Agenda item


Barn Lodge Cottage, Saltby Road, Croxton Kerrial


Cllr Greenow returned to the meeting at 7.10pm and Cllr Chandler and Cllr Botterill left the meeting for the duration of application 17/00800/FUL.


Applicant:      Rutland Property Company Ltd – Mr Mark Woods

Location:        Barn Lodge Cottage, Saltby Road, Croxton Kerrial NG32 1QG

Proposal:       Erection of four poultry buildings


(a)          The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that:


Various responses from agencies:

  • Ecology; The report (Emms and Barnett, May 2017) is acceptable, there were no habitats of importance recorded on the site. No protected species were recorded although there are several ponds within 500m of the site with varying degrees of habitat suitability, the application site is of suboptimal habitat and is therefore of low potential to support Great crested newts. 
  • Historic England : no comment – rely on local advice.
  • Highways: Access and sightline improvements required under the 2012 permission have not yet been implemented and a can be the subject of enforcement (details supplied). Propose and additional new condition to capture this and require improvement now:

Prior to first use of the development hereby permitted, a scheme of access improvements including visibility splays shall be constructed in accordance with a drawing that shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

  • Archaeology: not satisfied with the extent of arch. investigations to date. Request trial trenching and analysis of the results before deciding whether to proceed with conditions r oppose.


In the light of these comments recommend we proceed as drafted, plus the highways condition recommended, but subject to the completion of trial trenching and the archaeological advisors confirming the findings show it is satisfactory to proceed (otherwise return to Committee).


(b)          Sam Harrison, agent on behalf of the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that: assured Members that the application would be managed to the highest standards of food safety animal welfare. No detrimental impact for birds or local residents. Birds would have freedom to move within the barn and their bedding would be frequently replenished. The barns are low in height to limit visual intrusion.


A Cllr asked for the current storage method for removing soiled bedding.


Sam Harrison responded that there is no permanent storage on site as the applicant doesn’t have requirement for it. It is removed by another company. There are 8 flocks per annum, so it is cleaned 8 times per year.


Cllr Holmes proposed to permit the application, subject to archaeology  and delegate to officers recommendations.


Cllr Higgins seconded the proposal and noted how well the food hygiene and safety standards were upheld during the site visit.


A vote was taken and the Members voted unanimously to permit.


Determination: PERMIT, subject to:

(a) The results of trial trenching being received and consultation with archaeological advisors resulting in no objection.

(b) The conditions as set out in the report with an amended condition as follows:

Prior to first use of the development hereby permitted, a scheme of access improvements including visibility splays shall be constructed in accordance with a drawing that shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

For the following reasons:

The proposed poultry buildings and associated buildings will be designed to have a minimal view in the landscape. The impact of the traffic will be restricted mainly to the time when such activities would be anticipated in the countryside and the Highways Authority have no objections. The NPPF supports rural economic growth. Accordingly the application presents the need to balance economic growth considerations with those of sustainable development.


The proposal is not considered to adversely impact on the character and appearance of the area, the residential amenities of neighbouring properties or highway safety and would represent an improvement from the previous use in terms of traffic generation and policy objectives.


Supporting documents: