Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bains, Cumbers, Pearson, Posnett and Wyatt. Councillors Faulkner and Hurrell were also not present. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 51 KB Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillors Greenow and Illingworth each declared a personal
interest as Members of the Planning Committee and here left the meeting. Councillor Beaken declared a pecuniary interest in the
following planning application and left the meeting during consideration of the
application. Councillor Glancy declared a personal interest as a Member
of the Planning Committee and proposed Councillor Lumley Chair the meeting. (Councillor Glancy here left the meeting) (Councillor Lumley in Chair) |
Consultation - Planning Applications The Committee to consider the following Planning Applications:- Minutes: The following Planning Applications were considered and comments submitted on the applications as indicated. |
17/00756/REM - 88 Dalby Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 0BH Approval of reserved matters 16/00898/OUT : Condition 2 appearance, scale, landscaping and layout The link below will take you through to the online Planning Application:- Minutes: The Chief Executive gave an overview of Planning Application reference 17/00756/REM and plans of the site were viewed by Members. Committee Comments A discussion was held, concerning the planning application and Members made the following comments:- • The proposed eighth bungalow could not be identified from the plans viewed and confirmation as to whether the application was for seven or eight bungalows was required. • Vehicular access looked limited, in respect of the proposed bungalows. In particular, confirmation there was enough room to manoeuver and that the proposed road would be wide enough for two-way access/egress was needed in respect of Plots Five to Seven. • Consideration should be given to whether there would be sufficient car parking for visitors. • Appearance, including proposed trees and landscaping were adequate. • The design of the street was good. The varied street scene was appreciated. Additional
Comments/Reasons • The Committee’s comments as listed above form part of the consultation on Planning Application 17/00756/REM. (Councillor Beaken here re-entered the meeting). |
17/00805/COU - 31 - 33 Grange Drive, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1EY Change of use from retail shops (Class A1) to hot food takeaway (Class A5) The link below will take you through to the online Planning Application:- Minutes: The Chief Executive gave an overview of Planning Application reference 17/00805/COU and plans of the site were viewed by Members. Councillor Douglas read a letter from Mrs. C. Moore-Coltman, objecting to the application due to concerns about litter, noise and extra traffic, as there was already a high volume of traffic in the area. Councillor Beaken advised that she had received a telephone call from a resident, objecting to the application due to concerns about anti-social behaviour, parking and extra traffic. Committee Comments A discussion was held, concerning the planning application and Members made the following comments:- • What were the proposed licensing hours (opening /closing times). There would need to be strict observance of times suitable for a residential area (no later than 10pm suggested). • There were currently two bins in the area but would this be sufficient to avoid litter problems? Adequate provision of litter bins would be required. • Assurance that odours and noise would be managed proactively was needed. There were two flats above the One Stop Shop. A suitable extractor fan would be necessary, giving particular consideration to these residents. • Would there be adequate parking in the vicinity? What impact would additional parking requirements have on residents. • The chimney should not be reflective. • The hot food take away may meet a need in the local area. • It would neaten the row/vacant plot. Additional
Comments/Reasons • The Committee’s comments as listed above form part of the consultation on Planning Application 17/00805/COU. |
Urgent Business To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |