Agenda item


Field 00700, Hoby Road, Asfordby


Applicant: Jelson Ltd

Location: Field No 0070 Hoby Road Asfordby

Proposal: Outline application for residential development (up to 70 dwellings) and associated infrastructure (all matters except access reserved for subsequent approval) (Re-submission of 16/00570/OUT).


(a) The Planning Officer stated that:

• First we have received an objection siting that this is intrusive development into the countryside and there is archaeology on the site and is close to other natural assets. Other concern relating to highways has also been raised. Finally, mentions that Asfordby has already allocated sites for housing in its' Neighbourhood Plan and has not chosen this site.

• In addition I trust members have received the letter issued by Rob Thorney, land manager of Jelsons. The recommendation remains the same in spite of this summarising that we are not saying Asfordby is a less sustainable location, but the site is less sustainable in itself because of poor connectivity and the measure they took are insufficient.

The following application is a re-submission of the previous scheme submitted on the same site reference 16/00570/OUT that was refused on 1st December 2016. This revised scheme is submitted with more links provided to the site but still remains a development not well connected with Asfordby as a whole and unbalances the settlement therefore impacted on its character. Not enough as been achieved to change the recommendation from the previous proposal.


(b) Tim Evans, agent for the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that

·         Previous application for planning permission was refused on this site. Jelson have appealed and a public enquiry is scheduled for August 2017.

·         Client met with officers regarding refusal.

·         70 new homes for Asfordby which is highly sustainable and in accordance with local plan.

·         Poor connections to village mentioned in report yet another application was recently permitted directly opposite this site.

·         Application will not have an adverse impact on the landscape.

·         No objections from local residents.

·         As detailed in letter from Jelson, officers recommended approval for houses in less sustainable locations such as Waltham on the Wolds and Old Dalby in the face of significant local opposition. This application by contrast is highly sustainable and not controversial to local residents.

·         Please reject officer’s recommendation to refuse.


Members had no questions for the speaker.


(c ) Cllr de Burle is not present at the meeting but has prepared a statement to be presented by the Head of Regulatory Services.

·         It appears that this Re application is being pushed through by the developer with undue haste! Without significant change from its predecessor and well in advance of the latest permitted date for it, of the 7th July advised to me by Jim in his email dated 26th (please see below).

·         Could this be because of the email from Penny O’Shea dated 15th May about the progress of the ANP advising (I Quote below)

·         “To whom it may concern The Examiner, Mr Brian Dodd, is close to completing his examination of the Asfordby Neighbourhood Plan. In the interests of fairness, openness and transparency, Appendix 3 of his report outlines the exchange of information between the Examiner and Melton BC/Asfordby PC which has taken place as part of his examination”.

·         It is well known to planning officers that the Asfordby NHP is after 6 years in production. Plus 3 periods of full public consultation including one conducted by the Borough early this year, and all at very considerable expense, Satisfies all the requirements of the Strategic housing needs study and the MPPF and as such is completely sound.

·         This application by Jelson's is considered by residents throughout the Parish of Asfordby who have already provided for the Parishes full allocation of dwellings within our NHP as totally unacceptable, They appear to be trying to bulldoze through a further 70 dwellings over and above the Parishes required allocation, before the ANP gains full approval and can be put to referendum in the Parish and become law.

·         I consider this to be completely unreasonable behaviour and APPEAL to members of the planning committee and officers to reject this proposal at tonight’s meeting, as it is clearly an attempt to beat the system, against the reasonable will of the people.


The Planning Officer in response to the agent stated that even though the application received one objection, the neighbourhood plan reflects local interest.

The Head of Regulatory Services stated that comments regarding the constantly changing landscape in December does not necessarily apply now. Suggesting refusal again relates to the minimal efforts to connect the site to the village have been made. Footpaths are not in the application site. Site is detached and separated from the core of the village.

Regarding broader issues – Asfordby is sustainable – not proposing to refuse the application on sustainability issues but due to the site’s location and it’s connectivity to rest of village.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to refuse the application, which was seconded by Cllr Botterill.


A vote was taken. Members voted unanimously to refuse the application.


DETERMINATION: Refused as per recommendation:

The application site is in a location with poor connectivity and which is poorly related to the built form of Asfordby. Development of the site would have an adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the countryside which contributes the setting of the village and is contrary to both the Pre Submission Melton Local Plan and Asfordby Neighbourhood Plan (Submission version, August 2016). The Proposal is therefore contrary to the NPPF, particularly paragraphs 50, 56 58, 61 64 and 216. The proposal's identified harm in this regard would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of delivery of housing, including affordable housing, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole.

Supporting documents: