Agenda item


Land Between Saxons Lea and 18 Leesthorpe Road, Pickwell


Cllr Botterill and Cllr Chandler returned to the meeting at 7.24pm


Applicant:      Mr Mark Gale

Location:        Land Between Saxons Lea and 18 Leesthorpe Road, Pickwell

Proposal:       Residential development of five terraced cottages and single detached dwelling


(a)       The Planning Officer (JL) stated that: Late representations: (Some of these are repeated from the original comments).

           Concerns re parking – only 2 spaces per dwelling proposed, no provision for third vehicle or visitor parking.

           Development is too large for the site.

           Increase in traffic is a serious hazard – recent head on collision.

           PC demonstrated need for 2 bed, not 3 bed properties.

           Affordable housing appears to have been withdrawn from the application.

           No indication that materials to be used will be in keeping with the village.

           Applicant aware of the objections and emphasised should revert back to original plans.

           Although no of bedrooms reduced from 19 to 15, don’t think this will have any impact on no. of vehicles.

           Visibility difficult with hedges.

           Car parking spaces are too narrow.

           Want the mature ash trees in the boundary hedge retained.


PC comments –

The Parish Council objected to the first draft of 17/00527/REM  due to the unacceptable increase in bedroom numbers.  We are satisfied with the amendments made in the revised application and hence we have voted to approve it, on the understanding that one of the houses is to be an ‘affordable’ property.                

As the developer has made alterations to the scheme since, it is the Parish Council’s desire that the REM application only be granted permission if certain design constraints are to be met.

           Satisfied with the proposed external and internal layouts.

           Wish to seek that existing trees in the site boundaries are retained – want additional protection and include TPO on all trees within the site .

           Application shows no detailed design. Wish to see more design detail prior to approval of the design and also want it to be possible for the PC to give approval . Want the development to be “cottage” in design.

           Wish to roof pitch altered from 45 – 40 degrees.

           Design is monolithic and unimaginative. Lacks chimneys and form of detail.

           No mention of materials and conditioned that LPA approves materials in report. This is insufficient and would like to engage with the applicant prior to the submission of materials for LPA and PC approval.

           We would wish to see a rubble stone façade with brick on the side and rear elevations, roofing should be welsh slate or clay pantiles (new or reclaimed) with ridge tiles to match, rainwater goods to have a traditional appearance and include detailing such as hoppers on the front elevations.

           Whilst the proposal conforms with the CHA’s 6C’s guidance in respect of parking, we are informed that Parishioners would wish to have a parking space per bedroom Furthermore, there is no visitor parking included within the scheme.  We would therefore look to the council to impose a condition to include an additional car parking space in plots 1 & 5 and visitor parking on the grassy area to the south of the access road (shown hatched below) – loss of green space/ landscaping, detrimental to the visual amenity of the area .

           We would wish to see gravel driveways and paths rather than block paving, this will also help alleviate run-off which is concern for adjacent residents. – Not encouraged, gravel would result in material to the highway, is not normally encouraged.  Also may result in noise issues.


Response from the Agent/ applicant –

           Noted the comments raised in the representation made by the PC.

           Design of the properties is such that they accommodate flexible modern family living, whilst making them adaptable for residents with specific mobility constraints. One of the dwellings has been allocated as to be sold at 20% below market value to provide a low cost house with in development.

           It is the intention to use existing boundary treatments to screen the new dwellings from existing dwellings and the highway.

           The design of the proposed dwellings reflects the typical design of terraced cottages within the locality. It is intended that the windows are cottage style in design, full opening casements with manufacturer installed vents to comply with current building regulations. There will be closed soffits and soldier coursing detail above windows and doors on the front elevations of the dwellings

           The linear design if the terrace is intended to mirror similar terraces of cottages within the village. It is not intended to install open fires in the new dwellings as this greatly reduces the energy efficiency of them.

           All materials are to be approved by Melton Borough Council prior to development commencing.

           Plots 1 and 5 will be able to accommodate an additional parking space, to provide one parking space per bedroom as suggested. It is intended that the dives are finished with a permeable material such as gravel as suggested. Whilst it is necessary to provide sufficient parking for the residents of the dwellings within the development, the green open space to the front of the terrace is an important element of the planning requirement.


(b) Cllr Pat Fynn, on behalf of Somerby Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

  • development is important
  • Small organic development without adverse impacts
  • increasing number of young families living in the village
  • medium size units and affordable homes
  • families wish to continue living in their own community
  • still in keeping and with a proven need
  • careful consideration of design
  • will benefit the whole community


(c)  Keith Ebsworth, on behalf of the objectors, was invited to speak and stated that: there were concerns regarding –

  • road safety and visibility
  • insufficient parking and no parking for visitors
  • drainage
  • loss of trees and bushes when widening the road
  • close to the boundary making property gloomy
  • doubt affordable properties will sell
  • village doesn’t have any facilities and is not sustainable
  • public transport is scarce


A discussion took place regarding screening and existing boundaries and the ownership of a hedge.


A Cllr raised a query regarding TPO’s.


The Planning Officer (JL) responded that the parish council had requested it as part of their late representation but it’s up to the committee if they want to proceed with TPO’s.


A Cllr raised concerns regarding access to the private road of Saxons Lea and also the height level of the site and asked if it could be level with the road as the land rises there.


The Chair responded that access via the private road is for the developer and the owner of the road to agree. If they don’t agree it would need to be a new application with a different access.


A Cllr commented that they believed the applicant had sent in amended plans and added 3 parking spaces which would equate to a parking space per bedroom.


The Planning Officer (JL) noted that they had not received any amended plans.


A Cllr felt that conditions regarding screening and materials should be added. False chimneys could be put on. Concerns regarding the double garage on a 3 bed house. Do not want this to come back any larger.


The Chair reminded Members of condition 2 and that enforcement would then be involved if this wasn’t adhered to.


Cllrs raised concerns regarding the road surface and the use of gravel. Felt it should be a permeable surface.


Cllr Greenow proposed to defer the application until Members have details of the materials.


The Chair noted that we have in the past invited the Ward Cllr and Parish Cllr to be involved in this process.


Cllr Greenow retracted his proposal and suggested that perhaps a  proposer would consider adding this condition.


A Cllr noted that if they couldn’t agree a material it would come back for Members to decide.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to  permit the application and leave the materials and conditions to the officers, Ward Cllr and the Parish Cllr. Also asked for a condition regarding permeable road surface.


Cllr Cumbers seconded the proposal but only if permitted development rights were removed.


Cllr Wyatt as proposer agreed.


The Planning Officer (JL) advised that both the surfacing materials and permitted development issues were already addressed in the recommendation under conditions.


Several Cllrs shared concerns regarding the size of the garage, design and materials.


Cllr Holmes proposed deferral due to concerns regarding the driveway, the water run off and the speed of traffic.


The Chair advised Members that they needed to proceed with the proposal to permit first.


A Cllr asked where the starter home was.


The Planning Officer (JL) responded that the application still refers to a starter home and will be provided . Conditions on the outline application are still carried over.


Cllr Greenow requested if the proposer would add an amendment to condition 1 to move the development along more quickly.


Cllr Wyatt, the proposer, disagreed.


A vote was taken. 8 Members voted in favour of approval and 2 Members voted against. There was 1 abstention.



(a) PERMIT, subject to the conditions as set out in the report;

(b) Discharge of condition 3 (materials) delegated to The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Ward Councillor and Parish council.

For the following reasons:

The principle of development had previously been approved at outline application stage. Following the receipt of amended plans, the proposed

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dwellings would provide smaller dwellings, suitable for first time buyers and those wishing to downsize. This size of property is considered to be in need in the Parish and wider Borough area.


Supporting documents: