Agenda item


The Head of Strategic Planning & Regulatory Services to submit a report which advises on amendments to this Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.


In a report previously circulated, the Head of Strategic Planning & Regulatory Services advised Members on amendments to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.  The report summarised the process by which the draft Statement had been subsequently amended and the 12 week consultation period which had ensued from 31 August to 23 November this year.  The publicity and consultation exercise had resulted in two representations, one of which had been rejected as being frivolous.  Details of the remaining representation were appended to the report.  Members were advised that the Policy would determine the principles that the Council intends to apply in exercising its functions as the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003.


The recommendations as contained in the Order Paper before Members were moved by Councillor Wyatt and seconded by Councillor Douglas.  As Chairman of the Purple Flag Committee, Councillor Graham thanked Members and Officers for the preparation of this report.  Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: that the amended Statement of Licensing Policy be considered after the consultation period and adopted  on 1 January 2018.



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