Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services 01664 502579
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
To confirm the minutes of the
meeting held on 13 November 2024. Minutes: The
Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2024 were confirmed. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Butcher declared an other registerable interest in relation to Minute Number 53, due to her involvement with heritage groups. |
MATTERS REFERRED FROM SCRUTINY COMMITTEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SCRUTINY PROCEDURE RULES In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the following items have been referred from the Scrutiny Committee: · Scrutiny Feedback on Social Housing Allocation Decision: Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback. Minutes: In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the
following item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee: Scrutiny feedback on Social Housing Allocation In the absence of Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, the
Director for Housing and Communities, Michelle Howard, introduced the report
advising Members that the Scrutiny Committee has met on 28 November 2024 and
considered the Social Housing Allocation report. In providing feedback, the Director for Housing and
Committees stated that Scrutiny have commented on a number of policy areas, in
which Officers would support the Cabinet when making improvements. Scrutiny recognised that the service is under significant
pressure. Scrutiny Members were keen to maximise information sharing
with residents and bidders to ensure they are fully aware of the process. In commenting the Leader stated that, as Portfolio Holder,
he would be taking the feedback on board when making decisions. Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s
feedback. |
CORPORATE PERFORMANCE AND PROGRESS REPORT FOR QUARTER 2 2024-25 A report providing an update to Cabinet on progress on delivering the aspirations set out in the Council's new Vision 36 and Corporate Delivery Plan. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: NOTED the contents of the report and provide any observations or actions to the relevant officers accordingly. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and
Regulatory Services, Councillor Glancy, introduced the report. Councillor
Glancy moved the recommendation and Councillor Allnatt seconded the motion. Members made no additional comments. RESOLVED Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report and provide
any observations or actions to the relevant officers accordingly. (Non-key decision) Reason for recommendation Having established a new Corporate Strategy made up of
Vision 36 and Corporate Delivery Plan in 2024, is it important the Council
regularly receives and considers performance information to evaluate progress
against its priorities. The Council's Corporate Performance Measures are used
to focus on key priority services and projects and seek to help inform the
Cabinet, Members and Officers with regard to the formation of policy and
oversight of delivery. |
HOUSING ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN (ANNUAL REFRESH) A report setting out the second annual refresh of the Housing Asset Management Plan and associated capital programme, covering the period 2025-203. Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet: 1) NOTED the progress made on delivery of the HRA Asset Management Plan during 2024/2025 and updated trajectory for the HRA Business Plan.
2) ENDORSED the HRA Asset Management Plan refresh (2025-2030) and associated capital programme. 3) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services, authority to apply for, accept and implement investment in tenant’s homes through the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. 4) APROVED, in principle, to convert the Fairmead Community Centre and Douglas Jane Community Room to enable the provision of three additional housing units, subject to financial viability being confirmed, and; 5) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services, authority to finalise the associated business cases and delivery arrangements to compete the residential conversions. Minutes: The Director for Housing and Communities, Michelle Howard,
introduced the report. Councillor Allnatt moved the recommendations and
Councillor Glancy seconded the motion. It was commented that it was good that the Council would be
utilising the space occupied by underused buildings. In one instance, an
underused building is occupying enough space for three dwellings. It was noted how positive it was that the business plan had
smoothed out and it is no longer anticipated to be in deficit in year 10 of the
plan. RESOLVED Cabinet: 1)
NOTED the progress made on delivery of
the HRA Asset Management Plan during 2024/2025 and updated trajectory for the
HRA Business Plan. 2) ENDORSED
the HRA Asset Management Plan refresh (2025-2030) and associated capital
programme. 3)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Housing
and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and
Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services, authority to apply
for, accept and implement investment in tenant’s homes through the Social
Housing Decarbonisation Fund. 4)
APROVED, in principle, to convert the
Fairmead Community Centre and Douglas Jane Community Room to enable the
provision of three additional housing units, subject to financial viability
being confirmed, and; 5)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for
Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate
Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services,
authority to finalise the associated business cases and delivery arrangements
to compete the residential conversions. (Key decision) Reasons for recommendations Refreshing the Asset Management Plan on an annual basis
enables continued focus on investment in council homes and keeping tenants safe
whilst taking account of the economic and regulatory context within which the
council delivers its services and the long term trajectory for the Business
Plan and financial health of the Housing Revenue Account. The Asset Management Plan shows how the council will
manage compliance with regulatory requirements and meet the decent homes
standard across council housing stock. It also refreshes and sets out a clear
action plan for future investment, responds to a changing regulatory context,
reflects up to date operating costs and plans capital spend accordingly. It
enables inclusion of key projects and programmes of work. Having an Asset Management Plan in place helps to provide
a good framework for capital investment planning and a framework through which
the council can demonstrate progress and continued compliance and enables a
short, medium and long term view on the financial sustainability of the HRA and
any adjustments required. Having a solid understanding of data on the condition of
housing stock and plans to invest in and ensure homes meet the decent homes
standard is an important regulatory requirement. The Council is in a robust
position, evidenced by the recent regulatory inspection, and must continue to
deliver on its plans and commitments. |
TENANT AND LEASEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT A report providing an update and assurance regarding the Council’s engagement with tenants and leaseholders. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1) NOTED the update and progress made, and; 2) ENDORSED the actions planned for the next year. Minutes: The Director for Housing and Communities, Michelle Howard,
introduced the report. Councillor Allnatt moved the recommendations and
Councillor Cumbers seconded the motion. It was commented how well the tenants had taken to the new
Tenant Engagement and Regulatory Compliance Lead. RESOLVED Cabinet: 1)
NOTED the update and progress made, and; 2)
ENDORSED the actions planned for the next
year. (Non-key decision) Reason for recommendations The report addresses the Council’s responsibilities under
the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2024 and Housing and Regeneration Act 2008,
along with regulations made under both. The 2008 Act allows the Regulator of
Social Housing to set standards which the Council must meet in relation to its
housing stock and tenants. The Council has been subject to proactive inspection
by the Regulator which confirmed that it is largely compliant however, further
actions were required to improve the level of compliance. The Council is
continuing to engage with the Regulator to deliver on these actions. |
HOUSING ALLOCATIONS POLICY REFRESH A report providing an overview of the updated Housing Allocations Policy and seeks approval of the policy. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1) NOTED the changes made and approve the refreshed Melton Home Search Housing Allocations Policy, and; 2) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services to make minor amendments to ensure the policy remains up to date and in line with best practice. Minutes: The Director for Housing and Communities, Michelle Howard,
introduced the report. Councillor Allnatt moved the recommendations and
Councillor Butcher seconded the motion. Following a query regarding ensuring the right mix of
neighbours, it was explained that the Council had a responsibility to allocate
according to need, but are guided by the Housing Allocations Policy and the
Lettings Policy. In response to the question on who judges what is adequately
housed, it was explained that there is banding criteria and framework which
supports the decisions made. However, it was noted that there are occasional
exceptions. In circumstances where someone had too many bedrooms for
their needs and how the Council persuades them to downsize, it was explained
that the legislation doesn’t allow the Council to force residents to move in
those situations. Where the Council could intervene and provide assistance, is
when the resident can’t afford to live in their current property. RESOLVED Cabinet: 1)
NOTED the changes made and approve the
refreshed Melton Home Search Housing Allocations Policy, and; 2)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for
Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing,
Leisure and Landlord Services to make minor amendments to ensure the policy
remains up to date and in line with best practice. (Key decision) Reason for recommendations The policy has been updated to bring it up to date, and
to respond to learning and recommendations arising from casework, internal
audit and complaints. |
PROPERTY DISPOSAL REPORT A report updating Members on the current position of the Council-owned property at 5-7 King Street, Melton Mowbray, which will shortly become vacant and to determine an agreed route forward for the property. This item contains an exempt report and a public report. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1) APPROVED the sale of the Council-owned property at 5-7 King Street in line with the details as set out in this report, and; 2) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Prosperity and Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources and the Director of Corporate Services, to dispose of 5-7 King Street in line with the conditions as set out in this report to reduce the liabilities on the Council as soon as is reasonably possible. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and
Resources, Councillor Cox, introduced the report. Councillor Allnatt moved the
recommendations and Councillor Cox seconded the motion. The Director for Housing and Communities outlined the asset
of community value (ACV) process. A discussion ensued about the ACV process and
ended with the Assistant Director for Governance and Democracy providing some
legal advice on the process. Following a concern raised about whether Historic England
had been approached about a possible sale, it was noted that any prospective
purchaser would be made aware of the historic significance of the building. It
was suggested that the Council could write to Historic England and invite them
to view the building. Regarding the ACV process, it was noted that the building is
not a registered ACV asset and therefore when the property is for sale, it
would be on the open market. Community groups would be welcome to purchase the
building but that they must have the funds to purchase and maintain the
property. Following a discussion, it was agreed that a process would
be put in place to support the disposal of the property. Members were informed that the principle of the report and
the proposed disposal is to manage costs. Therefore, the longer the disposal
takes, the more it would cost the Council. The comment was made that the Council should take more
notice of heritage. RESOLVED Cabinet: 1)
APPROVED the sale of the Council-owned
property at 5-7 King Street in line with the details as set out in this report,
and; 2)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for
Prosperity and Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
Finance, Property and Resources and the Director of Corporate Services, to
dispose of 5-7 King Street, in line with the conditions as set out in this
report to reduce the liabilities on the Council as soon as is reasonably
possible. (Key decision) Reasons for recommendations The existing tenant of the property has exercised the
break clause in their lease effective from 23 October 2024. A temporary
agreement has been entered into by the tenant to stay in the property until the
end of 2024. Due to this, officers are recommending that the Council
start the process of disposal as a matter of urgency to ensure any liabilities
that could be incurred between the existing tenancy ending and disposal of the
premises are minimised. At 5:01pm, prior to the commencement of this item and due to
a declared interest, Councillor Butcher left the meeting and did not return. |