Agenda item


Old School House, 2A Church Lane, Wymondham


Applicant:     Caister Castle Trust


Location:      Old School House, 2A Church Lane, Wymondham


Proposal:      Change of Use to form three dwellings including the demolition of the old canteen area


(a)  The Planning Officer (GBA) stated that:


The following application relates to a full application for the change of use of and old school house to three dwellings involving the demolition of the canteen area marked store on the floor plans.

They will be 1 one bedroom property and two three bedroom properties.

This is a re-submission of a previous application reference 13/00574/FUL that was approved in October 2013.


Since the publication of the report last week, there has been an additional representation in support of the proposal from a member of Parochial Church Council of St Peter's Church.

They raise concern over the amount of  vehicles park in the road which makes some manoeuvres difficult. It has been considered that the parking might be insufficient therefore for the dwellings proposed.

They are however in favour of the demolition of the buildings which are an eyesore and re-development of the site for private housing.


The scheme presents new dwellings in a sustainable village that will  re-use  a redundant building for two dwellings that meet local need.


They have been seen to suit highway access and parking standards.


It is noted that there is concern about the proximity of this development to the village hall bit it would still be able to function and is still subject to conforming to Environmental Health Guidelines. Any new development occupiers will also be aware of the nearby land uses.


It is considered to be speculative whether events would be held which in turn may generate complaints from new residents. This in turn would be the subject of further assessment under Environmental pollution legislation to determine if they are a statutory Nuisance based on volume , frequency and the nature of noise, and only could restrictions be imposed. There is further doubt as to whether any such restrictions would impact on the operation of the Village Hall and affect its bookings. It is therefore considered that, whilst the concern is recognised, there are so many ‘variables’ involved that it is far from ‘sound’, ‘clear cut’ or supported by firm evidence and as such would not form a legitimate reasons for refusal.


On the balance of all the issues therefore and that this represents a re-submission of a previous scheme it is recommended for approval as per the report.


(b)  Matthew Williams, on behalf of Wymondham & Edmondthorpe Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that: they have concerns regarding –


  • T1 cumulative impact on traffic flows.
  • Inadequate parking.
  • Building design.
  • Should minimise impact on general amenity.
  • Exit on to a narrow cul de sac. No off road parking.
  • Density – existing building just matches the footprint.
  • Contravenes neighbourhood plan.
  • Noise measures.


The Chair announced that it was 9.30pm and time to review whether Members wished to continue. He proposed to proceed to finish the agenda. A vote was taken and 7 Members voted to continue.


Cllr Baguley noted she would abstain from the vote and raised concerns regarding Members and Officers continuing.


Cllr Cumbers and Cllr Chandler also raised concerns.


(c)  Jenny Weston (Wymondham Village Hall Committee), on behalf of the objectors, was invited to speak and stated that:


  • Concerns with proximity of properties to village hall.
  • Potential for noise complaints, hall used regularly including in the evening.
  • understand proposed changes to national policy re noise from existing uses.
  • Only village hall in Wymondham for these types of events.
  • Noise complaints could have impact on viability.
  • Concerns of parking – 2 spaces per dwelling proposed, could be more vehicles. 7 vehicles belonging to existing Church Lane residents. More when services at Church or village hall.
  • Highway safety concerns. Lane is narrow – concerns over access.
  • 3 dwellings are too many, 2 more than adequate.


A Member asked if there had been any noise complaints previously.


Jenny Watson responded that there had not.


(d)  Adam Murray, agent for the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

  • 3 new homes, conversion of old school house, identified in local plan as sustainable.
  • Would support local facilities.
  • 2013 permission granted. Resubmission of previous proposal.
  • Attractive, high quality development.
  • Character, scale, massing and density considered.
  • Bolster underutilised dwelling and provide different size dwellings.
  • No technical reasons for refusal or objections.
  • Parking – revised from original version. County Highways satisfied with scheme now.
  • Consistently outlined willingness to submit noise assessment, willing to accept a condition relating to this.


(e) Cllr Malise Graham, Ward Cllr for Wymondham, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Village hall is the hub of the village and much used.

·         Would like officers to take up the applicants willingness to take up noise testing.

·         Church Lane incredibly narrow and the cul de sac has minimum turning points.

·         Insufficient parking for 3 dwellings.

·         Would welcome the committee to consider limiting to 2 dwellings.


A Member asked what the neighbourhood plans requirements were for number of parking spaces per dwelling.


Cllr Graham replied that the neighbourhood plan has a minimum requirement for 2 parking spaces per dwelling.


A Member expressed concerns regarding access for  emergency vehicles and asked if there have been problems before.


Cllr Graham responded that he is not a resident but can foresee problems. It is hard to get to the village hall and turn around after. Larger vehicles would have problems.


The Planning Officer (GBA) advised that the parking was to highway standards. Mitigation - a condition is imposed regarding noise. The village hall does have restrictions on hours.


A Member raised concerns regarding possible noise complaints.


The Chair responded that it is feasible that people would complain, however there is a process and there are already some restrictions regarding noise and times.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services confirmed that it is a possibility but is a concern for officers as reasons for refusal need to be based on  demonstrable grounds and his scenario contains a series of unpredictable variables.


Cllr chandler proposed to permit the application but wanted to see mitigation in conditions that new properties have treble glazing.


Cllr Wyatt seconded  the proposal.


A Member expressed concerns that it is over intensification of the site. The original permission has lapsed and we should go back to square one.


A Member expressed concerns regarding parking spaces and Condition no 9 regarding noise and asked if it could be assessed.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services noted that the noise check could be undertaken by environmental health.


Members expressed further concerns regarding parking and the length of time lapsed since planning permission was given.


Cllr Chandler withdrew her proposal to permit.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to permit the application and  Cllr Greenow seconded the proposal.


A vote was taken. 4 Members voted in favour to permit and 6 Members voted against. There was 1 abstention.


Cllr Holmes proposed to refuse the application due to it being a narrow road, the highway dangers, insufficient parking and over intensification of the site.


Cllr Faulkner seconded the proposal and added that it also goes against neighbourhood plan.


A vote was taken. 6 Members voted in favour of refusal and 2 Members voted against. There were 3 abstentions.


Determination: REFUSE, for the following reasons:

The proposed development by virtue of the overdeveloped nature of the proposal fails to provide a sufficient amount of private parking for the number of dwellings proposed and this therefore would be likely encourage the parking of vehicles on the public highway which already experiences a high level of on-street parking, and would be a source of severe danger and inconvenience to other users of the highway. This is contrary to Policy H7 of the Wymondham and Edmondthorpe Neighbourhood Plan adopted in (November 2017)


Cllr Holmes left the meeting at 10pm and did not return.

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