Agenda item


The Director for Corporate Services to submit a report to update the Committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to 28 February 2018.


The Director for Corporate Services submitted a report to update the Committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to 28 February 2018.


The Corporate Services Manager gave an overview of the report and drew Members’ attention to 5.2 of the report that shows an underspend of £408k. It was noted that this is predominantly due to underspends listed in 5.3 of the report:


The Public Conveniences underspend is being carried forward into 2018/19. Works were delayed due to additional planning permission and the inclement weather.


Disabled Facilities Grant – this underspend can be carried forward.


Leisure Vision – It has been confirmed that the Football Foundation will not be able to claim the second grant of £45k and as a result of the interim agreement for the management of the MSV site to continue for another 4 years whilst the longer term vision is developed the capital cost incurred to date would have to be funded through revenue.


There has been some repayment of the warm homes grant which can be used to off-set the initial funding provision.


Project mandate for the ‘Footpath for all’ was considered by the Town Area Committee at the recent meeting in March as part of their consutlaton role and the feedback was that they were supportive of this project being approved.


A member stated being disappointed in the delays in procurement.


The Corporate Services Manager noted that in terms of the Housing Revenue Account this could potentially be due to resourcing in the team as well as time consuming contracts. It was noted that projects are being delivered on budget at this point which is positive and delays with the Beckmill Court Refurbishment are outside of our control.


A member asked what the reason for the delay on affordable housing in the HAMP is.


The Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration advised that this was a straightforward matter and updated members that he had been asked to sign off on the purchase of the property in question and so the matter had been resolved.


A member asked in which area are properties having new doors and windows as per Appendix A and if West Avenue and Sysonby Street can be expected to have replacement fittings.


The Chair noted that this is an ongoing project and so doors and windows are being replaced as and when necessary in all properties.


The Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration noted that as part of the Decent Homes Programme this is on track and is an ongoing process for all properties.


Councillor Holmes, as an observer, enquired about the public conveniences.

Councillor Posnett and Councillor Chandler exited the room as this point, declaring an interest in this matter due to their positions on the Planning Committee.


The Chair noted that the new public conveniences will save money as new system will be semi-automatic and well require less staff. The project was delayed due to a planning issue.


Councillor Holmes noted that these toilets are used predominantly by visitors and tourists who arrive by coach to visit the town and wanted to know how the project was progressing.


The Chair sought a proposer and a seconder.


All members were in favour.




(1)    the progress made on each capital scheme, attached as Appendix A, be noted along with the year end forecast position

(2)    it is recommended to the Policy Finance and Administration Committee that the financing of the Warm Homes Grant project is amended as paragraph 5.4 refers

(3)    it is recommended to the Policy Finance and Administration Committee that the source of funding for the leisure vision is amended from external funding to leisure vision capital receipts as paragraph 5.3 refers

(4)    after taking on board any comments from the Town Area Committee, the Project Mandate as attached at Appendix B is approved for inclusion within the 2018-19 and 2019-20 capital programme as paragraph 5.5 refers

(5)    the adjusted HRA capital programme, as referred to in Appendix A is noted. It should be noted that the budgets are being adjusted between projects and the total programme has not changed as paragraph 5.6 refers.


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