Agenda item


Recreation Area, Melton Road, Asfordby Hill



Applicant: Andrew Granger & Co. Ltd

Location: Recreation Area, Melton Road, Asfordby Hill

Proposal: Outline application for the development of 14 dwellings with associated vehicular access and public open space.


(a) The Regulatory Services Manager stated that this application seeks outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for access.

The site is partially open space and overgrown allotments. The proposal would provide 14 dwellings and a play area larger than the existing play area. The provision of the new access would require the relocation of the existing bus stop. There is no objection from the Highway Authority.

There are no technical objections to the application and is proposed for development in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. It does not feature in the emerging Local Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan can be given considerable weight because it is a post – examination plan, which will soon be subject to a referendum.

Recommend that permission is granted subject to a section 106 and conditions as reported.


(b) Cllr de Burle, head of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Support application

·         Key element to neighbourhood plan submission

·         Provision for traffic calming measure on approach road of Melton side

·         Tidies up area of woodland


(c) Adam Murray, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         14 new houses including affordable housing

·         In the context of surrounding properties

·         Public open space

·         Sympathetic to existing amenity

·         Sustainable

·         Benefits outweigh harm

·         Improves open space provision

·         Sufficient space for enhanced play area

·         Tidies up overgrown area

·         Allocated for residential development

·         Supported by range of technical consultees


(d) Cllr Sheldon, the ward councillor, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Stanton Road properties have suffered from water flooding

·         Treatment of concrete and SUDs is a concern

·         If the bus stops are relocated past the boundary they are the responsibility of Melton


The Regulatory Services Manager stated that drainage is covered by condition 7. The bus stops will be relocated in a safe, appropriate position regardless of boundary. Highways Authority do not refer to any traffic calming measures.


Cllr Chandler proposed to permit the application and stated that it is a good

scheme provided the conditions are adhered to.


Cllr Posnett seconded the proposal to permit and stated that the relocation of the bus stop is necessary as the traffic is bad at the roundabout.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that the application should be approved.



(i) The conditions as set out in the report and;

(ii) The completion of an s106 agreement as set out in the report

For the following reasons:

The application seeks outline consent for a residential development of 14 dwellings and a new area of public open space. Approval is sought for the access into the site and the principle of residential development. It is considered that the application presents a balance of competing objectives and the Committee is invited to reconcile these in reaching its conclusion.

The site is considered to perform reasonably well in terms of access to

facilities and transport links, particularly to Melton Mowbray.

While the site is not allocated for development in the pre-submission local plan, it is accepted that Asfordby Hill is a reasonably sustainable location for residential development and that at this stage the local plan can only be given limited weight.

The Asfordby Parish Neighbourhood Plan should now be given considerable weight as it is a post examination plan which will soon be the subject of a referendum.

In conclusion it is considered that, on the balance of the issues, there are significant benefits accruing from the proposal when assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply and affordable housing in particular. This is also an opportunity to increase and improve the area and quality of the public space and play area. The balancing issues – loss of woodland and impact upon neighbours – are considered to be of limited harm.

Supporting documents: