Agenda item


To receive a report from the Cabinet on recommendations referred to Council in relation to the General Fund Revenue Budget 2024/25 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2027/28.


At 7:58pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Gordon left the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The Leader seconded the motion.


Councillor Graham proposed the following amendments. Councillor Child seconded the motion.


1)    Requests a review into the Council’s approach to tourism, in order to demonstrate impact and value for money.


2)    Requests a review into the Council’s approach to communications in order to demonstrate impact and value for money.


3)    Commission an organisation to engage young people in Melton Mowbray and key rural villages to divert them away from risky behaviours and into other services and activities. Review whether alternate funding sources could be found beyond 1st year.


4)    Make Community Coordinator role permanent and full time and increase focus on liaison with Parish Councils.


5)    Establish a £50k Rural Flood grant scheme to support Parish Councils’ ability to prevent and respond to flood events. Scheme to require match funding from Parish Councils.


6)    Whilst the funding allocated to the Design Guide and the additional allocation of funding for the town centre is welcomed, the initial focus for the funding should be on establishing an approved Town Centre Masterplan, setting out the long-term plan for the town layout and function. This should then be underpinned by the Design Guide, place branding and a 10-year asset management plan, which are owned and adopted by all relevant partners. The £20k (and associated UKSPF funding) allocated should be reserved until such time as these plans are in place and, where possible, the development of the Masterplan should be incorporated within the Local Plan Review.


7)    Requests a review into the Council’s approach to managing corporate property responsibilities, specifically in relation to ensuring an appropriate balance between the core in-house team managing day to day, and the requirement to support development projects with additional and specific expertise and capacity.


8)    Requests a review of financial affordability over the medium term and consideration of options and opportunities for shared services to support long term sustainability.


In addressing the amendments, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources stated the following:

  • The administration are not against increasing staffing levels but the increases must be affordable.
  • Amendments 1, 2 and 7 were not accepted, as they had either been covered or there are more appropriate means of carrying out the work proposed.
  • Amendment 3 was not accepted. It was noted that there had been a 77% cut in youth funding since 2010 and that this was an area that the County Council were ultimately responsible for. It was also highlighted that the Council was going to develop a Young Persons Strategy and that this should be done first.
  • Amendment 4 was not accepted, as the growth can’t be supported as it isn’t sustainable and the current post is new and needs to be reviewed for impact first.
  • Amendment 5 was not accepted, as it would not deliver the required improvements, and more strategic work with other partners is required.
  • Amendment 6 was not accepted. It was highlighted that the UKSPF grant is time limiting.
  • Amendment 8 was not accepted, as the work is already being carried out.


As no amendments had been accepted by the proposer of the substantive motion, the Mayor opened the debate on the proposed amendments.


During the debate on the amendments, the following points were raised:

  • The comment was made that the Council had a history of supporting youth services and that Members had a responsibility in tackling the issues faced by young people.
  • It was noted that there wouldn’t be any monies to remedy flooding and that Parish Councils can deal with flooding with a little financial assistance. Although a comment was made that the amount proposed for the flooding grant fund is a gesture and wouldn’t make a practical impact in tackling the issue but it would make a big impact upon the reserves of the Council.
  • It was noted that a lot of the causes of flooding are on private property and that owners need to work with partners to ensure culverts and drains are kept clear. 
  • The comment was made that the Borough always had a flooding problem but that the Council had not done enough. Members were reminded that there are different reasons for the flooding and that it is incumbent on them to remind agencies of their responsibilities.
  • A Member commented that if they thought £50k would solve issues then they would support the amendment, however the proposal isn’t strategic. The amendment appears to threaten the structure of the budget for no apparent gain.
  • The comment was made that the £50k for youth services is intended for a review of youth services.


Following the debate, Council voted on the amendments as proposed by Councillor Graham and seconded by Councillor Child.


Council voted against the motion and therefore it fell.


(For 11, Against 14, Abstentions 1)


The Mayor opened the debate on the substantive motion.


During the debate the following points were raised:

  • It was noted that the Council does need a youth strategy and that there should be a discussion on it.
  • The comment was made that Parish Councils know what they need. The Leader commented that the Council had been gathering a lot of information from Parish Councils and that the administration was not going to be rushed into drawing down reserves for little gain.






(1)  Approved the revenue budget subject to any amendment arising from the final settlement for 2024/25 for General and Special expenses, including proposed growth and savings items, as set out in Appendix A and D and summarised in section 4.5;


(2)  Approved an overall Band D council tax increase of 2.99%, with the individual Band D council tax levels across each fund set out in para 4.5.7;


(3)  Noted that the Council’s employee establishment will be updated in line with any changes arising from approval of any of the growth proposals set out in Appendix A;


(4)  Approved implementation of a 100% premium for properties that have been empty and unfurnished for longer than one year and a 100% premium for second homes as set out in para 4.5.5. The premiums will be implemented from 1 April 2025;


(5)  Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services, to increase resources required to meet the needs of the resettlement scheme subject to there being sufficient grant funding to meet the revenue costs;


(6)  Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services, to access the Corporate Priorities Reserve to fund any one off change and redundancy costs arising from the reconfiguration of the IT service provided by the Leicestershire ICT Partnership, as set out in para 4.5.6 (m);


(7)  Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services, to access the Corporate Priorities Reserve to fund any one off costs associated with any potential future planning appeals;


(8)  Delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services, to access the Corporate Priorities Reserve to fund a permanent Environmental Programme Manager to support the introduction of food waste collection and other environmental projects until such time as the sufficiency or otherwise of the revenue grant funding is known and assessed;


(9)  Approved that any current year surplus/deficit on general expenses at 31 March 2024 be met by transfers to or from the Corporate Priorities Reserve in order to maintain the working balance at its agreed level of £1m;


(10)  Approved that any current year surplus/deficit for Special Expenses Melton Mowbray at 31 March 2024 be transferred to/from the Special Expenses Reserve thereby bringing the actual working balance back to the target £50k;


(11)  Noted the changes made to the risk categorisation of budgets as set out in para 4.8.1 and Appendix F.


The above resolution was considered through a recorded vote as follows:



Adcock, Allnatt, Brown, Butcher, Carter, Clay, Cliff, Cox, Cumbers, Glancy, Hewson, Higgins, Lumley, Sharp, Thwaites





I Atherton, S Atherton, Browne, Child, Evans, Freer, Graham, J Orson, S Orson, Pritchett, Webster

Supporting documents: