Agenda item


Plot 2, The Lane, Barsby


Applicant: Ms Victoria East

Location: Plot 1a The Lane Barsby

Proposal: Proposed dwelling


Cllr Greenow left the room


 (a) The Regulatory Services Manager stated that

The application provides full details of a timber cabin style, single storey dwelling. It would be situated between two new dwellings which were approved in 2016. Works has not yet commenced on those dwellings.

It is proposed that the dwelling would be occupied by a relative of the farmer who owns and farms the land which includes this site. Note that it is not being proposed as an agricultural dwelling. Barsby is a small, unsustainable settlement, unsuited for new residential development. Recommend that permission should be refused.

Standing orders were suspended to allow both the agent and applicant to speak. Members voted unanimously in favour. Chair confirmed other speaker could therefore also have six minutes to speak.


(b) Jenny Hurst, supporter, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Representing Gaddesby Parish Council.

·         Victoria East, the applicant, wishes to own a low cost home in the village to live near her family and various work arrangements.

·         Applicant has lived in Barsby her whole life.

·         Proposed house will be situated between two houses that have recently also been approved.

·         The land is a disused area between a track and farm buildings.

·         Affordable to the applicant due to its construction.

·         Central part of the village appearance will not be affected by this proposal.

·         Attractive design to blend in with rural setting.

·         Application has come not a developer but from a local young person.


A Councillor asked with regards to the other two plots that have already been approved, why building work hasn’t yet started. The speaker responded that the previous applicants are in the process of commencing building work, and that planning permission took a long time to achieve.

Members had no other questions.

Steve Platt, agent on behalf of the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that

·         Level of support from residents and Parish Council demonstrates positive feeling from local area.

·         Same support shown in 2016 applications on same site which were approved by the planning committee.

·         Planning Officer states dwelling will be isolated however this is misleading due to other two plots currently being built on.

·         Site is only visible from the farm and not from the street.

·         Agricultural opinion was not requested therefore why is this relevant now.

·         Good bus links, broadband updated, supermarkets have delivery options, there is no immediate need for a car in this location.

·         The application fulfils the criteria for low cost housing and will allow the applicant to remain in village.

A Councillor questioned the two previous applications and if there had been problems with planning, would this application be different from those. The speaker responded that he was not directly involved in the other two applications so was unable to comment. Both other plans were from family members, plans are in place to make a start but applicant is not in control of this, no knowledge of when this is likely to happen although aware that neither plan has been shelved.

A Councillor asked how much of the working week does the applicant spend on farm and whether the proposed dwelling should be tied to the farm. The speaker responded that the applicant is not totally employed by the farm but helps out, proposing approval not just on the employment aspect.

A Councillor questioned why the applicant would not accept a tie to the farm. The speaker responded that the other two applicants for this site did not have a tie to the farm and also have not applied for an agricultural dwelling, question whether it can be justified.

Victoria East, applicant, was invited to speak and stated that

·         The site is located between two plots approved for outline planning permission in 2016.

·         Proposed site is at the edge of village.

·         Looking for ways to minimise impact on the local area by coordinating work wherever possible, for instance groundworks and foundations could be done at same time.

·         My proposed design is smaller than the other two applications, but is also timber framed, arch clad and large windows in keeping with other two.

·         The house is affordable. As a lifetime resident the local area is outside of my financial means as there are very few small houses left in the village. No affordable houses have been built here since World War II, terraced houses on one site in the area are now valued at over £200,000.

·         Shares same transport links as Gaddesby, Gaddesby itself has had a lot more applications permitted in recent times.

The Regulatory Services Manager stated that during comments from supporter and applicant, supporter said need for this dwelling to be on site in terms of agriculture, however if this is the case this needs to be looked into. If not for agriculture, question why site is proposed in this location in this village.

Cllr Baguley proposed to permit the application due to the applicant being from the area and would allow her to remain close to her family.

Cllr Posnett seconded the proposal to permit adding that affordable dwellings are needed and villages and the need to keep communities together – refusing this application would be the opposite of this.

A further discussion ensued with regards to the need for an agricultural tie however ultimately it was concluded that this would be unnecessary.

A vote was taken. Members voted to permit the application without an occupancy condition. 5 Members voted in favour. 1 voted against. There were 3 abstentions.

Cllr Greenow returned to the meeting.


DETERMINATION: APPROVED subject to standard conditions.

It was considered that Barsby was close to other settlements which provided a range of facilities. The benefits of providing an affordable market dwelling outweighed any harm.

Supporting documents: