Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence have been received from Councillors Chubb and Pritchett. |
To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2024. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2024 were approved. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 60 KB Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Gordon declared a personal interest, in Minute Number 22, as she is a tenant of a Melton Borough Council property. |
REVIEW OF THE FORWARD PLAN PDF 226 KB To consider the attached Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for inclusion in the Scrutiny Work Programme, or to request further information. Minutes: The Chair introduced the
Cabinet Forward Plan and invited Members to comment. Members were reminded that
Forward Plan is a list of key and non-key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet
rather than a list of operational matters. |
MID-YEAR REVIEW OF THE SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME PDF 143 KB The Scrutiny Committee is to undertake a mid-year review of the Scrutiny Work Programme. Members are invited to suggest additions for the Work Programme and to comment upon the existing Work Programme. Minutes: The Chair introduced the
mid-year review of the Scrutiny Work Programme which was a planned review to
allow for opportunity to reflect on the work programme content and emerging
areas of interest or focus for the Committee. The Chair informed Members
that it was suggested that the topic Cyber Security Strategy would be better
dealt with as a workshop item and confirmed he agreed. After an explanation as
to why it should be dealt with in this way, the Committee agreed to deal with
the item through a workshop. Members were informed that
this frees up a slot at the March 2025 meeting of the Committee. Due to the
changing landscape of the topic at a local and national level, the Chair
suggested homelessness and temporary accommodation pressures be added as a work
plan item. The Director for Housing and Communities provided an outline scope
for this item following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair. The
Committee agreed to add the item to the work programme. After a short discussion,
the Committee agreed undertake the Waste Strategy workshop in the week
commencing 6 January. |
SOCIAL HOUSING ALLOCATION PDF 300 KB The Scrutiny Committee will consider a report on the social housing allocation. Additional documents:
Minutes: With the aid of a presentation, the Assistant Director for Customers and Communities and the Strategic Lead for Supporting Communities introduced the Social Housing Allocation report which provided context about the service delivery arrangements and confirmed that the policy had been updated and would be considered for approval by Cabinet in December 2024. A query was raised in respect to the tenants on the low priority banding in particular what are the waiting times and how do they move to the next level. In response it was explained that the low priority was introduced for applicants for sheltered schemes and extra care scheme because whilst they may be adequately housed, their circumstances may change in the future, and they would require a particular type of property which is of a restricted type (by age / health need). In addition, Members were informed that the banding priority assesses tenants based on their medical needs, the size of their household based and their housing need. Each case is assessed in line with the policy framework to determine banding and priority. In response to the question what is proactively being done to meet with private landlords and the housing associations to increase the rent supply in the Borough, it was explained that the Council are liaising with private landlord and lettings agents in order to try and prevent tenants being evicted in the first instance. A rising issue is that, due to forthcoming changes in legislation, Officers are finding that there are a significant number of landlords selling their properties. In such cases, the Council won’t be able to resolve the issue but can be proactive in trying to prevent a homelessness situation. The question was asked on how the Council would manage the increase in demand and reducing access to social housing as the private rented sector is becoming increasingly unaffordable to those on low incomes. In response, the Committee was informed that for the last 18 months, Officers have been proactive in telling people and telling residents that the Council is here to try and stop tenants leaving their properties in the first place. Officers noted that it is important to encourage tenants to approach the Council for advice and support. It was noted that it is positive that more people are approaching for advice and assistance, as they know that it is available. A query was raised about the ease of applying, in particular those who can’t apply on the internet, and the communication around the process, in response the Committee was informed that Officers are always looking at ways to strengthen awareness and communication, but that there is a holistic approach between Housing Options, Tenancy Services, Community Support Hub and Community Safety teams. In terms of access to the internet, the Council offer facilities at the digital clinic at Phoenix House and do encourage applicants to seek the help of family or friends where possible. It was explained that Officers can also complete application via the back-office system on ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: There was no urgent business. |