Agenda item


The Paddock, Dalby Road, Nether Broughton


Applicant: Mr John Sim

Location: The Paddock, Dalby Road, Nether Broughton

Proposal: Proposed 9 dwellings and associated access Arrangements


(a) The Planning Officer stated that:

There are no updates to the report.


This application seeks outline permission for the erection of 9 dwellings, access, layout and scale are considered at this time with appearance and landscaping reserved for later submission.

The application site is located off Old Dalby Lane on the edge of the village, the site is currently utilised as paddock land.


On balance of the issues, the proposal is considered to offer benefit when

assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply and the smaller number of bedrooms along with starter homes proposed.


However the balancing issues are considered to be development that would be in a less than sustainable village and where the site is disconnected from the core of the village.


As such the application is recommended for refusal as set out in the report.


The Chair asked Members if they would suspend standing orders to allow Cllr

Dorn to substitute Cllr Bennett as the Parish Council representative. It was

unanimously decided that standing orders should be suspended.


(b) Cllr Dorn, from the Parish Council, stated that:

·         Total of 150 houses, 36 already approved provides 24% increase

·         Pre-submission of Local Plan classifies Nether Broughton as a rural

·         settlement

·         3 dwellings may be suitable

·         The site is unsustainable

·         No facilities other than a church, village hall and pub

·         Public transport reduced

·         Greenfield site, not integrated

·         Outside limited development

·         Negative impact on character

·         Contrary to NPPF

·         11 letters of support but none of these live in Nether Broughton


A Cllr asked if there was a bus supplied to Old Dalby and Melton Mowbray for

school transport.


Cllr Dorn stated that there is.


(c) Maurice Fairhurst, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Provide affordable housing to allow people to get on the housing ladder

·         Low lying, poor quality grazing ground

·         Not isolated, similar dwellings nearby

·         Footpaths links to other villages

·         Bus service and employment opportunities at the business park

·         Mixed use housing on 1.4 acres

·         Low density

·         Set back from road behind trees

·         One point of access to maintain highway safety

·         Not adverse impact

·         No objection from statutory consultees

·         Highways requirements met

·         S106 contribution

·         Housing is not being delivered quick enough so this would be delivered before the 3yr requirement

·         Benefits outweigh the harms

·         Not contrary to NPPF


The Head of Regulatory Services stated that it was conventional to put a three

year limit on developments, but perhaps this should be shortened in line with the agent's offer.


A Cllr stated that they liked to see small developments as it is easier to become part of a community.


A Cllr stated that the public transport is insufficient.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to permit the application as it is an acceptable site and

provides a good mix of dwellings.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal to permit.


The Planning Officer clarified that there would be a S106 contribution and normal conditions would be drafted.


The Chair suggested having the three year limit reduced to a two or one year



Cllr Wyatt stated that it should be two years.


The Chair stated that the application would improve the connectivity of the village as there are houses nearby.


A Cllr agreed and stated that it would be a good opportunity for young people to get onto the housing ladder. They requested a condition be added for the hedge fronting the main road to be laid. A Cllr considered this would be impractical because it contained some larger trees and it was discussed that simply ‘tidied’ would suffice.


Cllr Wyatt agreed to have this added.

A Cllr asked if a contribution for education would be included.


The Chair confirmed this would be necessary.


A vote was taken and it was unanimously decided that the application should be approved.


DE The completion of a s106 agreement to secure appropriate payments for the expansion of the local primary school and as set out in the report



Conditions, the details of which were delegated to the Head Of Regulatory Services but to include a requirement to commence development within 2 (years rather than the standard 3)


For the following reasons:


The provision of housing would contribute to the NPPF’s objectives of

boosting housing supply. Whilst the Borough is considered to have an

adequate housing land supply this should not be regarded as an upper limit.


Nether Broughton is considered to be a reasonably sustainable location for housing development and the site would relate well to the existing settlement, and provided a range of house types that would address current shortfall and assist the sustainability of the village.


In conclusion it was considered that, on the balance of the issues, it is

considered that the benefit – the contribution to housing supply in a

adequately sustainable location – outweigh the harm arising form the site.

Supporting documents: