Agenda item


Beeby’s Yard, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray


Applicant:     Mr G Dawkins


Location:      Beeby’s Yard, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray


Proposal:      Conversion of existing buildings to form 7 one and two bed terraced houses and erection 4 two bedroom terraced dwellings


(a)       The Applications and Advice Manager (LP) stated that: There are updates to the report, firstly the revised developer contributions have been received from the County Council, no request has been made towards civic amenity or libraries, however a secondary school contribution of £29,853.20 is now required should permission be granted, therefore if members are minded to approve the application there would need to be a condition requesting the monies through the agreement of a Section 106 obligation.

Secondly, additional details have been sought from the agent following member’s questions at committee briefing, and the agent has confirmed that the gables could be Granite set, should members approve the proposal.

The application seeks permission for the conversion of the existing buildings to form 7 x one and two bed terraced houses and the erection of 4 x two bedroom terraced dwellings, forming a total of 11 dwellings.

The site is considered to be a brownfield site with a presumption in favour of development, with Melton Town Centre being considered a sustainable location for new housing development.

The proposal does sit within the Conservation area of Melton and many of the buildings contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the conservation area.


As such the application is recommended for approval as set out in the report.


A Member asked if it is a conservation area and it was confirmed that it is.


A Member asked if the cobbles would be made of granite and if not would like it conditioned that they are.


A Member disagreed and felt that cobbles are awful for walking on and difficult for wheelchairs and prams to navigate. If cobbles have to be incorporated then recovered ones could be used decoratively. Also concerns regarding the narrow entrance.


A Member raised concerns regarding access for the fire service and asked if they had been consulted.


The Applications and Advice Manager (LP) confirmed that the fire service is not a statutory consultee and not been contacted.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services commented that this is overcome by the length of hoses.

Cllr Greenow proposed to permit the application subject to a condition regarding granite cobbles and provision for a section 106 for secondary school contributions.


Cllr Botterill seconded the proposal.     


A Member raised concerns regarding the access point, over intensification of the site and lack of parking spaces.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services advised that there is no requirement for parking spaces due to its location in a town centre but 19 spaces had been provided.


A Member noted that there needs to be a proper flat footpath access as well as the cobbles.


Cllr Greenow, the proposer, agreed to amend his condition regarding cobbles to also include a suitable pedestrian access.


Cllr Botterill, the seconder, agreed.


A vote was taken. 8 Members voted to permit and 2 Members voted against.


Determination: PERMIT, subject to:

(i)            The completion of a s106 agreement securing a secondary school contribution of £29,853.20

(ii)          Conditions, as set out in the report

(iii)         an additional condition requiring the submission of access details to include granite cobbles and a pedestrian access



Cllr Posnett left the meeting at 10.20pm due to her declaration of interest.


Supporting documents: