Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services 01664 502579
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received
from Councillors Butcher and Cumbers. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2024 were confirmed. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 60 KB Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
following items have been referred from the Scrutiny Committee: · Scrutiny Feedback on Crime and Disorder Decision: · Scrutiny feedback on Crime and Disorder. Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback. Minutes: In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, the following item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee: Scrutiny feedback on Crime and Disorder The Chair of
the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Brown, introduced the report advising Members that the
Scrutiny Committee had met on 12 September 2024 and considered the Crime and
Disorder Annual Report and advised that Leicestershire Police’s Neighbourhood
Policing Area Commander for Melton and Rutland, Inspector Darren Richardson,
was present at the meeting. Cabinet
was informed that Scrutiny had highlighted that there is a disconnect between
reported crime and the public’s sense of crime. It was recognised that there is
crime and it needs reporting but there is a need to be careful in
order to not inflate crime. The Scrutiny Committee Chair stated that, on
the whole, Melton is a safe place. Councillor
Cox, who also holds the role of the Chair of the Safer Melton Partnership,
thanked Scrutiny for their input on this. It
was recognised by Cabinet that the Scrutiny Committee has an important role as the Council’s
designated Crime and Disorder Committee. The
Leader thanked the Police and all partners involved in the delivery of the annual
report and fighting crime in the Borough. Cabinet
noted that the Police and Crime Commissioner has informed residents and
businesses to report crime when they experience or witness it. The reason for
this is that the Police will have a true picture in
order to apply budgets appropriately. Cabinet
AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback. |
HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT (HRA) BUDGET MONITORING 1 APRIL 2024 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2024 PDF 200 KB The Leader of the Council (Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services) and the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources to submit a report seeking to provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 for revenue and capital budgets. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet NOTED the financial position on the Housing Revenue Account at 30 September 2024 and the year-end forecast for both revenue and capital. Minutes: During the debate the following
comments were made: ·
Cabinet noted the importance of learning
from what has happened in
order to move forward. The Council has achieved a lot, however it was recognised that a
number of issues were inherited. ·
Members recognised the need to keep monitoring the situation. RESOLVED Cabinet NOTED the financial position on the Housing
Revenue Account at 30 September 2024 and the year-end forecast for both
revenue and capital. (Non-key decision) Reason for
recommendation The Council,
having set an agreed budget at the start of the financial year, needs to ensure
that the delivery of the budget is achieved. Consequently, there is a
requirement to regularly monitor progress so that corrective action can be
taken when required, which is enhanced with the regular reporting of the
financial position. |
GENERAL FUND AND SPECIAL EXPENSES - BUDGET MONITORING 1 APRIL 2024 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2024 PDF 412 KB The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources to submit a report advising Members of the year end forecast and financial position for the General Fund and Special Expenses at 30 September 2024 for both revenue and capital. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet NOTED the year-end forecast and financial position for the General Fund and Special Expenses at 30 September 2024 for both revenue and capital. Minutes: The Portfolio
Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources, Councillor Cox,
introduced the report. Councillor Allnatt moved the recommendations and Councillor Glancy seconded the
motion. During
the debate the following
comments were made: · It was
recognised that the cost of providing weekly food waste collections is
something other Leicestershire Authorities are also struggling with. In
addition, Members acknowledged that there is not just an issue in terms of
funding but also the practicality of delivering the service. RESOLVED Cabinet
NOTED the year-end forecast and financial position for the General
Fund and Special Expenses at 30 September 2024 for both revenue and capital. (Non-key decision) Reason for recommendation The Council, having set an agreed budget at the start of
the financial year, needs to ensure that the delivery of this budget is
achieved. Consequently, there is a requirement to regularly monitor progress so
that corrective action can be taken when required, which is enhanced with the
regular reporting of the financial position. |
TREASURY MANAGEMENT MID-YEAR REPORT 2024/25 PDF 202 KB The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources to submit a report providing a summary of the Treasury activities to the end of September 2024 and covering the actual position to date on the Prudential Indicators in accordance with the Prudential Code. Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet recommended to Council that: 1) The Mid-Year position on treasury activity for 2024/25 be noted. 2) The Mid-Year position on Prudential Indicators for 2024/25 be noted. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources, Councillor Cox, introduced the report. Councillor Cox moved the recommendations and Councillor Glancy seconded the motion. Members had no comments to add. RESOLVED Cabinet recommended to Council that: 1) The Mid-Year position on treasury activity for 2024/25 be noted. 2) The Mid-Year position on Prudential Indicators for 2024/25 be noted. (Non-key decision) Reasons for recommendations The Prudential Code requires the Council to monitor and
report performance on Treasury Management activities at least quarterly. As a
minimum full Council need to receive an annual report on the strategy and plan
for the coming financial year, a mid year review and an annual report on
performance of the treasury management function. In addition monitoring reports
should be received at least quarterly alongside revenue and capital monitoring
by the cabinet as the body delegated responsibility for treasury management
functions. To facilitate the decision making process and support
capital investment decisions the Prudential Code requires the Council to agree
and monitor a minimum number of prudential indicators. |
CONTRACT AWARD FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THE STOCKYARD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PDF 285 KB The Leader of the Council to submit a report dealing with the award of contract for the Stockyard Redevelopment Project. Decision: Cabinet 1) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Director for Corporate Services, to award the Stockyard Redevelopment Project (including the trader hall event space), main contract works to GF Tomlinson for a contract sum of no more than £11,197,422.08, with authority to subsequently draw on the Contingency Construction of £228,518 as required and subject to planning permission being obtained. 2) AGREED to enter into a JCT Design & Build 2016 contract with GF Tomlinson as the construction partner for the Stockyard Redevelopment Project subject to planning permission being obtained. Minutes: The Leader introduced the report. Allnatt moved the
recommendations and Glancy seconded the motion. During the debate the following comments were made: ·
Cabinet welcomed that the proposal would include
the trader hall event space. ·
Officers were thanked for the report and their
efforts in delivering the project. RESOLVED Cabinet 1)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for
Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the
Director for Corporate Services, to award the Stockyard Redevelopment Project
(including the trader hall event space), main contract works to GF Tomlinson
for a contract sum of no more than £11,197,422.08, with authority to
subsequently draw on the Contingency Construction of £228,518 as required and
subject to planning permission being obtained. 2)
AGREED to enter into a JCT Design &
Build 2016 Contract with GF Tomlinson as the construction partner for the
Stockyard Redevelopment Project subject to planning permission being obtained. (Key Decision) Reasons for recommendations The approval to award the contract to GF Tomlinson as the
principal contractor for the main contract works will provide a seamless
transition from the design stages of the project to the construction phase,
once planning permission has been achieved. It has been programmed to start the construction phase in
early 2025 and this approval will allow the project to progress to this stage
in line with the programme and LUF Funding requirements. This will avoid programme delay allowing the LUF Funding
requirements to be met and the Council will be able to maximise the funding
source available from Central Government. |
FEES AND CHARGES 2025-26 PDF 263 KB A report providing information and proposals on the various fees and charges that the Council sets covering General Fund services both general and special expenses and Housing Revenue Account services for the 2025-26 financial year. Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet 1) APPROVED the proposed fees and charges for 2025-26 as outlined in the attached appendices A-E with the exception of those relating to catering at Gretton Court which are delegated to the Director for Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services. 2) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Growth and Regeneration (or the Director of Place and Prosperity once commenced) to undertake the necessary legal steps to finalise the introduction of the updated car parking charges to take effect as soon as practically possible. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and
Resources, Councillor Cox, introduced the report. Cox moved the recommendations
and Glancy seconded the motion. Councillor Cox informed Members that in respect of catering
provision at Gretton Court, Cabinet are minded to cap the increase to midday
meals for tenants at 10% for 2025/26 and to remodel the costs of meals provided
to non-tenants and lunch clubs. This is aimed to support vulnerable tenants
with costs pressures. The modelling and implications arising would be managed
under delegation as outlined in the amended recommended. During the debate the following comments were made: ·
The Leader noted that the Council are not
currently introducing fees on free car parks throughout the Borough. ·
Members acknowledged that, unlike other
Districts, the Council are not charging for parking on evenings or Sundays and
are not charging blue badge holders. ·
Cabinet welcomed the balanced approach to
Gretton Court. RESOLVED Cabinet 1)
APPROVED the proposed fees and charges
for 2025-26 as outlined in the attached appendices A-E with the exception of
those relating to catering at Gretton Court which are delegated to the Director
for Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director for Corporate
Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services. 2)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for
Growth and Regeneration (or the Director of Place and Prosperity once
commenced) to undertake the necessary legal steps to finalise the introduction
of the updated car parking charges to take effect as soon as practically
possible. (Key decision) Reason for recommendations To agree changes to the Council’s fees and charges to
operate from 1st April 2025 with the exception of car parking which is to be
applied as soon as practically possible once the relevant legal and practical
steps have been undertaken. |
ACQUISITION OF AFFORDABLE HOMES TO SPEND RIGHT TO BUY RECEIPTS 2024-25 PDF 239 KB Ther Leader of the Council (Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services) to submit a report detailing the acquisition of affordable homes enabling the Council to achieve its Right to Buy receipt spending requirements up to 2027/28. Decision: Cabinet 1) APPROVED the purchase of two houses from a new housing development in Melton. 2) NOTED the intention to progress the purchase of eight new houses from the development in Marquis Gardens, Old Dalby. 3) NOTED that in progressing these purchases, the Council will have achieved its Right to Buy receipt spending requirements up to 2027/28. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services,
Councillor Allnatt, introduced the report. Allnatt moved the recommendations
and Glancy seconded the motion. Members had no comments to add. RESOLVED Cabinet 1)
APPROVED the purchase of two houses from
a new housing development in Melton. 2)
NOTED the intention to progress the
purchase of eight new houses from the development in Marquis Gardens, Old
Dalby. 3)
NOTED that in progressing these
purchases, the Council will have achieved its Right to Buy receipt spending
requirements up to 2027/28. (Key decision) Reasons for recommendations Delivering new council homes with RTB receipts will go
towards meeting the corporate priority of providing high quality council homes
and landlord services. Increasing the Council’s stock of new homes will help to
address the shortage of affordable homes in the Borough and reduce the number
of applicants on the register for council housing. The Government imposes deadlines for spending RTB
receipts. A certain amount of funds has to be spent each financial year in
order to avoid receipts being sent back to the Treasury with an interest
penalty. The purchase of these homes will ensure that RTB receipts are spent on
time. The proposed acquisitions are affordable to the Housing
Revenue Account. There is a budget allocated within the Council’s capital
programme for the acquisition / development of new affordable homes. The delivery of the new homes will be managed within
existing staff resources. |
PLANNING PRODUCTIVITY PLAN PDF 237 KB The Deputy Leader (Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services) to submit a report setting out a plan to improve the Planning service, covering six workstreams, including guidance to applicants, staff training and development, member training, digital transformation, customer service and procedure rules (including decision taking). Decision: Cabinet 1)
RECOGNISED the importance of the service to the Council and residents of the
Borough, and the significant demand and pressure on the service at present. 2)
NOTED the paper
and the need for improvements in the planning process and approves the
establishment of a Planning Productivity Plan (PPP), with a Project Oversight
Board established to include the relevant Portfolio Holder and Chair of the
Planning Committee to maintain effective oversight on progress (terms of
reference to be agreed with the Leader, and aforementioned
members). 3)
proposed changes to procedure rules arising from workstream 6 would follow the
normal process for constitutional changes. 4)
DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation
with the Director for Corporate Services to approve a supplementary estimate of
up to £150,000 to the Growth and Regeneration budget from the Regeneration and
Innovation Reserve. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services, Councillor Glancy, introduced the report. Glancy moved the recommendations and Allnatt seconded the motion. During the debate the following comments were made: · It was noted that the money which will be drawn from reserves can be used over the course of this or the next financial year. · Cabinet recognised that some details can be finalised when the board is established · Members noted that any Constitutional changes that would need to be undertaken would have to follow the usual process before implemented. · Cabinet recognised that this was a big piece of work and thanked all those involved. · The Chair of the Planning Committee was invited to speak and thanked the efforts of officers and the Cabinet to bring forward the planning productivity plan. RESOLVED Cabinet 1) RECOGNISED the importance of the service to the Council and residents of the Borough, and the significant demand and pressure on the service at present. 2) NOTED the paper and the need for improvements in the planning process and APPROVED the establishment of a Planning Productivity Plan (PPP), with a Project Oversight Board established to include the relevant Portfolio Holder and Chair of the Planning Committee to maintain effective oversight on progress (terms of reference to be agreed with the Leader, and aforementioned members). 3) NOTED any proposed changes to procedure rules arising from workstream 6 would follow the normal process for constitutional changes. 4) DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services to approve a supplementary estimate of up to £150,000 to the Growth and Regeneration budget from the Regeneration and Innovation Reserve. (Key decision) Reasons for
recommendations The planning service
is under pressure and that is impacting on its reputation and its ability to
turn applications in a timely manner. Changes are required
to overcome the issues that are causing backlogs of planning applications and
damaging the reputation of the service, and council, as a result. If these
issues are not resolved the planning service could fail and that would result
in government intervention. If this happens, Melton Borough Council would lose
the ability to both receive and determine planning applications and would not
receive the income from them. This is a standard
improvement project that will require process, people and technology changes
and will involve staff and members in order to improve customer service. It
cannot be delivered without additional funding for project management,
releasing capacity to deliver the project and the training, development and
technology improvements required to improve the service. |
BIODIVERSITY DUTY FIRST CONSIDERATION PDF 201 KB The Leader (Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment & Regulatory Services) to submit a report advising Members of the requirements relating to the Biodiversity Duty - First Consideration. Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report and approves the First Consideration Report at Appendix A. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services, Councillor Glancy, introduced the report. Glancy moved the recommendation and Allnatt seconded the motion. During the debate the following
comments were made: ·
Cabinet noted that they
have previous highlighted the
importance of local green space and that the plan is welcomed. RESOLVED Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report and approves the First Consideration Report at Appendix A. (Key decision) Reason for recommendation To enable the Council to fulfil its statutory duty in
accordance with the Environment Act2021 to make its First Consideration in
respect of biodiversity. |