Agenda item


The Director for Corporate Services to submit a report to approve the Council’s Capital Programme for 2018/2019 for all funds and the sources from which that funding will be taken as proposed by the Strategic Planning Away Day held on 10 January 2018 and the Policy, Finance & Administration Committee.



Members had before them a report prepared by the Director for Corporate Services which sought approval for the Council’s Capital Programme for 2018/19 for all funds and the sources from which that funding would be taken as proposed by the Strategic Planning Away Day held on 10 January 2018 and the Policy, Finance & Administration Committee.  The projects recommended for funding in addition to those which had already had funding approved were set out in Appendix A to the report, whilst the Housing Revenue Account as updated in line with the refreshed Housing Asset Management Plan, was detailed in Appendix B.  Appendices C to F contained the detail of the full Capital Programme list for 2017/18 and later years by committee.


The Leader presented the report to the Council commenting briefly on the reduced nature of the Capital Programme in light of decreased central government funding.  He moved the recommendations as set out in the Order Paper and these were seconded by Councillor Higgins.  Following a vote, the motion was carried.




(1)       funding for capital schemes in respect of General Expenses for 2018/19 and the sources that funding will be taken from, be as set out in Appendix A, and;


(2)       funding for capital schemes in respect of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the sources that funding will be taken from be as approved by the Community and Social Affairs committee and set out in Appendix B;


(3)       delegated authority be given to the Director of Corporate Services to amend the amount in the capital programme for DFG’s once funding confirmation has been received.

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