Agenda item


In accordance with the Constitution, a Member may ask the Leader, the Chair of the Council or a Committee Chair, a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Borough.


No questions have been received.


Two questions from Members were received and they were taken in the order that they were received.


Councillor Higgins asked the following question:


Following debate with Councillors at the State of Melton event and subsequent Scrutiny meeting, could the Leader clarify the agreements and actions in relation to Car Parking arrangements, and income to the council, with respect to the Cattle Market lease.


Also, could the Leader confirm income from this specific arrangement is for the general fund use for the Council.


In his response, the Leader stated that the trend showed that income has been decreasing, and that this had been a longer-term trend. He confirmed that the details of this would be made available within the Members Bulletin and SharePoint portal. He confirmed that income does go into the general fund. In regards to the second car park, as the council was not rightly focussing on the Levelling Up Fund investment, works to the current car park would quite rightly be limited now, as the focus needs to be on the more substantial investment.


Councillor Higgins opted to ask a supplementary question and asked the Leader what plans he has with regard to car parking charging for the users.


In response, the Leader commented that he had no plans but he does have ideas, however the ideas would all be comprehensively considered before any idea is implemented.


Councillor Cliff asked the following question:


Is the leader aware of the latest CQC inspection of maternity services which found a “deterioration in the level of care” being provided for those using maternity services at both the Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital, dropping ratings for both hospitals from “good” to “requires improvement”. In contrast, inspectors of our own midwife-led unit here in Melton, praised staff, saying they, “should be proud of the safe care they were providing.”


We were assured as part of the plans that earmarked St. Mary’s Birth Centre for closure, that this was a relocation, and that St. Mary’s would not close until the new unit was open on the Leicester site currently under development.


So, in light of this concerning CQC report, will the Leader please write to the Trust on behalf of our whole community to insist that the condition would remain, and that St Mary’s Birth Centre should not be closed prematurely, in order to prop up failing services elsewhere?


In his response, the Leader thanked Councillor Cliff for raising the issue and stated that he was aware and would write to the NHS Trust on behalf of the Council regarding this issue and seek assurance about the required improvements before any closure of the Melton facility.


In asking a supplementary question, Councillor Cliff asked whether the Leader was aware of any proposals for the site if the St Mary’s Birth Centre was to close.


In his response, the Leader stated that there were Community Health and Well-being Plans, however he stated that he was not aware of any specific plans for the site. The Leader stated that he would pose the question.


(At 7:29pm, during the consideration of this item, Councillor Evans left the meeting.)