Agenda item



The Mayor gave an update on events he has attended since the last Council meeting.


·                 Stamford Civic parade and Service attended by the Deputy Mayor

·                 St Georges Day Parade attended by the Mayor

·                 Men's international cicle classic race attended by the Mayor

·                 80 D Day service and parade attended by the Mayor


The Mayor then made the following speech:


Honorary Aldermen, Guests, Fellow Councillors, Ladies & Gentlemen, these last two years have passed so quickly and although I feel a degree of sadness it is coming to an end, it will be good to have a rest! 


I would like to thank my wife, Jane, for all her support and encouragement throughout my term of office, for standing by me with weekends and evening events taking over our time alongside the running of the farm and our family life, I really could not have done it without her. Thank you.


The Mayoress and I have found it a hugely rewarding experience though and we have been very grateful for the opportunity to meet so many interesting people and visit such a variety of places, the memories will stay with us for a long time to come.


I have enjoyed and benefited from meeting other Civic Heads in Leicestershire and neighbouring districts; it is the people you meet that make the event so special.


There have been many highlights of my two years in office; and one of my proudest events was hosting the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II, in May 2022, though this was sadly followed by her death in September 2022 and my reading of the Proclamation for King Charles III and that led to the Coronation in May 2023.


On this final day in office as Mayor, I wish to thank all the people, organisations, and businesses of Melton Borough who continue to welcome and support the role of Mayor in our community, all invitations to the Mayor are important as someone has thought it worthwhile to invite you.


I would like to thank Councillors, past and present, for their support and I must extend my appreciation to Officers and Staff of this Council for their help and advice during the year and in managing the Mayoral diary and events.  I would especially like to express my thanks to Malise Graham, who, as you all know has now stepped down after 37 years from being a ward councillor, his guidance and advice has been invaluable having 3 years of Mayoralty experience to draw on. Thank you.


I would like to also pass my thanks, to Reverend Mary Barr from St Mary’s Parish Church, Pastor Neal Swettenham from the Melton Vineyard church and Reverend Ruth Simpson, Superintendent Minister Melton Mowbray Methodist Circuit, who have guided and assisted me on numerous occasions including the Christmas Carol Service, Armed Forces Fly the Flag service and in saying prayers at Full Council. Thank you


I would like to pass my thanks and appreciation to the support of the Royal Air Force Cadets from the 1279 (Melton Mowbray) Squadron, for assisting me at armed forces events during the year. Thank you.

I wish the incoming Mayor, Councillor Tim Webster, and his Consort, Mrs Sally-Anne Webster, an enjoyable and rewarding Mayoral Year, and thank Councillor Webster for his support during this past 12 months. 


On behalf of Jane and myself, thank you to you all for giving us the privilege of being the Mayor and Mayoress of Melton Borough. Thank you.


At 6:45pm, Councillor R Browne entered the meeting.