Agenda item


Land off Sand Pit Lane, Long Clawson


Applicant:     Davidsons Developments Ltd


Location:      Land off Sand Pit Lane, Long Clawson


Proposal:      Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, together with new areas of public open space ,access, landscaping and drainage infrastructure


(a)       The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that:


This is a duplicate application to that considered on 4th December 2017.

           Issues are the same and representations very similar

           However one notable difference is the position of the LLFA who are seeking additional information regarding the impact on the adjacent pond. This is a ‘holding objection’ but given more fundamental issues we believe it is acceptable to proceed without resolution.

           Finally the recommendation – and Members will not this is based only on the content of the NP so only fair to point out it does not replicate the Committee’s full findings from 4th December – the heritage reason. This is recited in full on page 1 for reference


We have received a request to defer from the applicant:


Following the Committee’s decision to refuse the original application at its meeting on the 4th December 2017, adding a heritage reason for refusal contrary to officer recommendation, we have been undertaking further work to review the specific concerns of Councillors and have been undertaking further work to deal with the concerns raised.  It is our intention to submit this further work in relation to the second application.  We are also looking to address the additional points raised by the Lead Local Flood Authority.

Given the above, we are concerned that for the Committee to make a decision on the application before it has had the opportunity to properly consider this additional information would be clearly premature and prejudicial to a proper and considered assessment of the proposals taking account of all relevant information.


Accordingly we would strongly urge you to defer consideration of the application until officers and members have had the opportunity to consider the additional information we will be submitting in due course.  I would be grateful if you could consider whether, given the above, the item can be removed from the Agenda ahead of the meeting.


A response has been received from an objector:


a.         The Planning Committee strongly supported refusal of the first Sandpit Lane application both on heritage grounds and because it was contrary to the Clawson, Hose and Harby NP which carries significant weight.

b.         A good case was put on the heritage at the meeting on 4 December and indeed Heritage England has now reinforced its stance in the latest application in its letter of 20 November with particular reference to the Manor Farmhouse fishpond. How can the applicant consider that he can change History and provide additional information on heritage at this stage – they have had over two years to address this.

The Chair proposed deferral of the application.


Cllr Cumbers seconded the proposal.


A vote was taken. 5 Members voted for deferral and 5 Members voted against deferral. There was 1 abstention. The Chair had the casting vote and he voted in favour of deferral.


Determination: DEFER; to allow submission of the material referred to be the applicant addressing impacts on heritage assets.

Supporting documents: