Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from
Cllrs Glancy and Holmes. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 September 2022. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held 27 September
2022 were approved. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: A personal interest in
respect of Councillor Posnett was noted as being on record for any matter which
related to Leicestershire County Council. Councillor Webster declared a personal interest in relation to Minute Number 37 as he is the Town Warden for Melton Town Estate. |
REVIEW OF THE FORWARD PLAN PDF 166 KB To consider the attached Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for inclusion in the Scrutiny Work Programme, or to request further information. Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Cabinet Forward
Plan and invited members comments. The Chairman asked if the issue of
homelessness could be included as it is likely to become more of an issue with
the current cost of living crisis. The Committee unanimously agreed to add the
topic onto the Work Programme. |
REVIEW OF THE SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME 2022/23 PDF 172 KB Members are to review and comment upon the attached Scrutiny Work Programme 2022/23. Minutes: The Chairman announced that the Debt
Management Report that was due at the meeting taking place in November has been
delayed. The Committee will have an additional meeting to look at this topic.
After a short discussion, Members agreed that the additional meeting would take
place on 11 January 2023. The Director for Housing and Communities
(Deputy Chief Executive) apologised for the delay and explained that the team
had prioritised responses to Covid and the cost-of-living crisis. The team had
just employed an interim manager who would be working on the report to get it
completed for the meeting in January. Members were given a brief outline of
the position in relation to Council Tax and NNDR collection and
also rent arrears and collection. A new Income and Sustainment Officer
post has been filled and they will be actively working with tenants with debts.
Members were informed that a briefing note would be circulated covering the
points raised following the meeting. A Member asked if the Council Tax and
NNDR figures could be shown in the report separately. A question was also asked
whether any Portfolio Holders had written off any debts in the last 3 years. A
member commented that the debt collection does appear to be out of control and
needs looking at. Members would like to
know whether the legal section has the resources to manage the court cases, as
required. The Committee felt this is an area where historically the Council
have been poor. The strategic collaboration with Harborough District Council was
discussed. The plans will be presented to the Scrutiny Committee in November
when they will have opportunity to scrutinise them. Members unanimously agreed
to add the topic on to the Work Programme. In response to a query on whether the plan will have been agreed by the
time it is presented to Scrutiny, Members were assured that the Scrutiny
Committee will have opportunity to look at the plan and make their comments. The Chairman requested that the business plan papers be hand-delivered
on the day they are published. The agenda is due to be published on 11 November
2022, however as work continues there could be alterations after this date,
however Members will be advised of changes verbally at the meeting. It was also
confirmed that Harborough District Council Scrutiny Committee will receive the
plans at the same time, as they would be published on the same date. A Member raised the question on whether other collaborations the Council
have in place will be included within the report. In response, the committee
were informed that this is already being considered. Comments were made that
some collaborations do not seem to work well particularly in the more rural
areas. Following a request on whether the Leader of Harborough District Council
would attend the meeting in November alongside our Leader, it was confirmed
that this would be investigated. The Chairman asked if the committee felt that the meeting on 22/11/22 should concentrate on the business case ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN - HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT (HRA) PDF 265 KB The Asset Management Plan for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) is to be presented to the Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Housing Asset
Manager presented the HRA Asset Management Plan, which is a 5-year capital
programme plan. After explaining what the Asset Management Plan is and going through
the content of the plan, Members were given the opportunity to ask questions
that had arisen. A Member asked about
whether the replacement of storage heaters could be escalated as it was
becoming a big issue for tenants with the recent energy price increases and the
inefficiency of them to run. Concerns that 20% of
housing stock is below decent homes standard were raised. The Committee was
informed that this issue is covered in the plan and the aim is to get rid of
the backlog within the 5 years, by this point all homes will meet the required
standard. In response to the
question on how many rooms at Gretton Court require showers, Members were
informed that a business plan and budget is in place and the intention is to
upgrade properties as they become void. All properties once void will have the
shower installed before they are re-let. Comments were also made about concerns
for increased need for accommodation for the elderly in the coming years. The comment was made
that residents who look after their properties tend to be penalised as they do
not get new bathrooms/kitchens replaced as often as those who have not looked
after them. In response, the Committee were informed that age determines when
replacements are made, but the condition does have to be considered if it is
beyond repair. The comment was made
that the business plan was good and well written, however concern was raised
that it was too long and there needs to be greater prioritisation. Members were
advised that the plan included all actions that need to be done, they have been
put into priority order and the list will get reduced as some items will be
combined. Members raised the
issue about aluminium windows being replaced, and they were informed that the
business plan commits to replace half this year and the remaining the following
year and therefore all aluminium windows will be replaced by March 2024. A discussion ensued
on the budget and the Committee were informed the budget is £5.7m which
includes the new build programme. It was confirmed that to date £600,000 has
been spent. Procurement for contracts are in place and by the end of the year
the full budget will have been spent. Following a question
on why the Council does not install solar panels on roofs, Members were informed
that fifty properties have had solar panels installed and this was done with
funding. The Council continues to seek investment and grant funding is being
sought for this and other energy efficiency technologies. In response to a question on whether there are any benchmark figures to compare against other social housing, the Committee was informed that work with Savills has said we are higher than average, and that the benchmarking data has been included in ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
TOURISM IN THE MELTON BOROUGH AREA PDF 283 KB A report on tourism in the Melton Borough area is to be presented to the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were given
a joint presentation by the Director for Growth and Regeneration and the Senior
Tourism and Events Officer which gave an overview of the Council’s Tourism
Service and what actions they are taking to increase tourism to the Borough. The Chairman
thanked them for their comprehensive report and asked Members for any questions
or feedback. Members said that
they had been talking to tourists visiting the town on several occasions and
they had been asked what is there to see or do in the area as they had not been
able to find any information as there is no tourist office in the town. Members also said
that although the events at the Stockyard are well attended it does not attract
them into the town centre as the location is outside of the town centre. It was
explained to Members that resources have been spent to make the town centre
more attractive and new signs and maps have been installed, there are maps in
the Market Place, top of Nottingham Street and in three car parks. There are
stands with leaflets displayed showing local attractions and the heritage
trail, they are outside the church and Dickenson & Morris. Information is
also available from the council offices, the library, and the Museum. There is
information available online under Discover Melton, where there is a borough
wide attractions map to promote business throughout the Borough. Members said all
the empty shops do not make the town look attractive and something needs to be
done about it. Also, there is a shortage of accommodation in the Borough which
discourages visitors. It was mentioned that Eye Kettleby
Lakes gets excellent reviews so should be promoted more as a leisure stay. Members were
advised that the town centre has had investment to make improvements, also
Melton in Bloom has been encouraged to help make it more attractive, work is in
progress with The Bell Centre project and BID are working to encourage more
short-term businesses into the town centre with pop up and temporary shops.
Work is being done with the town estate about revamping the Market. The lack of
accommodation was acknowledged as an issue, it is difficult to solve as unless
hotel operators are willing to come into the area, the Council cannot do
anything about it. Other options are being looked at with council owned
buildings. A Member commented that Parkside would be an ideal hotel. A Member said that the map on the website showing attractions in the Borough was out of date and did not reflect the number of places to eat, as only a few were shown. There needs to be an up-to-date comprehensive map. Members were advised that any place can be added with written permission from the business. It was pointed out that members had been asked when the site was developed to advise of any business that potentially could be included. A member mentioned that Churches are not included but was advised that they are ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |