Agenda item


Field 7900, Wartnaby Road, Ab Kettleby


Applicant: Chris & Ian Carr

Location: Field 7900, Wartnaby Road, Ab Kettleby

Proposal: Construction of 10 new dwellings with community carpark and bus turning area.


The Case officer (JL) stated that:


The agent states that they can provide a footway on the North side of the road but it will not meet 6c’s guidance of 2m width – but neither do most footways in the village. Notwithstanding this the applicant would agree to using the Southern footway if more acceptable to the Highways Authority.


The agent highlights the Parish Council’s comment was relating to dwellings “to attract young families as the plot is adjacent to the school” – the outline mix of houses is for two 2 bed, six 3 bed & two 4bed – this meets the requirement. There is no policy requirement for “affordable” social housing to be provided on a site of this size.


The application seeks outline permission, however access and flooding issues have been resolved. The site is not allocated in the local plan and does not form an exception site (as not providing affordable housing). The site is outside the village envelope.



Richard Cooper, as the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         Ab Kettleby is a rural hub in the local plan

·         Allocation site ABK1 is on the wrong side of the A606

·         This site has support from the Parish Council

·         Neighbourhood plan research shows that the village needs more housing

·         The village is sustainable, as it is a rural hub

·         Additional housing will improve the viability of the village

·         This site provides a play area and a bus turning area

·         This is only an outline application

·         Impacts do not outweigh the benefits


A Cllr queried the bus turning area


Mr Cooper responded that it is designed for the local school bus, which currently turns in a dangerous spot near to the school itself.


A Cllr stated that Ab Kettleby needs more housing or the village will die out. There is no bus service in the village but there are a lot of traffic issues and parking is problematic. This application has a lot of both positives and negatives.


A Cllr reiterated that there is no bus service within the village, but there is a bus organised four days a week by County Hall, that visits the village and Melton Mowbray town centre.


A Cllr queried how many dwellings have already been approved within the village.

The Applications and Advice Manager responded that 3 dwellings had been approved.


A Cllr stated that the current bus turning area is very dangerous, and that this scheme has a lot of positives and negatives.


A Cllr commented that this site is not allocated in the local plan, so cannot support the application.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services commented that the relevant Neighbourhood Plan is at the very early stages.


A Cllr commented that the neighbourhood plan should have no weight and that the local plan still only has limited weight, and this type of scheme should be supported.


Cllr Baguley proposed to refuse the application, in line with officer’s recommendation.


Cllr Cumbers seconded the motion for refusal, in line with officer’s recommendation.


A Cllr queried the location of the allocated local plan site within the village.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services responded that the allocated site is on the other side of the A606, and is for the same number of dwellings at 10.


A Cllr commented that this scheme has a lot of positives, and that a refusal may be inconsistent with the earlier approval of a similar scheme in Pickwell.


A Cllr stated that this scheme has a lot going for it, and that without development the school and the village will die out. This scheme is similar to the approved scheme in Pickwell earlier this evening.


A Cllr commented that this scheme is very different to the approved scheme in Pickwell.


A Cllr commented that all members supported the local plan and site allocations at full council meeting, so now need to support the local plan.


A Cllr stated that this scheme is against the local plan, and extends out into the countryside.


A Vote was taken on the motion to refuse the application.


8 Councillors agreed with the motion.

2 Councillors opposed the motion.

1 Councillor abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: REFUSED, for the following reasons:

1.         The proposed development would represent an unwarranted extension into the surrounding countryside which contributes to the village setting and would be detrimental to the rural character and appearance of the village, and detrimental to the character of the countryside. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy OS2 and BE1 of the adopted Melton Local Plan, Policy SS3 and D1 of the Emerging Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. It is not considered that there are material considerations present which suggest that the decision should depart from these policies.

Supporting documents: