Agenda item

Subsistence Arrangements

The Head of Communications to submit a report at the request of the Full Council, which requests the Committee consider whether to provide refreshments before evening meetings and if so, the budget implications of doing so and refer its recommendations back to Full Council.


The Head of Communications


(a)       submitted a report at the request of Full Council (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) which enabled the Committee to consider whether refreshments be provided before evening meetings and if so the budget implications of doing so and refer its recommendations back to Full Council;


(b)       provided a brief overview of the report, highlighting the options for Members consideration so that recommendations could be made to Full Council;


(c)        advised that Trade Unions had been consulted on the matter, as they had previously highlighted discontinuing the provision of a buffet service before meetings was an effective cost saving and preferable to other options such as staff reductions;


A Member commented that this matter required serious consideration due to the lengthy duration of Committee meetings.


Another Member agreed and stated that it was difficult to foresee the duration of meetings.  If a lengthy meeting was likely, it was reasonable to expect some sustenance.  However, a buffet prior to every meeting would be ‘overkill'.


A further comment was made by a Member suggesting that should the provision of a buffet service be approved, guidance from Committee Chairs would be required to determine the specific requirements prior to each individual meeting.


A Member highlighted that consideration should also be given to the impact of this decision on Officers, who had completed a full working day before attending an evening meeting.  It would be helpful to receive input from them.


Another Member noted that valid points had been raised and commented that Members had a responsibility with regards to the duration of meetings.  They said, ‘Our conduct determines the length of meetings.  We can be more business like to reduce time and be efficient without rushing decisions’.


A Member expressed their agreement with previous comments and advised that should a buffet option be approved, it would not have to be for all Members.  This Member advised that they could be discounted from cost calculations, as they would always able to make their own arrangements for refreshments prior to a meeting.  They further stated that their concern was for Officers but added that a buffet service before every meeting was not justified.


During Members’ discussion, it was suggested that a tuck shop or vending machine could be better alternatives to the buffet option, stating this enabled those who wished to have something more substantial than a biscuit to eat could do so.  However, Members agreed that a tuck shop was not feasible, as it would have to be staffed.  The Head of Central Services recalled that the provision of vending machines (containing healthy option snacks) had been explored in relation to a previous staff query but had not proved viable.  She explained that companies provided vending machines free of charge, on the basis of the profit they made from snacks sold.  Due to limited use, this Council would have to lease the machines, which could prove more expensive than the buffet service option.


A  Member acknowledged that some Members had to travel a considerable distance to attend meetings and others had work commitments, which made it difficult for them to eat prior to the meetings but highlighted that there had been a lot of waste when a buffet service had been provided previously.


A Member commented that a lot of problems had been solved when previously, Members had had the opportunity to gather for refreshments before meetings and that it had brought comradery between Members.


Another Member suggested that more research was required and more consideration be given to the matter by Members of this Committee before putting a reasonable, sound, sensible recommendation to Full Council.


Members agreed and further suggested that they provide any additional comments to the Head of Communications via email.  Following this, the Chair would meet with both the Head of Communications and the Senior Democracy Officer to discuss a way forward and bring the additional information to this Committee on 19 September.


RESOLVED that consideration of the provision of refreshments before evening meetings starting after 5:30pm be deferred to the 19 September meeting of this Committee to enable this Committee to consider additional information and put a reasonable, sound, sensible recommendation to Full Council.

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