Venue: Conference Room, Phoenix House, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 0UL
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Child and Thwaites. Councillor Evans was absent. |
To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2024. Minutes: The comment was made that
some comments at the previous meeting had been omitted. The Senior Democratic
Services and Scrutiny Officer would review and suggest amendments, where
appropriate. The Chair would then decide whether or not to include the amendments.
In addition, a comment was
made that the line in Minute Number 46 ‘there is a perception that there are
problems with customer services’ was inaccurate as, in the opinion of the
Member, there is a problem with customer services. The Chair noted that the
Minutes are not a verbatim record and is a summary of the meeting. It was also
noted that whilst the Member asserts there is a problem, it is their perception
as the statement was not supported by objective evidence. The Minutes of the meeting
held on 21 March 2024 were approved. |
To discuss any matters arising out of the Minutes and review the response tracker. Minutes: Regarding the issue of Senior Leadership pay, the Chair informed Members that he had received advice from the Monitoring Officer in which it was established that it would not be appropriate to review the top at Scrutiny. The Chair informed Members that he would circulate the advice to the Member who raised the topic. The Scrutiny Committee noted the Issue Tracker. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Gordon declared a personal interest, in Minute Number 55, as she is a tenant of a Melton Borough Council property, however she was advised by Officers that she could remain and participate in the meeting. |
REVIEW OF THE FORWARD PLAN To consider the attached Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for inclusion in the Scrutiny Work Programme, or to request further information. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Cabinet Forward Plan and invited Members to comment. |
REVIEW OF THE SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME 2023/24 Members are to review and comment upon the attached Scrutiny Work Programme 2023/24. Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Scrutiny Work Programme 2023/24 and invited Members to comment on the document. In response to a query on whether to scrutinise the topic of the offer to young people, the Committee were advised that the Work Programme Workshop would be taking place on 3 June 2024. There is an opportunity then to rank the items on the pending list and consider whether any new topics should be added to the Work Programme. Members were reminded that there will be a Workshop on the topic of the Customer Journey Framework taking place in June. |
REGULATORY CHANGE IN HOUSING The Committee is to receive a planned update on the Council's preparations regulatory change in housing. A workshop with Council tenants will also take place. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director for Housing and
Communities introduced the report on regulatory change in housing. Officers
were congratulated on the work they have done in this area. The query was raised as to whether the audit overlaps could
be reduced, however in response it was explained that one Officer is
responsible for Corporate Health and Safety and another Officer is responsible
for Housing Health and Safety and that the audits for both roles do cover
different elements. In addition to this there is Internal Audit who are
responsible for carrying out a formal audit on the service and then there is
External Audit who are independent of Council and will conduct their own audits
from time to time. Members were reassured that work was not being duplicated. Following a question about the new arrangements and whether
they cover private sector landlords, it was confirmed that the arrangements are
focussed on the public/social sector and that there will be separate
arrangements for private sector landlords. In response to a question about renumeration for tenants when
they join the Landlord Assurance Board, Members were informed that the Council
can’t pay tenants a salary when they join the board but that training and
expenses, for travel and child care, can be provided so that they can discharge
their duties more effectively. In regard to the timetable for appointing to Landlord
Assurance Board, it was noted that the first meeting was a few weeks prior to
the meeting. Members were assured that tenants could be involved. Recruitment
to the board would take between 2 to 3 weeks. When reviewing the responses and in particular the
satisfaction about repairs, it was commented that the dissatisfaction isn’t
with the Council but with the contractor. However, it was explained that the
Council are the landlord and therefore it is up to the Council to hold the
contractor to account. This is an issue which has been worked on, and along
with regular meetings with contractors, Officers have also increased the
percentage of post inspections to assess the quality of the repairs and
identify and trends or issues in service delivery. A Member commented that statistics have to be handled with
care and that the Council has to be mindful of those who aren’t satisfied. In
response, it was explained that the Council can benchmark against other
landlords and compare how the Council is performing amongst similar sized
organisations. The Council are able to do this as a result of it’s membership
of Housemark. RESOLVED The Scrutiny Committee: (1) Considered and commented on
the work undertaken to prepare for the new housing regulation regime and
proactive consumer regulation inspection and provide feedback to Cabinet on
areas for further development or improvement. (2) Considered the outcome of
the Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2023/24 and will provide feedback to Cabinet
that reflects the views of tenants on how the Council can continue to improve
its role as a landlord and how tenant satisfaction could be improved in the
future. (3) Noted that ... view the full minutes text for item 55. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business. |