Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 July 2022. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2022 were approved. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: A personal interest in respect of Councillor Posnett was noted as being on record for any matters which related to Leicestershire County Council. |
REVIEW OF THE FORWARD PLAN PDF 171 KB To consider the attached Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for inclusion in the Scrutiny Work Programme, or to request further information. Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Cabinet Forward Plan and invited Members for comments. |
REVIEW OF THE SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME 2022/23 PDF 175 KB Members are to review and comment upon the attached Scrutiny Work Programme 2022/23. Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Scrutiny Work Programme 2022/23 and invited Members to comment upon the document. |
The Scrutiny Committee will discuss the following as part of the Crime and Disorder agenda item:
As part of the item there will also be a
question and answer session. Additional documents: Minutes: Through a presentation, the Director for
Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) introduced the Crime and
Disorder item and provided a summary of what to expect during the presentation. Inspector Lindsey Madeley-Harland,
Leicestershire Police’s Neighbourhood Police Commander for Melton and Rutland
provided Members with an overview of crime in the area. Members were informed
that the current priorities for the Police in the area are:
stopping County lines, tackling anti-social behaviour, preventing rural crime
and road safety. Inspector Madeley-Harland stated that
officers had to be provided to East Leicester due to the recent disturbances
and that this had affected coverage in the area, however policing levels in the
area had since been restored to usual levels. The Committee were informed that in terms of
Community Safety, the police would not have been able to achieve the results
they have without the partnership in place. In addressing the crimes statistics,
Inspector Madeley-Harland informed Members that the figures are lowest within
the police area. In the 7-month period from February 2022 there have 2262
crimes reported, in the same 7 months the previous year there were 1908 crimes
reported and in 2020 there were 1746 crimes reported. Inspector Madeley-Harland
explained that crime is up due to changes in the way crime is reported. It was explained that in the last 28 days,
in Melton the following crimes had been reported: 6 burglary others compared to
an average of 8; 10 residential burglaries which is average; 1 robbery; 3
thefts from person compared to an average of 2 and 9 thefts of motor vehicles
compared to an average of 8. The satisfaction rate of the police in the area
for September is 81.4%. Members were then updated on a range of
projects that the Council are working on including:
partnership working; engagement with communities; the AMY project; Fairmead Football League; CCTV; Domestic Abuse and
Anti-social Behaviour Management within the Housing Service. At the start of the debate a comment was
made that the majority of the discussion was focussed
on the town of Melton Mowbray and that it is important not to forget that half
of the Borough’s population lives in the villages when considering Crime and
Disorder. Officers and Inspector Madeley-Harland assured the Committee of the
work being done across the whole Borough including in rural areas. Following this, a concern was raised that
the lack of youth services within the villages has led to an increase in petty
vandalism. In response, it was explained that one of the priorities is rural
crime and that every effort is made to engage with the local community when
addressing issues. Officers referred to proactive engagement with Parish
Councils, to which a Member suggested that Ward
Councillors should also be involved in those discussions. The Director for
Housing and Communities then committed to feeding back to colleagues to ensure
that Ward Members are briefed on the updates that are provided to Parish
Councils. A Member questioned whether there had been an increase in shoplifting, however ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |