Agenda item


Land to the South of The Lane, Barsby


Applicant: Mr and Ms Featherstone and Harvey

Location: Land To The South Of The Lane, Barsby

Proposal: Demolition of barns and erection of one two storey dwelling, including access.


The Case Officer (GBA) stated that there had been one update to the report, and stated that a letter has been received from Cllr Janet Simpson, expressing her views on the application.


Jenny Hurst, on behalf of the Parish Council, was invited to speak and stated that:

  • Support this application.
  • Will enable greater efficiency in Farming.
  • Will renovate the derelict building.
  • Will improve the immediate area.
  • This site is within the village.
  • Site has safe access.
  • There is a local need for 3 bed houses.
  • This scheme is a high quality design.
  • Should support this scheme and vote to permit.


Councillors had no questions for Cllr Hurst.


Stella Harvey, the applicant, was invited to speak and stated that:

  • This site is not within the open countryside.
  • Site is located within the local village.
  • Applicants are local farmers within the community.
  • There is a local need for this housing.
  • Other applications have been permitted in Barsby.
  • There is a local need for 2 and 3 bed houses.
  • Village is only 1 mile from Gaddesby.
  • Barsby is not unsustainable.
  • There is a lot of support within the community.
  • There are no technical objections to the scheme.
  • Material considerations are in favour of support.


A Cllr sought clarification on what would happen to current house.

Ms Harvey responded that the current house would be sold.


The Case Officer (GBA) clarified that this is not an application for an agricultural workers dwelling. The applicant had made a clear statement to that effect.


The Chair opened up the application for a debate.


A Cllr stated that this is not needed to help the business, so there is no justified need; so cannot support the application, and Barsby is an unsustainable location.


A Cllr stated that this application is against policy, as there is no justified need.


A Cllr stated that this is an application for a farm, but it is not an agricultural application so this makes little sense.


A Cllr suggested that another application can be submitted for an agricultural workers dwelling, or that shows the local need for the scheme.


Cllr Holmes Proposed to defer the application - to analyse if the scheme was needed or had an agricultural tie.


The Chair commented that this motion would have to be for a refusal – the motion fails.


Cllr Faulkner Proposed to refuse the application.


Cllr Cumbers Seconded the motion to refuse.


A Vote was taken on the motion to refuse.


9 Members supported the motion.

0 Members voted against the motion.

1 Member abstained from the vote.


DETERMINATION: REFUSED, for the following reasons:


1.         The dwelling hereby proposed is considered to be located in an unsustainable location. Barsby as a village lacks many amenities that facilitates sustainable travel and therefore the proposed occupants are likely to rely on the private motor vehicle, which is against the advice in the NPPF and overall aims in creating sustainable development.


2.         The information provided by the applicant in support of the application does not show that the dwelling is required for the operational needs of the business, or that is capable of supporting a permanent dwelling on site as per the requirements of Policy D3 of the emerging Melton Local Plan and para. 55 of the NPPF.


3.         The applicant has failed to identify a required need for the development would meet a local need either identified in a Neighbourhood Plan or appropriate community-led strategy, housing assessment or other source of evidence and therefore is contrary to policy SS3 of the emerging Melton Local Plan 2011-2036.


Supporting documents: