Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Pritchett. |
To approve the Minutes of the meetings held on 28 November 2024 and 3 December 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meetings held on 28 November 2024 and 3 December 2024 were confirmed. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Gordon
declared an other registerable interest in relation to Minute Number 38 as she
is a member of the Waterfield Leisure Centre. She confirmed that she would stay
and participate. Councillor Gordon
declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Minute Number 39 as
the item covers rent increases on Council properties and she is a Council
tenant. She advised that she would leave the meeting at that point. Councillor Gordon declared an other registerable interest in relation to Minute Number 39 as it concerns new bathrooms, kitchens and heating equipment but she advised that she was advised that she could stay and participate. |
REVIEW OF THE FORWARD PLAN To consider the attached Forward Plan and identify any relevant items for inclusion in the Scrutiny Work Programme, or to request further information. Minutes: The Chair introduced the
Cabinet Forward Plan and invited Members to comment. In doing so, it was noted that there were changes to the Forward Plan however it was explained that the Forward Plan is a live working document which would be updated when things change. |
REVIEW OF THE SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME 2024/25 Members are to review and comment upon the attached Scrutiny Work Programme 2024/25. Minutes: The Chair introduced the
Scrutiny Work Programme 2024/25 and invited Members to comment. It was noted that the
item, developing a cyber security strategy would be a workshop item and a date
is being sought. It was confirmed that Officers are identifying a date for the Waste Strategy and Contract Delivery workshop. The modelling has held up the date of the workshop. |
CAPITAL PROGRAMME AND CAPITAL STRATEGY 2025/26 The Capital Programme 2024-2029 and Capital Strategy 2025/26 is to be presented to the Committee, prior to final consideration by Cabinet and Council in February 2025. All appendices are
draft and are correct at the time of publication. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director for
Corporate Services, Dawn Garton, introduced the report with a presentation. Concern was raised that with the state of the finances and the use of
reserves, that the Council could be panicked into selling off assets. In
response it was confirmed that the Council has a strategy and there is a plan
to maximise opportunities. There is an approved asset development programme and
that decisions would be made to either maximise assets for the Council’s
benefit or dispose of assets. The comment was made
that it would be preferable to see assets that aren’t used (e.g. garages) sold
off instead of assets that are used. In response, it was noted that garages are
covered under the Asset Management Plan for the Housing Revenue Account and the
plan outlines the improvement of some garages sites and the decision to dispose
of sites that aren’t used. Members noted that the
Stockyard project relies on match funding from the Council and as it is
increasingly rare for construction projects to stay on budget, concern was
raised regarding the liability for the Council if it goes over budget. Members
were reassured that Officers are keeping a tight rein on spending and that if
costs overrun, then the project would be reengineered, in order to bring down
costs. Reference was made to a recent positive internal audit report on this
project. Concern was raised
regarding the policy of patch and mend in the short term, which could lead to
extra costs in the long term. It was clarified that the Council doesn’t have
funding to do everything it would like to or needs to, and that Officers do the
best they can where they can but recognise that this area is a risk. RESOLVED That the report is NOTED
and Members’ comments are presented to Cabinet at the next Cabinet meeting. |
GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2025/26 AND MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY 2026/27 TO 2028/29 The report on the General Fund Revenue Budget 2025/26 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2026/27 to 2028/29 is to be presented to the Committee, prior to final consideration by Cabinet and Council in February 2025. Please note that
Appendix E (Parish Council Precepts) is not available. This appendix will be
available for the Council meeting in February. All appendices are
draft and are correct at the time of publication. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director for
Corporate Services, Dawn Garton, introduced the report with a presentation. In relation to the special expenses budget, the comment was raised as to
whether there are the funds available to purchase land to expand the cemetery.
In response it was noted that although expansion works would take place, there
currently isn’t a funded business case or definitive plan. Concern was raised that by 2027/28, reserves would be exhausted and that
service reductions would need to be considered. Concern was raised in
relation to the outstanding property service charge recharges. It was noted by
Officers that there are currently negotiations with tenants of Phoenix House
regarding this matter. Members asked that the updated position be provided to
all Members of the committee outside the meeting. A query was raised as to
whether the Council could stick to the £306k budget for homelessness temporary
accommodation, considering that the current year spend is £348k. It was noted
that it is highlighted as a risk, however the Council has a duty to house
people. There has been increased demand, which has created a difficult
situation. Officers would review how assets could be utilised to support the
Council in delivering its statutory duty and Officers are confident that the
service would be delivered within budget. A query was raised as to whether the Council could afford the Community
Coordinator role and the role in the Health and Active Communities Team. It was
clarified that both are growth items and it is proposed to be funded by UKSPF
funding. There would be an overview of outputs and an assessment of whether the
roles meet outcomes. The question was raised as to whether it is worth taking on a Funding
Co-ordinator when, potentially, there is only two years left before Melton
Borough Council ceases to exist. In response, it was clarified that nothing has
yet been decided and the Council still has a duty to deliver services until a
time it doesn’t exist. The aim is that the post would be fixed term for two
years and would have to deliver within that time. It was noted that the Funding
Co-ordinator would have different focus from the previous Funding Co-ordinator
role. Following a concern raised regarding the MMDR South, it was confirmed
that the Council are continuing to work with Leicestershire County Council
(LCC) but that LCC doesn’t see the project going ahead in either the short,
medium or long term. Despite this, there is still a commitment towards
delivering it and the local plan depends on the southern section of the road
being delivered. A query was raised
regarding the one-off planning expenditure in relation to the solar farm
inquiry. In response, Officers confirmed that the expense is expected but that
that they are unsure what the exact figure would be. An estimate had been
included in the forecast reserves. RESOLVED That the report is NOTED
and Members’ comments are presented to Cabinet at the next Cabinet meeting. |
REVENUE BUDGET PROPOSALS 2025/26 FOR HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT The Revenue Budget Proposals 2025/26 for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) are to be presented to the Committee, prior to final consideration by Cabinet and Council in February 2025. All appendices are
draft and are correct at the time of publication. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director for
Corporate Services, Dawn Garton, introduced the report with a presentation. A concern was raised that Independent Living Charge would be increased
by 5%, however the decision hasn’t been justified and
the report refers to a Council policy. Members asked that clarity be provided
outside of the meeting. Concerns were raised regarding errors in billing for extra charges and
the possibility that there are other errors yet to be uncovered. Members were
reassured that there are checks and balances and steps have been taken to
mitigate the errors. A discussion ensued regarding the energy efficiency scheme that the
Council have put in a bid for funding. The comment was raised that flats
require insulation too, however it was explained that the funding, if the bid
is successful, would address issues in 80 of the worst properties in the
housing stock. If the flats are one of the 80 worst, then they would be
improved with the funding. A query was
raised regarding void repairs, however in response it was clarified that costs
are not initially known when a property becomes void. Occasionally an amount is
budgeted which in hindsight is not sufficient. RESOLVED That the report
is NOTED and Members’ comments are presented to Cabinet at the next
Cabinet meeting. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: There was no
urgent business. |