Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: An apology for absence was
received from Councillor Evans. (At 6:31pm, Councillor
Wilkinson entered the meeting.) |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: A personal interest in respect of Councillor Posnett was noted as being on record for any matters which related to Leicestershire County Council. |
PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES (DEPUTY LEADER) ANNUAL PRESENTATION PDF 1 MB The annual presentation of the Portfolio Holder for People and Communities (Deputy Leader), Councillor Graham, is to be presented to the Committee. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for
People and Communities (Deputy Leader), Councillor Malise Graham, presented to
the Committee. In doing so he summarised the progress that had been made in the
portfolio and focused on the following elements of the portfolio: safer
communities; supporting communities; supporting vulnerable people; armed forces
covenant and health, wellbeing and physical activity. Following a comment from
Members to say that crime is an issue in rural areas, Councillor Graham
reiterated the collaborations and strategic partnerships the Council has in
place to prevent crime including: Safer Melton Partnership, Countywide
Community Safety Partnership, Strategic Rural Policing Board and Action Melton
Youth Group. In addition to this it was confirmed that the Council has good
relations with local Police colleagues. A Member raised a query
regarding the allocation of housing for local residents, particularly in rural
areas. In response it was noted that the local criteria element of the
Allocation Policy had been tightened but that allocations was under the remit
of the tenancy team. Members were appraised of
the welcome event for Ukrainian refugees that took place on 24 May. The event
was a joint event run by Rutland County Council and Melton Borough Council. The
Committee welcomed the event and thought that the refugees would benefit
immensely from it. Following a discussion
regarding case management, Members confirmed that Scrutiny would welcome
receiving case management outcomes. A discussion on the Covid
Memorial Garden ensued and Members stated that sufficient funding should be
allocated for the maintenance of the garden. Health, wellbeing and
physical activity was discussed and the Committee was informed that Sport and
Leisure Management Limited had been instructed to produce the Council’s Health
and Wellbeing Strategy. In response to a Member asking whether orienteering for
children had been considered for inclusion, it was confirmed that the idea
hadn’t previously been considered but would be as a result of it being raised. At the conclusion of the
presentation, the Committee thanked the Councillor Graham for his attendance
and presentation. |
SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT 2021/22 PDF 172 KB The Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22 is to be presented to the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Democratic
Services and Scrutiny Officer introduced the Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22. In
doing so, it was explained that there have been reports and Portfolio Holder
presentations considered at Committee meetings as well as task and finish
groups, reviews and workshops. Members were informed that
the result of the work carried out by the Scrutiny Committee had been the
production of recommendations and the submission of comments for Cabinet consideration.
Over the course of the year the function of Scrutiny had developed a more
collaborative and partnership role with the Executive, as Members seize upon
the opportunity of getting involved at a developmental stage of policy
development. This was evidenced by Scrutiny’s involvement in the Housing
Revenue Account Business Plan, the Town Centre Masterplan
and the Asset Development Plan via workshops. RESOLVED That the Scrutiny Committee 1)
Approved the Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22, and 2) Recommended that the report is submitted to Council. |