Agenda item


To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the Revenue Budget Proposals 2024/25 for the Housing Revenue Account.


At 8:59pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Carter left the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the motion.


Councillor Graham proposed the following amendment. Councillor Brown seconded the motion.


1)    Establish a £50k hardship fund which utilises a platform like e-vouchers, facilitate a way in which tenants facing hardship could be supported with top ups for gas or electricity or essential food purchases.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources explained that the amendment was not supported because it would mean that low income families would be supporting other low income families.


During the debate on the amendment, the following points were raised:

  • The comment was made that the Council needs to do the right thing to support those most affected and that the amendment was only asking to do what other Councils and the sector are doing.
  • It was noted that the amendment would be diverting cash for a non-recurring item. There are other ways of supporting families which have already been started.
  • Most Council tenants are not in arrears. Need to make sure there is help and advice for those tenants who can’t manage.
  • A comment was made that this is a one-off measure designed to assist tenants during the cost-of-living crisis.
  • Amendment proposed only addresses social tenants and not others who may be struggling.
  • £50k is not a huge amount of money and would impact little.


At 9:21pm, during the consideration of the item and in accordance with the Constitution (Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedure Rule 5.1), Councillor Graham proposed that the meeting continues beyond the three hour time limit. Councillor J Orson seconded the motion.




Council agreed to continue the meeting beyond the three hour time limit.




The Mayor moved to a vote on the amendment proposed by Councillor Graham and seconded by Councillor Browne.


Council voted against the motion and therefore it fell.


(For 11, Against 12, Abstentions 2)


The Mayor opened the debate on the substantive motion. There were no comments therefore the Mayor moved to a vote.






(1)  Approves the budget estimates for 2024-25;


(2)  Approves the average rent increase of 7.70% for all Council dwellings with effect from 1 April 2024;


(3)  Approves that the Intensive Housing  Management Service charges are not applied to rent accounts from 1 April 2024, pending the conclusion of the service review as referenced at paragraph 6.51 of Appendix 1;


(4)  Approves the 2024-25 capital programme, and


(5)  Delegates authority to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Council Housing and Landlord Services, to approve virements within the HRA capital programme during the year to provide flexibility to meet emerging needs and maintain decent homes.


(For 14, Against 11, Abstentions 0)


In accordance with the Constitution at Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedure Rule 17.6, Councillor Child wished for his vote against to be recorded.

Supporting documents: