Agenda item


37 Main Street, Great Dalby


Applicant: Mr Robert Bindloss

Location: 37 Main Street, Great Dalby

Proposal: Erection of one three bedroom bungalow with additional detached garage.


The Case Officer (JL) reported that there were no late items to report.


Cllr Johnson, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         There are concerns about this site

·         There are a change in ground levels on the site

·         There are surface water issues within the village

·         There are right of way and footpath issues on this site

·         This site is outside the village envelope

·         Support the officer’s recommendation for refusal of application

·         This site used to be paddock land

·         This is a greenfield site


Councillors had no questions for Cllr Johnson.


Robert Bindloss, the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

·         There were five years of negotiation before buying this land

·         Wife suffers from progressive Arthritis, so needs a bungalow

·         Want to remain part of the village

·         There was lots of rubbish and fly tipping on the site

·         The footpath was previously unpassable

·         Pond on site will be cleaned

·         Footpath will be far larger than it is now

·         The drainage and flooding issues nearby will be relieved

·         The site is not overlooking neighbours

·         There are no highways or traffic issues

·         The two traffic issues on site were caused by drunk-driving and not due to other issues

A Cllr asked how the flooding issues would be relieved.


Mr Bindloss responded that there will be a land drain created and a new drainage system.


The Case Officer (JL) stated that there were no further updates.


A Cllr stated that there is a lot of back land development within the village, which is supported by PINS, and there has been a lot of appeals recently in the area.


A Cllr stated that in this application, the benefits do not outweigh the impacts.


A Cllr stated that if the scheme is well designed, it may not damage the conservation area, and that the current application is only an outline.


Cllr Wyatt proposed to permit the development, as there is no substantial harm from the site.


Cllr Posnett seconded the motion to permit, as there were no objections from any statutory consultees, the land is within their ownership and the footpath will not be an issue.


A Cllr raised concerns about the footpath width, as it looks quite narrow.


A Cllr responded that the footpath will now be alongside and the length of the driveway.


A Cllr stated that they cannot support the motion to permit, as it is against the officer’s recommendation.


A Cllr stated that this application is only an outline application, so need more information before the impact on the conservation area can be accurately assessed.


The Case Officer (JL) stated that the conservation area is for a linear village, a fact which has been repeatedly been mentioned in appeals and appeal decisions.


A Cllr stated that they had concerns about the site access and the footpath.


A Vote was taken on the motion to permit the application.


3 Councillors supported the motion.

8 Councillors opposed the motion.

0 Councillors abstained from the vote.


The motion failed.


Cllr Faulkner proposed refusal, in line with the Officer’s recommendation.


Cllr Cumbers seconded the motion for refusal, in line with the Officer’s recommendation.


A Vote was taken on the motion to refuse the application.


8 Councillors supported the motion.

2 Councillors opposed the motion.

1 Councillor abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: REFUSED, for the following reasons:



1.         The proposed development by virtue of infilling an important green open area which lies outside of the defined village envelope would not preserve or enhance the Conservation Area and would have a detrimental impact upon the character of the area contrary to the local plan policy OS2 and BE1.  The proposal whilst providing some benefit or providing housing of a category to which the Borough is currently deficient is not considered to be of sufficient benefit to outweigh the provisions of the local plan and fails the core planning principles of the NPPF in particular Chapter 11 (Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment and Chapter 12 (Conserving and Enhancing Heritage Assets).


Cllr Botterill left that meeting at 20:04


Supporting documents: