Agenda item


Field 1357, Melton Road, Waltham on the Wolds


Applicant:      MHB Planning Ltd

Location:        Field 1357, Melton Road, Waltham On The Wolds

Proposal:       Reserved Matters application for 45 dwellings.


(a)       The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that: 

           The application was for reserved matters pursuant to outline permission

           The applicant is aware of concerns regarding the use of stone and has sought the Committee’s guidance in this regard

           He highlighted the areas of the application that have been the subject of contention, particularly where it adjoins houses on Melton Road.


(b)       Martin Lusty, on behalf of Waltham on the Wolds Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

           Clarified that the Parish Councils letter in July wasn’t specifically an objection. Generally in support of the application and want to see the houses built and be an asset to the village.

           Raised some issues and a number of them have been addressed.

           Still concerns regarding the aesthetics and road safety.

           Would prefer stone instead of substitute products. Disagree with the mix of brick and stone. Should be 100% in stone.

           There is a requirement for road safety traffic calming within the site but would like to see some outside of the site.

           Speed watch data and recent activity show that drivers are still exceeding the speed limit.

           A speed indicator was proposed years ago but hasn’t happened because of funding. Could this be funded by this scheme?

           Concerns regarding the junction.


A Cllr asked for clarification regarding the speed indicator and it was confirmed that it is the type of board which flashes with the speed at which you are travelling.


The Chair commented that almost one third of the current dwellings in the village are rendered or brick with no stone.


Mr Lusty confirmed that he was aware but that had been due to bad planning decisions in the past. Some of those houses are inconsistent with a conservation village.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services advised Members that with regards to the junction there were plans to adjust the width of road, relocate the central island and contributions to a beacon crossing. Although Waltham contains a Conservation Area, it is not the whole village and doesn’t include this site. In his opinion, insistence on stone seems unjustified for some parts of the site.


A Cllr raised concerns regarding the use of stone and insisted all houses at the front of the development should be 100% stone. They also had concerns regarding the width of the road and road safety.


The Chair reminded Members that the Ward Cllr can be involved in the process regarding materials used.


Cllr Holmes proposed approval of the application and noted that the houses would all look different anyway however there were still concerns regarding road safety. Asked if the Planning Officer could liaise with applicant regarding their concerns.


The Chair noted that the access/junction had previously been granted at outline and that they were now dealing with reserved matters.


Cllr Holmes added to her proposal requesting speed monitoring signs and for the entrance to be widened if possible.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services responded that they would try and open dialogue with applicant and reminded Members that access is not part of the application. They would be unable to pursue signs at this stage. The access road is a formal 2 way road that can accommodate 2 cars and has pavements either side.


Cllr Rhodes seconded the proposal and actioned planning officers to try to facilitate an improved access to the site. He supports that action being taken but understood it can’t be a condition.


A Cllr asked if the play area is equipped.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that there is a S106 which states that the play area will be equipped and maintained.


A Cllr asked what percentage of the houses would be stone and the Chair noted that the Ward Cllr will be involved regarding the building materials used.


A vote was taken and the Members voted unanimously to permit.



(i)         PERMIT, subject to the conditions as set out in the report

(ii)        That discharge of the external materials is delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Ward Member.

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