Agenda item


Field OS 0044, Leicester Road, Frisby on the Wreake


Cllr Chandler returned to the meeting at 6.44pm and Cllr Greenow left the meeting for the duration of application 16/00519/FUL.


Applicant:      Mr Andy Gibson

Location:        Field OS 0044, Leicester Road, Frisby on the Wreake

Proposal:       Proposed Livestock Barn (Total floor area 450m2)


(a)  The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that: A last minute letter had arrived concerning the application.


A Cllr raised a question regarding the Farm Business Tenancy.


The Chair suggested that Members should read the letter and then hear the rest of the information and the speakers comments before further debate as the new information may answer this.


The meeting was adjourned at 6.49pm and reconvened at 6.53pm.


It was deemed that the contents of the letter overcame any concerns.


(b)  Edward Hutchison, Ward Cllr for Frisby Ward, was invited to speak and stated that: The piece of land is 12 acres and 4 acres of this is fully owned by the applicant not rented. Remaining 8 acres are rolling grazing. The applicant has other land with an FBT for 5 years but not on this parcel of land. The applicant is looking to keep around 200 sheep and 20 cattle and is happy to sign a clause not to keep pigs on the land or anything that would create unpleasant smells. He is on good terms with the nearby dogs home and they have no concerns regarding the proposed barn. He has been farming for over 22 years and has been forced to move from existing farm. He bought this piece of land and the barn is being recycled from the old farm. It is essential to the business. It won’t add to transport. The lane is designed for farm traffic. It is well supported and recommend permit.


There was a discussion regarding the size of the proposed barn and this was clarified by officers and the applicant.


Cllr Posnett proposed to permit the application and added that she was pleased to see the late letter and is a supporter of rural businesses. There are no objections from the local community.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services reminded Members that approval would also be subject to the blessing of environmental health.


The proposer and seconder agreed with this.


A Cllr noted that within a 400 yard radius the proposal incorporates a lot of other housing and that the Ward Cllr should be informed of that.


The Chair noted that it can be achieved.


A Cllr asked if someone would be on site at all times, possibly in a caravan, as someone would need to be there in lambing season.


The Chair responded that he understand the concerns regarding animal welfare however they were not a planning consideration and would be a matter for environmental health.


A vote was taken. 8 Members voted for approval, 1 Member voted against and there was 1 abstention. Cllr Chandler asked for her vote against to be recorded.


Determination: PERMIT, subject to:

(a) Confirmation from Environmental Health that the proposals for the keeping of animals and management arrangements would not give rise to a nuisance to nearby residents;

(b) Conditions, the content of which was delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services, to include the appropriate site management measures as advised by Environmental Health to avoid a nuisance from occurring.


Supporting documents: