The functions of the Council
are :
Approve and adopt the Policy Framework and the Strategies included in it
(not including the policies within it which are delegated to Cabinet)
Adopt the budget (by recorded vote of all Members)
Calculations relating to and setting of Council Tax
Set the level of
Council house rents
Approve any
application to the Secretary of State in respect of any housing land transfer.
Adopt and approve
amendments to the Constitution
Agree and/or amend
the functions and responsibilities for Committees, deciding on their
composition and making appointments to them
Elect the Mayor,
Deputy Mayor, Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition
representatives to outside bodies which represent Council functions.
Adopt the Members
Allowance Scheme, Whistleblowing Policy, Members Code of Conduct and Protocol
on Member/Officer Relations
Determine any
matter which is referred to it for determination by a Committee or
Sub-Committee other than Cabinet or Cabinet Committees
Consider a report
by the Head of Paid Service on management of the Council or by the Chief
Financial Officer or Monitoring Officer in relation to a Council function
Adoption of:
the Statement of Licensing Principles under
the Gambling Act 2005 and
Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act
All other matters
which by law must be reserved to Council including those functions which cannot
be carried out by Cabinet but which can be delegated to a Committee by the