Agenda item


Butlers Cottage, 11 Somerby Road, Pickwell


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Kavan Brook Shanahan

Location: Butlers Cottage, 11 Somerby Road, Pickwell

Proposal: Demolition of dwelling and the construction of 5 "Alms Style" 2 storey dwellings and associated gardens and garaging off a new single access from Somerby Road.


The Case officer (JL) stated that:


2 further comments have been received in support of the application. Much of the comments raised are already covered in the report.


Pickwell is the adjacent village to Somerby a Tier-2 village which has a variety of local resources including a Shop, Pub, Dr's Surgery, and a school. Somerby would easily be able to support the needs of these new home-owners in Pickwell. A variety of Somerby local businesses would also benefit significantly from increased local revenues.


Application is proposed to demolish 1 dwelling and erect 5 dwellings, just outside the conservation area. The applicant has proposed that one will be provided at 80% Market rental value, however it would be difficult for the council to have control over this.

Cllr Fynn, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak, and stated that:

·         This is a welcome development in the area

·         The scheme is to a high specification and integrates with the village

·         It will not disturb local wildlife

·         It creates a new footpath to the village centre

·         No detriment to anybody locally

·         Impacts do not outweigh the benefits

·         Pickwell is not an unsustainable village

·         Disagree with recommendation to refuse the scheme

·         In the neighbourhood plan, there is support for local small schemes and small units

·         There is proven local demand in the area

·         Local support for the scheme in the village

A Cllr asked if there had been any comments against the scheme.


Cllr Fynn responded that there had been no objections to the application.


A Cllr asked that the potential harm of the scheme was.


Cllr Fynn responded that there was no foreseeable harm to the scheme


Maurice Fairhurst, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         The applicant currently lives at Pickwell Manor

·         There is proven local demand for housing

·         The village and scheme is connected to Somerby, it is less that 1km

·         The village is not unsustainable

·         The scheme is for traditional Alms housing

·         This is not a significant development

·         Lots of care and thought within the application

·         The scheme will maintain highway safety

·         The scheme will offer competitive local rents

·         One of the houses will be offered for 80% market rent value to local people

·         Parish Council support the application

·         Conservation officer supports the application

·         There are no objections to the scheme

·         The benefits of the scheme outweigh the harm


Cllrs had no questions for Mr Fairhurst


Cllr Higgins, local Ward Councillor, requested to address the committee.


As Cllr Higgins was not registered to speak, Cllrs held a vote on whether to allow a new speaker.


Cllrs voted unanimously to allow Cllr Higgins to address the committee.


Cllr Higgins, the Ward Councillor, was invited to speak, and stated that:

·         The scheme contains very high quality housing

·         This sets a high standard for local people

·         It has the support of local people

·         This scheme will enhance the village

·         The conservation officer states that the scheme will provide “Significant Gains” to the village and the area

·         This scheme will enhance the village, the whole ward and the entire borough


Cllrs had no questions for Cllr Higgins.


The Case Officer (JL) had no updates to report.


Cllr Holmes proposed to permit the application, with the condition that the dwellings must match the current plans. This scheme will be beneficial for the village and the ward. Small properties enable local people to buy locally, and not leave the area. Supports the condition of priority for local people, especially at 80% of market rental value. The Benefits of the scheme outweigh the harm.


Cllr Posnett seconded the motion to permit. Agree with the Parish Council, in that Pickwell is not unsustainable as it is so close to Somerby, and the benefits outweigh the harm.


A Cllr stated that this is a very good scheme.


A Cllr stated their support for the condition that one property will be offered to local people at 80% market rental value to encourage local people.


A Cllr stated that this is a great scheme, and agree with the proposal.


The Applications and Advice Manager (LP) stated that some parts needed clarification as this scheme would be subject to an S106 Agreement. Would prefer either the Local Authority Cascade or the Cascade suggested by the agent.


Cllr Holmes responded that we should go with the Cascade suggested by the Housing Policy Officer.


A Cllr queried whether there was a condition to remove Permitted Development rights.


The Case Officer (JL) responded that this was already included in the conditions.


The Applications and Advice Manager (LP) sought clarification on the conditions proposed, and whether the bedroom numbers were being conditioned.


Cllr Holmes agreed to condition that there would be 1 3 bedroom house and 4 2 bedroom houses within the scheme.


A Cllr stated that materials for the scheme should be decided between the officers and the ward councillor.


A Cllr noted that the highways conditions should be included within the scheme.


A Vote was taken on the motion to permit.


11 Councillors supported the motion.

0 Councillors opposed the motion.

0 Councillors abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: PERMIT, subject to conditions, the content of which was delegated to the assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services. 


REASONS: It is considered that the development of 5 houses to replace one dwelling would be of significant benefit which would outweigh the harm of the siting of a development in this unsustainable location. 

The proposed development would provide an element of affordable housing for local people, the application form has stated that the development would be for market housing. On the balance of the issues, there are benefits accruing from the proposal when assessed as required under the guidance in the NPPF in terms of housing supply. However, the balancing issues – the poor sustainability of the village and the conflict with the Pre Submission version of the Local Plan – are considered to be of limited significance and outweighed by the benefits.

Applying the ‘test’ required by the NPPF that permission should be granted unless the impacts would “significantly and demonstrably” outweigh the benefits; it is considered that on the balance of the issues, permission should be granted.


Cllrs Greenow and Holmes left the meeting at 18:58

Cllr Greenow returned at 19:00

Cllr Holmes returned at 19:01

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