Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 17th January, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leics, LE13 1GH

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillor Douglas was elected as the Chair for this Licensing Sub Committee meeting.


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 84 KB


There were no declarations of interest.


Licensing Act 2003 : Noisily Festival Premises Licence Application pdf icon PDF 236 KB

To consider any evidence or representations made following receipt of a new premises licence application in respect of the Noisily Festival, to be held on land owned by Belvoir Castle, known as Terrace Hills Farm, Belvoir Road, Eaton and to determine the application in accordance with the licensing objectives

Additional documents:


Prior to the introduction of the report, it was decided that all parties would be given a maximum of 10 minutes to speak.


The Licensing and Compliance Officer introduced the report and outlined that the purpose of the meeting was to determine whether a new premises licence should be issued on land within the grounds and owned by Belvoir Castle, known as Terrace Hills Farm, Belvoir Road, Eaton, Grantham NG32 1SN for the Noisily Festival. It was explained that the reason the application had been presented to the Sub Committee was due to the representations received from Environmental Health as well as 41 public representations.


Lisa Gillian, the applicant’s legal advisor, outlined her client’s application to the Sub Committee and confirmed that all the relevant paperwork had been submitted and notices had been displayed for the required amount of time.


Members raised concerns relating to the following which were positively responded to by Ms Gillian and the applicant, William Hazlerigg:


·       Drug use at the festival and similar previous events was not tolerated and there were no concerns raised by the Police for the event, participants would be subject to searches on arrival and any drugs would be seized

·       Impact on wildlife and countryside – survey completed by RSPB, working with Forestry commission and the Woodland Trust

·       Compliance with Environmental Health requirements

·       Meetings with the Safety Advisory Group would be held leading up to the event and relevant event plans were available

·       Arrangements had been agreed with a local farm for the water connection which would not impact on existing supply to local residents

·       Compost toilets would be used

·       Leading recycling company that deals with hospitals was to be used for waste collection and there would be a litter pick for 7 days following the festival

·       The organisers were committed to being a plastic free site

·       Noise issues were taken seriously and there had been no previous complaints on other sites and the music performance timings would be strictly adhered to

·       Arrangement in place to use local suppliers for food etc

·       Evaluation process – will endeavour to meet licensing conditions and if not the Licensing Authority will demand a future hearing. Willingness to meet with relevant authorities to evaluate and pursue lessons learnt after event

·       Responded to negative social media reports and refuted claims of there being any link between the event and support of drug use

·       As well as music, the programme included street food, documentaries, circus performers, mind, body and soul related activities including lectures, yoga, meditation etc

·       The circus performance featured fire breathers and this was in a controlled environment with proven safety procedures

·       Protection and potential loss of income by local businesses was not a licensing objective

·       The festival site would be completely enclosed and fenced and security would be present throughout. This would ensure the safety of festival goers and local residents.

·       Ambulances would be available on site and emergency access was identified in the event management plan

·       The age limit for the event was  ...  view the full minutes text for item LSC8