Agenda item


The Head of Regulatory Services to submit a report outlining the representations received in respect of Chapter 8 – Managing Delivery of the Melton Local Plan, and updated information regarding infrastructure, including the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (MMDR).


The Chairman of the Melton Local Plan Working Group, Councillor Chandler presented the report prepared by the Head of Regulatory Services the purpose of which was to outline the representations received in respect of the draft Local Plan policies and reasoned justification of Chapter 8 – Managing Delivery of the Melton Local Plan.


Councillor Chandler informed Members:


           the report proposed changes which had been brought about by the very good news on funding for the Melton Distributor road and the progress being made in partnership with the County Council;

           the County Council had received an award to design the road and submit a business case to the Department of Transport and indications received for its completion in 2022.  For clarification, this funding bid relates to the stretch from Burton Road heading north and then west across Thorpe Road, Melton Spinney Road, Scalford Road and connecting with Nottingham Road.  These were the key sections that would alleviate congestion in the town centre and facilitate the growth the Plan proposes;

           the changes were required because the Council could address the Distributor road and the benefits it would bring in much greater detail now that it was a firm proposition.  This description and its firm appearance in the Local Plan, describing the economic and housing growth it would release, would in turn assist the bid.  Aligned to this, a new policy was proposed, which would protect the possible routes of the road so that it does not become obstructed, physically or financially;

           alongside this, the Council had been able to revisit the question of infrastructure and develop the Policies to reflect up to date needs and priorities associated with them.  This required a new policy IN1 and IN2 and the recommendations proposed the inclusion of these along with the explanation of the value of the road and maps to depict the corridor of search for the precise route of the road.  It is close to being a replacement chapter and as such needs to be one of the ’focused changes’ to be published and consulted upon.


Councillor Chandler moved the recommendations numbered (i) to (iv) as set out in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Illingworth.


The Deputy Leader spoke in support of the motion, pointing out:


           that it was important to recognise previous work on this subject undertaken by Councillors Rhodes, Pearson, and Posnett;

           the issue of the distributor road continued to generate much debate in the town.  The eastern part, when finally in place,  would provide £102m of gross added value to the local economy.  Government funding would support the northern and eastern section whilst the southern section would be funded from the Davidson’s planning application for 1,500 houses;

           the Council was united in making a case for the Government funding with support from the County Council representatives, the County Highways Department and the local MP, Sir Alan Duncan;

           representations from Councillor Glancy making the case that the road needed to be sited further out from Thorpe Arnold to protect that settlement from pollution;

           that following the decisions at this meeting, this would set a marker for the County Council in their bid for Government funding.


The Chief Executive clarified that the Council was at the first stage of focused consultation to make the public aware of the possible corridor of the distributor road.  That corridor had been worked up in consultation with the County Highway Authority who would take into account the outcome from this meeting.  This would form part of the overall process for setting the corridor for the distributor road subject ultimately to the examination of the Melton Local Plan.


A brief discussion ensued during which several Members spoke on the vital importance of the distributor road for the economic growth of not just the town but the wider area.  It had been a topic of discussion at the recent Community Forum and a request was made for co-ordinated thinking in moving the project forward so that it did not add to the traffic congestion during its delivery.  A Member welcomed the inclusion of Policy IN1 to the Local Plan as a positive step.


A vote was then taken on the motion which was carried unanimously.





(1)  the responses to representations received on the pre-submission draft Local Plan in respect of Chapter 8, as set out in the schedule at Appendix 1 be agreed;


(2) the changes to the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan that are described in section 3.3 of this report be subjected to public consultation as part of a ‘Draft Melton Local Plan Addendum of Focused Changes’ in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and County Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (full details are available in Item 3I of this Agenda);


(3)  a clause in the proposed new Policy IN1 be included that makes it clear that the Council would be prepared to use compulsory purchase order powers to assist in in securing the delivery of sections of the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road be noted;


(4)  the suggested modifications identified elsewhere in this report be agreed.

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