Agenda item


Old School House, 2A Church Lane, Wymondham


Applicant: Caister Castle Trust

Location: Old School House, 2A Church Lane, Wymondham

Proposal: Change of Use to form 3no. dwellings including the demolition of the old canteen area [Re-submission of 17/01107/FUL]


(a)       The Planning Officer presented the report and stated that:

Application is a re-submission of 17/01107/FUL for same development which was refused on 1/2/18 for failing to provide in parking in line with policy H7.

One update is an objection that was received on Sunday that follows same lines as that mentioned in report

New proposal now adds this space which is deemed acceptable in line with the NP policy.

All other considerations remain the same and therefore approval is recommended.


(b)       Christian Semmens, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:


           In breach of Policy H7

           Addition of parking space does not address previous concern

           Extra traffic


           Conflicts with T1 Policy

           No attempt to identify how noise issue will be addressed

           Conflict with activities of village hall

           Extreme proximity to village hall

           Expensive repercussions

           Loses amenity value

           Detrimental impact on village hall

           Over intensification

           Breaches of Policies H7, T1 and CF1


(c) Adam Murray, the agent, was invited to speak and stated that:


           Revised version of scheme

           Issues of insufficient parking has been dealt with

           Level of development concerns noted

           Includes noise mitigation process

           No impact on village hall

           In accordance with Neighbourhood Plan


A Cllr asked for clarification on the previous reasons for refusal.


The Assistant Director of Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services stated that the minutes of that meeting read “intensification leading to car park issues” and that the reason was stated in full at the beginning of the report, for reference


A Cllr asked if the parking space had been measured as it looks small on the plans.


The Planning Officer confirmed that Highways deem it sufficient.


A Cllr had concerns that the layout of the car parking would cause issues for cars trying to get out.


The Planning Officer stated that both spaces in concern would be allocated to one home and it would be up to the residents to deal with this.


Cllr Botterill proposed to refuse the application as there is not enough room in when the village hall empties out, so it doesn’t work in this location.


Cllr Holmes seconded the proposal and stated that it is an over-intensification and there is no room to get cars down the road.


A Cllr asked if there are any rules on noise generated from the village hall throughout the day and they are used constantly.


The Chair advised that day time use needs no regulation.

The Chair asked the proposer if the reason of overdevelopment in the previous refusal still stands.


Cllr Botterill confirmed it does and stated the village hall is too near to the development. Cllr Botterill stated that nothing has changed.


A Cllr stated that they could not support refusal as the application includes reuse of an old building and does not want to end up with dilapidated old buildings.


A vote was taken. 7 Members voted in favour of refusal. 4 Members voted against.


DETERMINATION : REFUSE, for the following reason:


The proposed development by virtue of the overdeveloped nature of the proposal fails to provide a sufficient amount of private parking for the number of dwellings proposed and this therefore would  be  likely  encourage  the  parking  of  vehicles  on  the  public  highway  which  already

experiences  a  high  level  of  on-street  parking,  and  would  be  a  source  of  severe  danger  and inconvenience to other users of the highway. This is contrary to Policy H7 of the Wymondham and Edmondthorpe Neighbourhood Plan adopted in November 2017.

Supporting documents: