Contact: Helen Ainge
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Smedley. |
To approve the minutes of the meeting on Tuesday 23 June 2020. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2020 were approved and authorised to be signed by the Chair. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
INTERIM UPDATE REPORT - RECOMMENDATION OF THE HOUSING VOIDS TASK AND FINISH GROUP A report to update Members on the Housing Task and Finish group’s work in relation to the Housing Service’s void management including the context of the Covid-19, the restructure of the Council’s front facing services in April 2020 and subsequent operational changes related to void management and performance. Minutes: Andrew
Cotton, Director for Housing and Communities gave a brief summary of the
report, the purpose of which was to update Members on the work of the Housing
Voids Task and Finish Group, in relation to the Housing Service’s void
management. Mr.
Cotton highlighted that the report detailed:
Alan Pearson, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities advised that a
review of the Council’s voids management had revealed that a great deal of work
was needed to improve the service. The
Council had a good focus on this issue and recognised that the service needed
to be fit for purpose long-term. Many
improvements had already been undertaken but there was still much to be done. Councillor
Pearson highlighted that there may be a number of additional issues to be dealt
with as a result of Covid-19. The
Council needed to consider building more social housing (as well as purchasing
it). Councillor
Pearson thanked the Committee for their work in gathering information, which
had been very helpful to the review. During
discussion the following points were noted:
REVIEW OF SCRUTINY WORKPLAN 2020-21 AND THE ANNUAL FORWARD PLAN To consider the Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for inclusion in the work plan, or to request further information. Copies on the annual work plan and the latest Forward Plan will be available at the meeting. The Forward Plan can be found on the website using the following link: Minutes: Councillor Pat Cumbers,
Chair of the Committee provided a brief overview of the draft Work Plan,
highlighting:- • the draft Work Plan
outlined the areas of work, which the Committee expected to scrutinise during
the remainder of the Civic year; • at the Scrutiny
Workshop on 16 July 2020, Members discussed suitable items to include in the
Work Plan; • the draft Plan had
been agreed by herself and the Vice Chair; • the Work Plan was a
‘living document’ and further amendments and additions suggested by Members,
due to changing priorities were welcomed, subject to guidance on items for the
Work Plan, as set out in the Constitution. During discussion the
following points were noted:- • The Cattle Market
was a Work Plan item for both Scrutiny and Audit and Standards Committees. It was noted that the Committee remits
differed in that this Committee dealt with the formation of policy and Audit
and Standards Committee were concerned with ensuring policy was followed. • The audit of the Cattle Market had
commenced. This included review of the
financial transactions and obligations
to the Council. Scrutiny would receive
an update on the ongoing work in relation to the Cattle Market from Councillor
Leigh Higgins, as Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity. • Audit reports were available to Members upon request
but it was suggested that all audit reports should be circulated to Members of
this Committee. • It was vital that
the Council should identify priority areas to focus on. Businesses in the town were experiencing
great difficulties and problems needed to be addresses quickly. • The first meeting
of the newly established Place Task and Finish Group would be held on 24
September. Here, the main issues facing
the town would be considered and priorities would be identified. RESOLVED The Committee APPROVED the draft Work Plan. |
TERMS OF REFERENCE - RESPONSE/RECOVERY TASK AND FINISH GROUPS A report on the establishment of two task and finish groups to review the response and recovery in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic; to approve the Terms of Reference and to ask Members to note the Draft Scoping Documents. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Cumbers gave a
summary of the report, the purpose of which was to provide Members with the
draft Terms of Reference and draft Scoping Documents for the two task and
finish groups, which had been established to review the response and recovery
in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Councillor Cumbers advised
that at the Scrutiny Workshop on 16 July, Members had agreed that it would be
useful to review the local response, impact and recovery in relation to the
current national Covid-19 crisis. The
proposed Terms of Reference for a People group and a Place group had been
drafted and agreed with herself, the Vice Chair and relevant Lead Officers for
each group and were detailed in the report. Councillor Cumbers confirmed
that the task and finish groups would have the opportunity to review their
Scoping Documents at their first meetings.
She highlighted that:
Councillor Cumbers confirmed
the membership of the groups:
During discussion the
following points were noted:
Members noted that
the opportunity for the groups to speak with external experts would be of
considerable benefit. RESOLVED The Committee: 1)
APPROVED to establish task and finish groups to review the response and
recovery in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic; 2)
APPROVED the Terms of Reference for the task and finish groups; 3)
NOTED the draft Scoping Documents for the task and finish groups, which
would be finalised by the groups at their first meeting. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business. |