Agenda item



In beginning his announcements, the Leader thanked the Mayor and all Members for their support at the meeting in December when Councillor Cliff collapsed. He thanked all who rallied round calmly and quickly.


The Leader informed Members that since the last meeting he had a number of meetings including with the MP, Alicia Kearns, and seven meetings about flooding.


Members were informed that in relation to the UKSPF, the current round of business and community grant allocations is complete. The Leader thanked the members of the panels, especially the external members from business and charity sector, as they made an important contribution to the professional assessments and ensured proper due process with no hint of favouritism or prejudice. The Leader stated that a full report would be made to the local area board, and to Scrutiny Committee. The Leader added that going forward, the task is to ensure that all money received from government is used on time and where it is needed.


In relation to the progress on the levelling up fund project and town centre regeneration, the Leader stated that the Council is working actively with partners in Rutland and thanked the MP Alicia Kearns for her continued interest and support, particularly over the future of Brooksby Melton college and the £2m investment in their theatre. The Leader stated that there is much activity behind the scenes on the problem and in due course he will invite Leaders of all groups to a full briefing on this matter.


Members were informed that work continues at the cattle market and that two information meetings with stakeholders have taken place. Following the statutory planning process including with the County Council highways department, construction work will start in the autumn after this season of key business and social events. All existing tenants are being encouraged to put forward their own particular needs during the transition period and proposals for their future business ambitions. The Leader stated that the Council are following due process and due diligence.


In regard to the town centre, the Leader expressed his gratitude to the contribution that the business improvement district (BID) board has and is making to the detailed proposals. The Council are pushing ahead with those elements, such as cleaning, greening and signage within existing budgets and UKSPF funding. Members were informed that some of this and other harder design elements are yet to be agreed but will set the tone for harmonising with the LUF development. The Leader thanked Councillor Butcher for all her attention to detail and the work of the Town Centre Working Group.


The Leader explained that in parallel with the developments, a new approach to car parking schemes would be developed this coming year. Currently the Council are waiting input from the BID board before going out to other stakeholders and interest groups.


In regard to the new leisure contract, legal and other preparatory work is proceeding, including attention to the needs and concerns of groups currently using MSV. The Leader thanked all Members for supporting the programme. He explained that we had prevented Waterfield from closing indefinitely and MSV for a very long period. Waterfield supports the curriculum of 19 schools, a vibrant swimming club, many swimming lessons, family fun and various groups in need of therapy and the fun of water activity. Currently annual visitor numbers across both sites is 374,000 visits per year. Most of these will be accommodated on the revamped sites, however, the Leader acknowledged that some are being inconvenienced and some relocating to local secondary schools, whose support is greatly appreciated. The Leader also acknowledged that the Council did not do enough to consult with those groups some 18 months ago before being locked into tendering and commercial negotiations. Members all know that sport and recreation is vital for health and well being and it is also in the vanguard of efforts to combat anti-social behaviour and crime.


The Leader informed Members that he had set out a bold ambition to prepare for substantial improvements in sporting and recreational opportunities across the Borough, within the context of the new corporate strategy.


The Leader confirmed that this year, after work is completed at Waterfield and MSV, the Council will start to plan for the future, commencing with a consultative sport and recreation forum later in the year.


Members were reminded that they are aware of the considerable and justifiable upset within the parish of Redmile over the number of childrens’ homes in one small location. The Leader thanked the chair of the parish council and others, together with Council Officers, for trying to grapple with this problem in a constructive way. The Leader also thanked MP Alicia Kearns for engaging with this matter thoroughly. The Leader explained that Ofsted had, in his opinion, washed their hands of the problem. They could do something about this right now and they should.


The Council had been challenged to do something through the routine planning process within the local plan and planning applications, when they are made. Councillor Glancy and the Leader met with the Deputy Chief Executive to reconsider options. The Leader did not make political promises about legal processes but stated that if the Council are given the tools, it would finish the job.


The Leader apologised to Council as he had previously stated that he had written to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) with a complaint, he explained that he had written but it was not sent. The Leader explained that events have since moved on and that he met with the PCC on 18 January 2024. The meeting was positive, the Leader had been thanked for his very reasonable approach and he had thanked the PCC.