Agenda item


Land at South of Hill Top Farm St Bartholomews Way Melton


Applicant: Mr Martin Brown

Location: Land at South of Hill Top Farm, St Bartholomews Way, Melton Mowbray

Proposal: Farm shop and associated parking and landscaping.


Cllr Greenow left the meeting at 19:35.


The Planning Officer (JL) advised there was one late item to report.  An amended plan has been received for the application which demonstrates the split of the development internally (with the proposed tea room). Therefore the condition relating to the drawings (no 2) will need to be amended to reflect  this amendment- 9th January 2018 (16/43/001)


The application seeks permission to erect a farm shop, associated with Hilltop Farm, located on Nottingham Road. It is required to be determined by the committee as approval of the application would be a departure to the 1999 Melton Local Plan. The proposed farm shop would be outside the village envelope and positioned approximately 1200m along the road from the host farm. The proposed development would require the construction of a new building. LCC Highways have not raised any highway safety concerns. 


a)         Maurice Fairhurst, the Agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

           There are currently no farm shops in the north of Melton.

           This is for the specific sale of farm products.

           It will sell produce made on the farm.

           It will be single storey and made of natural timber.

           It is a well landscaped design.

           It will provide a greater choice of fresh food.

           It will create more jobs.

           It has good parking on the site.

           It is supported by local residents as well as the NPPF and the Local Plan.


A Cllr questioned the proportions of the site that would be selling the produce made on site, and the proportion of the site that would be the tea room.

Mr Fairhurst responded that the tea room will take up roughly 25% of the site, and that of the space within the shop, roughly 75% will be selling goods and produce that is produced on the farm.


A Cllr queried the butchering facilities nearby.

Mr Fairhurst replied that there is a slaughterhouse in Long Clawson and another at Six Hills.


A Cllr queried the plans for both a nice view and for the screening in the plans.

Mr Fairhurst replied that with the correct screening approach, both can be achieved.


A Cllr asked about the produce and how much will be done externally and how much on site.

Mr Fairhurst replied that the produce will return from the butchers and slaughterhouse as ready for sale.


A Cllr questioned the electricity arrangements.

Mr Fairhurst responded that the site does not currently have electricity, but will have it installed for the application.


A Cllr commented that this type of development is very good, and the type that we are looking for. It will produce local goods for local people, and requires no new access roads.


Cllr Posnett proposed to approve the application in accordance with the recommendation.


Cllr Baguley seconded the motion to approve the application.


A Cllr states that this is a win-win scenario and should be approved.


A Cllr questions what would happen is the business were to fail.

The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services responded that it would have to have a Change Of Use application to become anything else.


A Cllr states that they welcome this application, and that there is a huge demand for this within the borough.


A Cllr comments that this application is very welcome, and that it will be very close to the proposed bypass.


A Vote was taken on the motion to approve.


10 Councillors supported the motion.

0 Councillors opposed the motion.

0 Councillors abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: APPROVED, subject to the conditions as set out in the report, amended as per the Planning Officer’s update, for the following reasons:


This proposed development would result in the erection of a building with associated car parking in a location that whilst not ideal for retail, is acceptable for the purpose of farm diversification, Farms and their associated ancillary elements are purposely not located close to the built form of towns and villages.


Information supplied by the agent demonstrates that whilst not currently on site,  the agent is shortly to acquire additional livestock to ensure that 75% of the products sold by the farm shop will be reared at the applicants farm, with the remaining 25% of products will be brought in from elsewhere which will include seasonal vegetables from local producers. There is also a small tea room element proposed which will supply home baked bread, cakes and preservatives. As stated within the recently submitted New Melton Local Plan, Melton Mowbray is England’s “Rural Capital of Food” and whilst Melton’s food and drink specialism provides bespoke opportunities and a degree of local resilience, farm businesses are under pressure to respond to pricing volatility and to adapt to environmental challenges which adversely impact productivity and farm income.


It is considered that, on the balance of the issues, there are therefore significant benefits accruing from the proposal when assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of boosting the rural economy.  Applying the ‘test’ required by the NPPF that permission should be granted

unless the impacts would “significantly and demonstrably” outweigh the benefits. Taking into account the proposed farm shop would be an ancillary use to the existing farm and provide income to support and increase the current level of farming activity at Hilltop Farm, it is considered that permission should be approved.

Supporting documents: