) advised that this Council aimed to reinvigorate its focus on community neighbourhoods and maximise a positive and sustained approach in these areas; (c) highlighted • 3.3 of the report, confirming that although emphasis was on targeting certain areas of need, this would not result in less focus on the Town area as a whole • Appendix A, which showed the areas requiring greater attention. It was likely that helping people become more resilient and independent would result in reduced demand for reactive council services (d) confirmed that particular consideration would be given to reviewing this Council’s approach to dog fouling and Public Space Protection Orders. Current resources to deal with this were lean. However, it was anticipated that monies from the Special Expenses Budget and Housing Revenue Account would fund two additional Neighbourhood Support Officer positions (e) drew attention to Appendix B, highlighting that Town Area Committee had been incorporated into the diagram. The Neighbourhood Manager position had been appointed (to start work in January 2018). The Initiatives Team (Individual and Place) involved the resources of this Council and its Partners in a co-ordinated approach tailored to the needs of the areas. A Member queried how tackling Town Centre issues, such as anti-social behaviour fitted into this Model. The Chief Executive reiterated that although the Model emphasised targeting certain areas of need, the Town Centre was already an area of focus (eg the Purple Flag scheme) and this would not change. A Member stated that Melton Mowbray Business Improvement District and the Town Estate had a responsibility to contribute to the improvement of the Town Centre. They thanked the Chief Executive and officers, commenting that the proposed model was ‘excellent’ and ‘very positive’. The Member took the opportunity to express their concern over proposed changes to the Special Educational Needs Transport Policy, which would directly impact children (under five) and students (post 16) with special educational needs and suggested this Council provide representation against the reductions to the Consultation (which ends midnight on Thursday, 21 December 2017). Another Member agreed that the proposed model was good and this Council was ‘moving in the right direction’. They highlighted that dog fouling, fly tipping etc were problems experienced within the whole Town area and hoped that there would be enough funds to target this appropriately. They commented that there was a need for additional resources in terms of enforcement staff, rather than managers or administrators. The Chief Executive confirmed that staff ownership and responsibility of matters was very important to this Council. The proposed staff realignment would provide clarity and less ambiguity for Members on officer responsibility. The aim was to implement reasonable and proportionate measures, which could be built on in the future. Improving resources and capacity in the community was the intention. A Member ... view the full minutes text for item T24 |
Urgent Business To consider any other items that the Chair
considers urgent. Minutes: Car Parking in the Town Centre A Member highlighted that Town Centre car park users had experienced difficulties finding unoccupied long-stay parking bays. This was not a recent problem and indicated that there was insufficient provision of long-stay parking bays to meet the needs of the community. The Member suggested commissioning an additional parcel of land for use as a long-stay car park to relieve those car parks currently designated as long-stay, as these were at maximum capacity. The Chief Executive confirmed there was a need to find a solution to resolve this issue. He advised that until changes had been made to this Council’s Constitution, Melton Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee had delegated authority to deal with car parking. He highlighted the forthcoming review of the remit of Melton Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, which would take place in January 2018 and suggested that Members provide their comments to the review. He stated that there was an opportunity to consider the configuration of Committees during the Peer Challenge Review, which would take place in December 2017. Town Centre Pedestrianised Area 10am – 4pm Members commented that it had previously been agreed to implement a traffic barrier system, in relation to the 10am to 4pm pedestrianised area within the Town Centre. There had been instances of drivers using the pedestrianised area and Members requested the agreed barrier system be implemented as soon as possible. |