Agenda item


Land off Great Lane, Frisby on the Wreake


Applicant: Bellway Homes - Paul Coleman

Location: Land off Great Lane, Frisby on the Wreake

Proposal: Application for approval of Reserved Matters - 16/00491/OUT - Outline application for residential development with associated landscaping, open space, drainage infrastructure and vehicular and pedestrian access. Additional Information: density of development and provision of pedestrian facilities.


(a)       The Development Manager (LP) presented the report and stated that:

This application seeks approval of the reserved matters application following the granting of application 16/00491/OUT, the details for consideration are the design, appearance and scale of the proposed 53 dwellings along with associated layout and landscape.

The County Highway Authority have responded to the queries that have been set out in the report and have stated the following

“Road adoptions have advised that 1:15 would not be acceptable.  Given the constraints on this site, it would not be acceptable to delay resolving this to be dealt with at the S38 stage as approving the reserved matters on the basis of a plan which has sub-standard gradients would then result in a situation where the approved plan would not pass the technical approval stage.” 

This information has been put back to the agent who has stated

“In order to obtain the planning approval we accept that the roads will be at a gradient of 1:20 as per highways request.”

It is considered that the development brings forward a reasonable mixture of housing which would contribute to identified needs and provides 21 affordable homes, the proposal is one that is allocated for housing in both the Local and Neighbourhood Plans, both of which are well advanced, and this adds significant weight to the proposed.

It is however noted that objection has been raised through representations received which predominantly relate to highways and drainage, both of which are to be further considered through the submission of additional details to both the Local Planning Authority and the County Highway Authority.

The proposal is recommended for approval as per the conditions of the report.


(b)       Cllr Charles Sercombe, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

           Application is increase of 10% above outline permission

           Increased density

           Increased number of 4/5 bed houses, reduction of 2/3 beds

          45% of existing dwellings are 4+ bed therefore already adequate stock of these

           Short of smaller single storey dwellings

           Single storey bungalows completely removed from application

           Bungalows give more opportunity for residents to downsize

           Does not enhance village

           Cumulative effect is detrimental


A Cllr asked what the number of properties on the outline permission was.


Cllr Sercombe stated that it was 48.


(c)        Shaun Groom, an objector, was invited to speak and stated that:

           Concern for residents at southerly side of Great Lane

           Single storey properties would be more in keeping

           Impact on privacy

          Parking spaces for plots 9, 10 and 11 abut the properties 27 and 29 Great Lane

           Parking is close to boundary

           Tandem parking should be moved directly across from the properties

           The revised location of the foul water pumping station is still a concern

           Flooding issues

           Drainage from road into properties around concerns


A Cllr asked what the plot numbers to the rear of number 27 are.


Mr Groom stated they are plot numbers 9, 10 and 11.


A Cllr asked if there are currently sewerage and foul water problems at the moment.


Mr Groom said that there are none at present but the positioning of the houses causes concern.


(d)       Simon Harrison, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:

          Reserved matters application is the culmination of discussions with the LPA and local community

           Provides housing allocation of the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan

           Contributes to 5 year land supply

           Meeting housing needs

          Provides play area and seeks to retain trees and hedgerows to maintain habitats


A Cllr asked if the location of the parking spaces at plots 9, 10 and 11 could be moved.


Mr Harrison responded that it would need to be reviewed due to the open space allocation.


(e)       Cllr Ed Hutchison, the Ward Councillor, was invited to speak and stated that:

          Outline application presented as a gateway development with a good mix of housing, in keeping with area, additional play area and adoptable road

          Reserved matters application is presented differently with 53 houses instead of 48

           Imbalance with inclusion of 4/5 bed homes

           20% increase in the wrong direction

           50% reduction of bungalows

           Sloping area with wet bog is not a play area

          Need better housing mix and better central area, and road and sewerage infrastructure


A Cllr asked if any 2½ storey houses were in the original application.


Cllr Hutchison stated that the outline application never offered this.


The Development Manager stated that the permissions granted at outline stage did not contain conditions with regard to sizes, types etc. The description was “residential development”, stating no specification of or limit to the number of dwellings. The Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan mention approximately 48 dwellings, there is no limit to this number. The housing mix is not ideal but close to and concentrates on 2 and 3 bed houses.


A Cllr stated that 48 houses had been mentioned in the outline application.


The Development Manager confirmed this, however it was mentioned indicatively and there is nothing to bind this.


Cllr Holmes proposed to defer the application and suggested the applicants come back with a scheme nearer to what was suggested, i.e. 48 houses. Bungalows are needed so residents can downsize, and play area offered is inadequate.


Cllr Greenow seconded the proposal to defer and stated he has concerns for the location of the play area and the parking for plots 9, 10 and 11. Suggested a mixture of houses including single storey dwellings across the front of Great Lane.


Cllr Holmes agreed with Cllr Greenow’s suggestion.


A Cllr supported the proposal to defer and stated it would be an overdevelopment and looked better with 48 dwellings. Tandem parking doesn’t work and it goes against the attractive entrance into the village. Better to have a mix of bungalows and 2 storey houses.


A Cllr stated that Frisby does not need 4 bed houses, it would be overdeveloped, play areas should be central and it does not meet the Neighbourhood or Local Plans.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that with reference to the Frisby Neighbourhood Plan, priority should be given to 3 bed houses or lower. The proposal is for 53 homes, 34 of which are 3 bed or lower.


A Cllr asked if there was a photo or plan of the street view entrance to the village.


The Development Manager advised that is available online and the agent could be asked for further details.


A Cllr asked if the proposer would consider asking for a reduction in 4/5 bed homes and have 1 bed homes.


Cllr Holmes stated that she would like to see more bungalows.


The Chair confirmed the reasons for deferral as being the repositioning of the play area, the parking, and a need for more mixed dwellings.


A Cllr stated specifically the parking for plots 9, 10 and 11 and to include a mixture of dwellings on Great Lane.


A vote to defer the application was taken. 9 Members voted to defer and 2 Members abstained.


DETERMINATION: Defer, to invite discussion and amended plans to :

           Reduce the number of houses to 48;

           Increase the number of bungalows;

           Revisit the parking for plots 9, 10 and 11;

          Revisit the house types, including single storey dwellings, across the front of Great Lane;

           Relocation of the play area

Supporting documents: