Agenda item

Application 20/00388/OUT

Field OS 4930, Normanton Lane, Bottesford


Location: Field OS 4930 Normanton Lane, Bottesford

Proposal : Outline planning application for residential development of up to 215 dwellings, associated infrastructure and landscaping


The Planning Officer (RG) addressed the committee and provided a summary of the application. She advised that there had been 5 further objections received relating to infrastructure, highways impact, flood risk, impact to existing properties as well as a neutral comment regarding the limit of expansion to Bottesford all received as a result of the notification of the application coming to the Planning Committee, these raised no new issues that were not already covered in the report. The Parish Council had sent in a further letter of objection which related to flood risk, sequential testing, traffic and pedestrian access and housing density which were already covered in the report. A consultation response had also been received from National Highways that raised no objections to the proposal.


Following the presentation, Members asked questions for clarification.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a three minute presentation:


·         Councillor Bob Bayman, Bottesford Parish Council

·         Bob Sparham, Objector, Bottesford Forum Residents Group

·         David Pendle, Agent, Marrons


(There was a 5 minute adjournment at 7.50 pm)


Councillor Browne proposed that the application be approved subject to the below:


(1)  Conditions detailed in section 10 of the report with an additional condition for the market housing mix to come forward in accordance with policy 10 of the Bottesford Neighbourhood Plan;


(2)  Entering of a s106 to secure


- Obligations detailed at paragraph 7.1.2 of the report plus the footbridge requirement

-  Open Space

- 14% affordable housing (tenure split to be agreed)

-  Late stage review mechanism


(3)  Discussions with the local Highway Authority to ascertain if an onsite bus stop could be provided by the developer;


(4)  Confirmation that the speed test undertaken at the junction of Long Hedge Lane and Nottingham Road has been undertaken in accordance with and meets the relevant Leicestershire County Council Highway Authority requirements for speed tests taken by hand held device to be agreed by the Chair (in consultation with the Vice Chair) of the Planning Committee.


Councillor Glancy seconded the motion.




That the application be approved subject to:


(1)  Conditions detailed in section 10 of the report with an additional condition for the market housing mix to come forward in accordance with policy 10 of the Bottesford Neighbourhood Plan;


(2)  Entering of a s106 to secure


- Obligations detailed at paragraph 7.1.2 of the report plus the footbridge requirement

- Open Space

- 14% affordable housing (tenure split to be agreed)

- Late stage review mechanism


(3)  Discussions with the local Highway Authority to ascertain if an onsite bus stop could be provided by the developer;


(4)  Confirmation that the speed test undertaken at the junction of Long  Hedge Lane and Nottingham Road has been undertaken in accordance with and meets the relevant Leicestershire County Council Highway Authority requirements for speed tests taken by hand held device to be agreed by the Chair (in consultation with the Vice Chair) of the Planning Committee.


(9 for, 1 against, 1 abstention)

(Councillor Cumbers requested that her vote against the motion be recorded.)



The reasons for approval were as outlined in the report.


(Councillor Allnatt left the meeting at 7.44pm and returned at 7.46pm)


(Councillor Siggy Atherton here left the meeting due to the interest declared at Minute PL26.)

Supporting documents: