Agenda item


A report setting out the Council’s new Corporate Strategy, including a longer-term vision for Melton up to 2036 and seeking to confirm the finalised statements following a period of public consultation, which took place between December 2023 and January 2024.


Cabinet RECOMMENDED that Council:


1)    Approves the Corporate Strategy, including the Vision 2036 and 4-year Corporate Delivery Plan.

2)    Approves the supporting documents; the refreshed Performance and Risk Management Framework (Appendix D) and the Communications and Engagement Strategy (Appendix E).

3)    Delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to update the Corporate Delivery Plan with any amendments required, following consideration of the Budget reports, and to make any other minor operational amendments as required.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources introduced the report, the purpose of which was to confirm and finalise several strategic vision statements being proposed following a period of public consultation between December 2023 and January 2024.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services requested that the following be included for Recommendation to Council:


Delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to update the Corporate Delivery Plan with any amendments required following consideration of the Budget reports, and to make any other minor operational amendments as required.


Cabinet RECOMMENDED that Council:


1)    Approves the Corporate Strategy, including the Vision 2036 and 4-year Corporate Delivery Plan.

2)    Approves the supporting documents; the refreshed Performance and Risk Management Framework (Appendix D) and the Communications and Engagement Strategy (Appendix A).

3)    Delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to update the Corporate Delivery Plan with any amendments required following consideration of the Budget reports, and to make any other minor operational amendments as required.


Reasons for Recommendations:

With the Council’s current Corporate Strategy due for refresh, and as part of the establishment of the new Council post-election, a review has been undertaken with members which has considered local needs, issues and opportunities, latest data trends across a range of issues, the extensive residents’ survey feedback from 2022 and local aspirations debated during the local elections.


Through this process, the Cabinet have confirmed their desire to establish a longer-term vision for Melton, aligned to the current end date of the Council’s Local Plan. The Council’s proposed Vision 2036 seeks to establish long-term, strategic aspirations which articulate the Council’s ambition for the residents, businesses, and visitors in Melton. These aspirations would create the framework for the Council’s focus to improve the services, facilities and infrastructure provided by the Council and its partners. These aspirations are shown in paragraphs 5.3 to 5.11.


The modus operandi of the long-term strategy is for it to be flexible, reviewable, and refreshable so as each year passes the planning horizon extends by another year. The aim is for the Council to develop bold ambitions but retaining financial prudence and stability.


Alongside this vision, this report sets out a framework which would establish the building blocks, through a four-year Corporate Delivery Plan, to enable the Council to start delivering against these long-term aspirations. Through the proposed structure of this plan and a set of new corporate priorities, the Council will ensure there is sufficient clarity and focus, as well as the required resources, at a time of ongoing significant financial pressures. The Corporate Delivery Plan is shown in Appendix A.

Supporting documents: