Agenda item


Jubilee House, Station Road, John O Gaunt


Applicant:     Mr and Mrs Waldron


Location:      Jubilee House, Station Road, John O Gaunt


Proposal:      Conversion of existing stables and rear extension to form a new dwelling


(a)  The Applications And Advice Manager stated that:


The application before you seeks full planning permission for 1 dwelling in John o Gaunt by converting and extending an existing stable.

There has been 1 representation received since the publishing of the report which states

The planned conversion would appear to be a very good way of improving the future life-style of the occupants of jubilee House without having any adverse effects on the nature of the local countryside.

It is considered that this additional comment does not raise any further points that haven’t already been addressed with the report.

The proposal is recommended for refusal as per the 2 reasons in the officer report, which         consider design and sustainability.


(b) Cllr R S Johnson, on behalf of Twyford and Thorpe Satchville Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:


  • The applicant has the unanimous support of the parish councillors and support from local residents.
  • The house is currently too large for the applicants but they don’t wish to move away.
  • They need ground floor accommodation due to ailing health and may need live in care in the future.
  • Not visible from the road.
  • The rear extension would only be visible to one neighbour who finds it sympathetic to the local surroundings.
  • The turning circle would avoid the need to reverse in to the road.
  • This would improve the lives of the applicants and release on to the market a 4 bedroom home for a family wishing to move to John O Gaunt.


(c)  Maurice Fairhurst, agent on behalf of the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:


  • He was going to say a lot of what the parish council had said.
  • The property is currently too large for the applicants needs and they don’t want to move away.
  • The stables are redundant.
  • There is a continuous footpath between John O Gaunt and Twyford which enables them to take advantage of the facilities of Twyford.
  • It is not an unsustainable location and will not attract much additional traffic.
  • Can’t be seen from the road.
  • Only 50% of the extension is two storeys in height.
  • It will enable the applicants to live longer in their community.
  • It will provide another dwelling.
  • It won’t damage the street scene or the amenity of neighbours.
  • No up to date local plan.
  • The benefits outweigh the harm.


Cllr Higgins asked for clarification as to why the design formed part of the recommendation for refusal and asked if the officer had come back to him about the design.


Mr Fairhurst responded that he was not sure why the officers think it is a poor design and it hadn’t been explained why it is inappropriate. The elevation shows that it would be of limited view to the public.


The Applications And Advice Manager advised that the recommendation for refusal with regards to the design, is due to the size of the extension and the limited floor. It is not so complementary to the existing floor plan.


Cllr Holmes proposed to permit the application and added that the residents know the area and the floor plan has been designed to give more room when someone is less mobile or wheelchair bound. Permitted access granted in 2001. The redundant stables will be made in to a house. There are more plusses than the negatives.


Cllr Rhodes seconded the proposal and asked for clarification regarding the location of the proposed site in relation to Jubilee House.


Cllr Higgins advised that it will be attached to Jubilee House.


A Cllr noted that the benefits outweigh the harm and that it will be enhanced by the extra storey.


A Cllr stated that they didn’t agree with the recommendation with regards to sustainability and noted an appeal decision on 26.10.15 in the Burrough on the Hill, where it cited we should support the local economy. A cluster of villages is the way to go here but does understand the officers reason.


Some Cllrs added their support and were pleased that the building would be put to good use instead of costly maintenance to an unused building. Pleased to see it will retain the character of a traditional stable block. They were mindful of the support it had received from the parish council and neighbours and please to see it would be providing another home. They felt the Ward Cllr should have input into the design.


The Chair reminded Members that the Ward Cllr has involvement in all materials.


Some Cllrs offered their further support and added that it won’t make a lot of significance to the street scene. It is providing for a need and they are making their own facility for the future.


The Chair reminded Members that individuals specific needs are not a planning matter and that there is nothing to stop it becoming an open market property once completed. He asked if there could be the usual conditions and add one that specifically states that the applicant be the first occupant of the property.


A Cllr noted that the applicants have looked at other sites and had quite a journey to get to this application. If they were unable to occupy a house in John O Gaunt they would try in Twyford.


A vote was taken and the Members voted unanimously to permit.


Determination: PERMIT, subject to conditions, the details of which were delegated to the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services but to include a condition limiting occupancy of the dwelling to the applicant and his family only, to reflect their specific personal need.


Reason: the development will involve the conversion of the stable block, by means of a two storey extension is proposed to the existing single storey building. It is considered that this proposed extension, and the proposed detached garage with car port, would make good use of the building and secure its retention, without unduly intruding into the landscape. There are also benefits accruing from the proposal in terms of fulfilling the housing needs of the applicant. The balancing issues – the poor sustainability of the hamlet and the conflict with the Submission version of the Local Plan – are considered to outweigh the harm.


Supporting documents: