Agenda item


Longcliff Hill House, Longcliffe Hill, Old Dalby


Applicant: Mr D Benbow & Mrs H Swale

Location: Longcliff Hill House, Longcliffe Hill, Old Dalby

Proposal: Erection of up to 8 dwellings with associated vehicular access


(a) The Planning Officer stated that:

This application seeks outline planning permission for the construction of up to 8 dwelling with access considered at this time, members will be familiar with the application that was deferred from the committee of 27 July 2017.

The application was deferred due to the late submission of information from the applicant, members will have now received the additional information which contained a detailed plan of approved housing development and their

relationship to the site, the information also contained a letter which raised

comment on details of the Committee report.

The additional information is not considered to raise any new points from those within the report but represents an alternative perspective of the relevant issues.

The application presents a balance of competing objectives, there are

significant benefits from this proposal when assessed under the NPPF in terms of housing and some smaller units being offered, along with financial

contributions offered to repair works for the village hall.

The balancing issues are considered to be primarily the location of the

proposal, which poorly relates to the built form of Old Dalby appearing

disjointed with the existing residential built form.

As such the application is recommended for refusal as set out in the report.


(b) Cllr Duncan Bennett, from the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Additional information adds nothing to the argument

·         Development would be a new direction into open countryside

·         Sets the precedent for further development

·         Agree with officer's recommendation


(c) Simon Proffitt, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Neighbourhood Plan had been submitted and the community made an

·         effort to create plan reflective of all needs and wishes

·         The area's housing supply target is already met and exceeded

·         Site is outside limits to development

·         Traffic management concerns - congestion, traffic impact assessment

·         not carried out, impact on safety

·         Narrow hill with a blind bend

·         Neighbourhood Plan carries limited weight


(d) Chris Green, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         8 residential dwellings

·         Sustainable location

·         Positive pre-application advice with no concerns

·         Small scale and sensitive approach

·         Mix of 3- and 4-bed dwellings

·         Existing street scene and open countryside will be considered

·         No objections from technical consultees

·         Balancing issues form limited weight

·         In keeping with locality

·         Adverse impacts do not outweigh the benefits


A Cllr sought clarification regarding what size the 3- and 4-bed dwellings would be.


The Agent advised that there would be a range from 900sq ft up to 13000sq



The Planning Officer advised that the housing supply trajectory had not been

examined as yet and thus is not binding. The pre-application advice had been

given months previously when a 5 year housing land supply could not be

demonstrated and thus the circumstances now differ.


A Cllr asked if the Neighbourhood Plan was at Regulation 16 stage or

Regulation 14.


The Planning Officer stated that it was at Regulation 16.


A Cllr asked if the infrastructure of the application had been looked at, for

example water and sewerage.


The Planning Officer stated that advice had been gathered from the relevant



Cllr Holmes proposed to permit the application as it is a sustainable area.

The plan shows a green space next to the site that has already been given

planning so she could not see how a refusal would stand up.


Cllr Wyatt seconded the proposal to permit.


A Cllr stated that they were uneasy about the recommendation as two

applications had been passed nearby with no issues.


A Cllr asked if a S106 could be requested for the village hall.

Cllr Holmes stated that she was happy to include this as well as the usual

conditions to permit.


The Chair clarified that Members were happy for the usual conditions to be

drafted by officers with added S106 condition for the village hall and



A vote was taken. 8 Members voted in favour of the motion to permit. 2

Members voted against.



The completion of a s106 agreement to secure appropriate payments for (a) the expansion of the local primary school (in consultation with the Local Education Authority) and (b) improvements to the village hall as set out in the report (£1904)


Conditions, the details of which were delegated to the Head Of Regulatory Services


For the following reasons:


The provision of housing would contribute to the NPPF’s objectives of

boosting housing supply. Whilst the Borough is considered to have an

adequate housing land supply this should not be regarded as an upper limit.


Old Dalby is considered to be a reasonably sustainable location for housing development and the site would relate well to the existing settlement, recently approved applications and is close to village facilities.


In conclusion it is considered that, on the balance of the issues, it is

considered that the benefit – the contribution to housing supply in a

sustainable location – outweigh the harm arising form the site.

Supporting documents: