Agenda and draft minutes

Town Area Committee Consultation - Monday, 12th February, 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bains, Pearson, Posnett and Wyatt.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.



Councillors Glancy, Greenow and Illingworth each declared a personal interest as Members of the Planning Committee and here left the meeting.


Councillor Bains declared a personal interest and here left the meeting.


[Councillor Lumley in Chair]


Consultation - Planning Applications

The Committee to consider the following Planning Applications:-


1.    17/01570/FUL : Scalford Court Nursing Home, Melton Road, Scalford, Melton Mowbray

Erection of a single story 36 bed care facility and 5 extra care cottages.


The link below will take you through to the online planning application:-


17/01570/FUL : Scalford Court Nursing Home


2.    17/01581/REM : Field Numbers 5855 and 6071, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray

Re: plan of plots 6, 8, 34, 56-85 (33 plots) from Reserved Matters Approval 17/00711/REM.


The link below will take you through to the online planning application:-


17/01581/REM : Field Numbers 5855 & 6071


It was noted that application 17/01570/FUL did not fall within the remit of this Committee and therefor was not considered.


The Communications Manager gave an overview of Planning Application reference 17/01581/REM.


Committee Comments


A discussion was held concerning the planning application and Members made the following comments:-


·         Concerns over road width, particularly the main access road.  What was the proposed width of the road?  Would it facilitate off-road parking?  Would there be provision for up to several cars to park?  Roads within the development needed to be appropriate to facilitate access/egress and parking for residents and visitors as well as for refuse, delivery and emergency vehicles

·         Concerns over garage size.  It was suggested that parking an average size car in the proposed garages would not provide enough room for the driver and passengers to get in/out of the car

·         The green areas indicated on the ‘Masterplan’ were appreciated by Members


Additional Comments/Reasons


·         It was noted that permission was already in place for development under application 16/00259/REM.  Re-design proposals, detailed in application 17/00711/FUL were considered at a Consultation meeting of this Committee on 11 August 2017 and comments had been submitted.  Comments on the further re-design proposals within this latest application (17/01581/REM) would also be submitted.  The initial proposal to build 85 properties remained.

·         It was noted that there were no properties bordering this part of the site on any of its three sides.  The closest were the converted stables at Sysonby Lodge

·         Members agreed that it was vital that new homes be fit for purpose, with adequate storage space etc

·         More detailed information on the re-design proposals would assist the consideration of the application

·         The Committee’s comments, as listed above form part of the consultation on Planning Application 17/01581/REM.


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent.


There was no urgent business.