Agenda item

Application 22/01373/OUT

Land Between 9 And 15 Navigation Close, Melton Mowbray


Location: Land Between 9 And 15 Navigation Close, Melton Mowbray

Proposal: Outline permission sought for a detached dwelling with associated vehicular access (Detailed approval sought for means of access to the site; all other matters reserved for subsequent approval)


The Planning Officer (MK) addressed the committee and provided a summary of the application. Following the presentation, Members asked questions for clarification.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation the public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a three minute presentation:


·       Iain Garnell, Agent

·       Councillor Sarah Cox, Ward Councillor


During the debate, the following points were raised:


·       Members were of the opinion the site would be better retained as community open space

·       The original developer had not designated the site as amenity space however residents had used it as such and had planted trees there

·       The nearest play area at Vulcan Close was a half mile walk around the  road network as there was no cut through

·      The application was considered to be an opportunist development

·       The Planning Development Manager advised that this land was owned privately by an individual who could fence the land if they wished

·       Several policies were considered for refusal

·       It was considered that it sent the wrong message for the Council to agree to build a house on this site

·       There was concern for protecting the ancient monument on the neighbouring site

·       The Committee had strived on all new developments to include green space to enhance the lives of those that lived there so for this green area to be removed was against all those policies

·       It was felt that this decision was made more difficult in having to go against the recommendation

·       There were other windfall sites that could be developed rather than this one

·       The loss of green space, loss of amenity for neighbours, over-intensification of the site, not in-keeping with the area, building on a green area, adverse impact on the area and sense of place, damage to wildlife habitats and loss of wildlife routes were all concerns and listed for reasons for refusal


Councillor Glancy proposed that the application be refused contrary to the officer recommendation. Councillor Allnatt seconded the motion.




That the application be refused for the reasons given below.





In the opinion of the local planning authority, the proposal represents an over-intensification of the site that is not sympathetic to the character of the area, in particular in respect of the impact on the amenity of the neighbouring dwellings and damage to the wider context of the estate, contrary to policy D1 (a) and (c) of the Melton Local Plan. The sense of place within the Navigation Close development would be eroded, and the development does not contribute to the character of the settlement by developing out a green space, contrary to policies EN1 and EN6 of the Melton Local Plan and paragraph 135 of the NPPF. Furthermore, by removing the openness of the site, the contribution that the site makes to the provision of coherent wildlife networks would be removed, causing damage to habitats to the detriment of local wildlife and protected species, contrary to policy EN2 of the Melton Local Plan.  


At 8:15pm, the meeting was adjourned for five minutes.

Supporting documents: